Titus 3:5 Niv – He Saved Us, Not Because Of Righteous

TITUS 3:5 Context

The book of Titus was written by the apostle Paul to Titus, his friend and colleague in ministry.

The letter was sent while Titus was leading a new church on the island of Crete, and it gives guidance about issues of church organization and how to live a godly life, as well as warnings against false teaching.

TITUS 3:5 Meaning

Chapter 3 of Titus begins with wise instructions about how to conduct yourself in culture and society: Be humble and obedient to authority, live in peace, don’t lie about others, and be gentle.

While our cultural context is always changing, these wise words remain as a guide for what the Christian life should look like.

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Titus 3-5

The chapter goes on to contrast this lifestyle to the way the believers lived before they knew Christ.

They were foolish and disobedient and easily deceived, “enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures,” and lived with hatred and envy.

This is what we were like before Christ came to save us. He didn’t show mercy to good people but to evil ones.

Which brings us to our focal verse. Our salvation had nothing to do with anything we’d done but was an act of mercy by a loving God.

Through his grace, we were born again and renewed by the Holy Spirit. We are no longer what we used to be. In other words, there is a powerful turning point in the life of every Christian.

When you trust Christ, you become a new creature. You were once at war with God, and now you are in his family.

From there, Paul goes on to talk about our new lives as heirs of God’s kingdom. But with that privilege comes the responsibility to live up to our new position. Do what is good and avoid arguments and divisiveness.

TITUS 3:5 Application

Isn’t it a wonder to know that your hope in Christ has nothing at all to do with what you’ve done?

We often feel pressure to perform, feeling shame from our past, and that we aren’t doing enough in the present. But this isn’t the truth. That’s not how the God of mercy works.

Admit to God that you’re not good enough, that you can never earn his love. But thank him for loving you anyway. Then, place your trust in this God who loved you even in your evil state, who will withhold no good thing from you.

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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