What Kind Of Learner Are You

What Kind Of Learner Are You

More than likely, you are doing something wrong if you have trouble remembering things. This is very important when you are trying to remember Bible verses.

A lot of people believe that reading a Bible verse over and over again is the only way to remember what it calls for. This method does work for some, but not for all, because different people learn and understand things in different ways.

Taking a few minutes to figure out how you learn will help you figure out which ways of memorising will work best for you. This will keep you from feeling frustrated and like you failed at this and many other things as well.

What Kind Of Learner Are You

The three basic styles of learning

The three basic styles of learning are VISUAL, AURAL, and TACTILE (hands-on).

Visual learners are those who memorize best by reading and re-reading. They look at it until it is imprinted on their brain.

Read and Learn More Memorize Bible Scripture and Verses Quickly and Easily

Aural learners are those who learn best by hearing. They soak up information during lectures, enjoy being read to, and listen to someone explain how to play a game or put a bicycle together. Audial learners need to hear the Word to memorize it.

Tactile, or hands-on learners, want to do it themselves. They want something they can hold in their hands. Having something tangible gives them the focus they need to accomplish their task.

Do you know what kind of learner you are? Don’t worry if you think you lie somewhere in the middle, because from these three basic learning styles comes a more detailed assessment, which you will see described below.

So to help you get started in SUCCESSFULLY memorizing Bible verses, take a few minutes to assess which style of learner you are. Once you have, you will be able to choose the method of memorizing that will be the least frustrating and most enjoyable (and successful).

  • Visual learners: They like to read, are good spellers, have nice handwriting, are detail-oriented, and would rather watch to see how things are done before attempting something themselves. Visual learners excel by using flashcards, charts, and colorful markers.
  • Aural learners: Aural learners excel as long as they can hear what is being taught. Aural learners crave conversation and work best with music playing in the background, and by having directions and stories read to them.
  • Verbal learners: Love words. They excel in reading, writing, speech, and debate. Verbal learners are good listeners-they thrive on words-as well as being good storytellers and story writers. They get bored in lectures, though, as they would rather read it for themselves.
  • Tactile learners: Tactile learners excel in science, cooking, arts and crafts, sports, and music. They want to do it themselves and learn best when they are allowed to do things in steps- mastering one step before moving on to the next.
  • Logical learners: Love to reason. They prefer numbers over letters but will read if it is something they consider relevant and useful.
  • Social learners: Work best in groups. They aren’t necessarily competitive but need social interaction and comradery to keep them going.
  • Solitary learners: Love the peace and quiet when reading or doing almost any task. The solitary learner categorizes fun and learning; making time for both, but rarely mixing the two.

Were you able to determine how you learn best? Now let’s use that to get you into God’s Word and to get God’s Word into you.

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