Verse of the Day – Romans 5:1

Romans 5:1 Context

As mentioned earlier, the Book of Romans is a letter written by the apostle Paul to the Christians living in Rome. Scholars believe he wrote it from Corinth and had never visited Rome before.

The main reason for the letter was to give the new believers there a clear understanding of the basics of the Christian faith, the gospel, and the Christian’s identity and responsibilities in Christ.

Romans 5:1 Meaning

This verse begins with a, therefore, which means it is the conclusion to an argument. So what is the argument Paul makes in the previous chapter?

It is that justification (our being made right with God) is not the result of our good works, but of faith.

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Romans 5-1

Abraham, the father of our faith, wasn’t justified because he did good things for God, but because he trusted in God’s promises. So too with us.

Chapter 5, then, goes on to describe what being “justified” means for us. What are the promises we can cling to when we’re saved through faith in Christ? It all starts with peace.

When we were not right with God, we had no peace. We were not on the same side as the creator of the universe, so everything was wrong.

But once our sins are forgiven and we are on God’s side, we have access to the peace we’ve been longing for.

But it doesn’t end with peace. The chapter goes on to describe how we have access to grace and to God’s glory. Even our sufferings now have a purpose—they produce perseverance, character, and hope.

None of this—hope, grace, peace, purpose—is possible without being justified through faith in Christ.

Romans 5:1 Application

The gospel of Jesus—our being brought into a relationship with God through Christ’s death for our sins—is the basis of any peace we could ever hope for. Without that, everything else falls apart.

But with that, nothing is wasted. Stand strong in the hope of the gospel today! Remind yourself that Jesus loved you enough to die for you, and therefore you have access to a peace that will last forever.

Trouble will come, but it is temporary and will serve to prepare you for a glorious future.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

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