What Does Romans 6:23 Mean?

Romans 6:23 Context

The Book of Romans is a letter written by the apostle Paul to the Christians living in Rome. Scholars believe he wrote it from Corinth and had never visited Rome up to that point.

The main reason for the letter was to give the new believers there a clear understanding of the basics of the Christian faith, the gospel, and the Christian’s identity and responsibilities in Christ.

Romans 6-23

Romans 6:23 Meaning

Romans chapter 6 is an explanation of how the Christian is dead to sin through Christ’s death on the cross; therefore, we shouldn’t let sin continue to rule over us.

Now, in Christ, we are set free from sin and are instead servants of God! In other words, we used to work for sin and received the “wages,” or payment, for our labors. This payment was death.

But now we are free of our old slavery to sin. We have a new master, and now we serve God instead. But working for God isn’t just like swapping out one boss for another.

We no longer have to earn our wages, as if we’re paying for our salvation through the good things we do for him. No, we could never pay him back for what he’s done for us.

He bought our freedom and salvation through the death of his beloved Son, which is of infinite value.

No, our salvation is not a result of earned wages. When God freed us from sin, he gave us a free gift—eternal life. This would have been impossible without Jesus Christ, who paid for our sins, clearing us of all debt.

We no longer have to live in shame and fear. We were bought by God and will live eternally with him! No matter what happens in this world, our future is secure.

Romans 6:23 Application

It’s hard to think past this present life sometimes. Things weigh us down—finances, difficult relationships, health concerns. But all these things are temporary. We will outlive any and all of those problems, and through faith in Christ, we have been given a free gift that overshadows any darkness or uncertainty we feel.

You are an eternally loved, eternally living being. Remind yourself of that every day!

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

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