What does Romans 8:34 mean?

Romans 8:34 Context

In this incredibly hopeful chapter of the Bible—Paul delivers the jaw-dropping news that Christian believers simply cannot be condemned.

He reminds us that, because we belong to Christ, we are showered with grace-filled blessings.

Including true freedom, privileges as children of God, and assistance from the Spirit in our prayers. That last point is where we’ll focus today.

Christ Jesus died for us

Romans 8:34 Meaning

Paul tells us that something mysterious happens when we don’t know what to pray. “Christ Jesus . . . is also interceding for us.”

Interceding is a fancy word for praying. And Paul thought this sort of divine intercession was important enough that he mentioned it not once but twice.

Think about it: All three members of the Trinity are working on our behalf. The Spirit is praying for us (v. 26). Jesus is praying for us (v. 34).

And God is always listening. The Triune God is assisting you in the work of prayer when you are tongue-tied and troubled.

In the same way, the spirit helps us in our weakness

Romans 8:34 Application

What is weighing on your heart today? Maybe the figures aren’t adding up when you’re paying the bills.

Or, if you’re a parent, maybe it feels like you’re failing to really get through to the young people entrusted to your care. Maybe you’re waiting for a diagnosis as you’re reading these words today.

Life can be pretty overwhelming and anxiety-inducing, and sometimes it’s hard to know how to pray and express our hearts fully and honestly.

Even if you can’t find the right words to summon divine help, you are not left alone.

God is with you, and he is in you. He joins you every day, in your everyday work and relationships, not only to equip you but to pray for you.

The Lord sees your clenched jaw, hears your sighs, and responds to your whispered plea, “Help me out here, Jesus, because I don’t know what to do.”

In his letter to the Romans, Paul says that Jesus not only listens, he is interceding for us! Is it hard for you to believe that Jesus prays for us? How might you take one step today toward believing that is true for you?

Try this: Call out to Jesus and ask him to do the heavy lifting in prayer, to turn your worries into prayers, in accordance with his will.

“I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”

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