The Third Blood River

The Third Blood River

The Blood River Flowing From Jesus’ Feet To Your Feet!

The Third Blood River Fact

Jesus was made to carry a very heavy cross. When they reached Golgotha, the place of a skull, the soldiers pierced the feet of Jesus through the cross. Immediately blood gushed out like a channel of river! Why?

The Third Blood River

The Third Blood River Application

First Of All, To Give Us ‘New’ And ‘Holy’ Feet

Before you were born again, your feet might have carried you to unwanted places where Jesus would never go! Places like cinema theatre, liquor shop, internet, clubs and so on.

Read and Learn More The Power in the Blood

The blood flowing from Jesus’ feet can cleanse you thoroughly. Thus your feet are made holy.

In the year 1992,1 sat at the feet of Jesus and wept. He forgave all my sins and made me totally New! Just like the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50. This woman was Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (Jn. 11:2). She sat at the feet of Jesus and wept! She washed the feet of Jesus with her tears, wiped with her hair, and kissed His feet.

Jesus said to those who sat around Him: “Because this woman loved much, her many sins have been forgiven.”

Thus she became a new creation. Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Have you received His forgiveness? Did He make your feet ‘new?’…

If so, what are you doing with your feet? Are you glorifying the Lord who substituted you?…

Tell Him your decision. Place your hand on your feet and say this prayer.

To Give Us New And Holy Feet Prayer

Abba Father, thank You so much for unfolding such mysteries about the blood. Thank You O God, for the eye opener. I am sorry if I have sinned with my feet by going to unwanted, unholy places.

Dear Jesus, wash and cleanse my feet with your precious blood which is flowing from Your feet to my feet. May I use my feet to glorify You hereafter. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Secondly, The Blood River Is Flowing From Jesus’ Feet To Your Feet. Why?

In order to give you ‘beautiful feet’

Romans 10:15 declares: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”

Isaiah 52:7 also says the same.

Psalm 1:1 says, as a new creation, you must not walk in the counsel of the ungodly; you should not stand in the path of sinners… All because Jesus.’ blood has sanctified your feet.
God has given you ‘beautiful feet’ so that you would take the good news everywhere.

Do you want to have beautiful feet?

If so take the gospel.

Be His witnesses.

Ladies go to beauty parlors and get a pedicure done. Then their feet look clean and beautiful. Some use nail polish too. However, the feet will look good for one or two days. Then again filth enters.

This reminds me of how I used to go and confess my sins to a priest every Saturday. As a Catholic, I did all rituals very piously.

After the confession, I came home and for two days I would be very good. From the third day onwards I forget everything and commit the same mistakes. Again I went to the priest on Saturday and confessed. This went on and on.

When I heard the truth of the Bible, I confessed my sins to Jesus, and once for all and I got rid of my sins. After that, I did not commit sins knowingly. If at all I did any wrong against my Lord unknowingly, I get a cleansing through His blood!

The Lord alone can give you beautiful feet. External cleaning will not last. You need to get a thorough cleansing through His blood.

Today the Lord made my feet beautiful and I am so glad the Lord is using me daily to take His gospel wherever He sends me.

Do you also want to surrender to the Lord?

Place your hands on your feet and pray.

To Give Us Beautiful Feet Prayer

Jesus, my loving Savior, forgive me for going to unholy places. Sorry for walking in the counsel of the ungodly, standing in the path of sinners, and sitting in the seat of the scornful.

Wash me clean through the blood flowing from Your feet to my feet so that I can have beautiful feet to take your gospel everywhere. I ask grace for it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thirdly, the blood river is flowing from Jesus’ feet to your feet! Why?

In order to give us feet like the ‘feet of the deer’… (Ps. 18:33).

Have you seen deer running, jumping, and leaping? If not real, at least you might have watched on ‘Animal Planet’ or other TV channels.

Beautiful sight, isn’t it?

I love to watch them running. They run as fast as they can especially when a tiger or lion chases them.

They run for their lives with their light legs.

We are commanded to run a good race and fight a good fight for the sake of the Lord. Lazy people cannot complete their race. God has given you strong legs and feet in order to use them for His glory.

In school, I used to participate in all sports. I love to play indoor as well as outdoor games. I remember taking part in the ‘relay race.’ There are 4 teams. Each team has 4 runners. The leader in each line holds a baton and runs.

She passes it on to the next person and to the next. The fourth runner receives the baton and completes the race. Finally, the team that wins gets the prize.

A number of heroes and heroines of faith have finished their race and now the baton is passed on to us. When we run a good race, always doing the will of God, they will be cheering us from heaven! “Come on, run! Don’t give up!”

God has given you and me feet like the feet of the deer. What are you doing for Him?

I encourage every one of you to run the race with all your might as I am doing, and receive the prize – Jesus! And God has promised that He would give us ‘new strength’ so as to run without being weary (Isa. 40:31).

Therefore run for Jesus. May God give you strong and steady feet just like that of the deer. God has promised to deliver you and honor you (Ps. 91:15). He wants to set you on high places (Ps. 18:33).

That’s why His feet were pierced and blood flowed like a channel of river!

Now receive that precious blood by placing your hands over your feet.

To Give Us Feet Like The Feet Of The Deer Prayer

Dear Jesus, I receive the blood flowing from Your feet to my feet. As you promised, give me strong and steady feet just like the feet of the deer so that I may do great exploits for my Lord and Savior.

Thank You Father for my wonderful feet. May I use them for glorifying my God hereafter. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Fourthly, The Blood River Is Flowing From Jesus’ Feet To Your Feet. Why?

To give you feet that ‘possess the land’

Do you believe this? Have you tried this by faith?

Yes. I believe I did possess the land in Hyderabad as well as in Kerala. God blessed us in Hyderabad for the Telugu people to see and glorify God. But our own people cannot see how much we are blessed in Hyderabad.

So our faithful Lord blessed us in Kerala for our kin and kin to see and glorify God. All credits for our blessings go to my Father in Heaven because we received financial help from not a single person on earth. God made me to lend and never to borrow (Deut. 28:12). Thank You, Lord!

I don’t know about you. But I believe and claim God’s promises. For all the promises of God are ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ through Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 1:20). Exercise your faith. Claim cinema theatres, bars, function halls, and acres of land and possess them.

Right now God is telling you: given you a land for which you did not labor, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant” (Joshua 24:13).

The earth and all its fullness belong to God (Ps. 24:1). If so, whose it is? All that belongs to God, belongs to us because we are His children.

And if we are children, we are heirs to all His inheritance (Rom. 8:17).

Before coming to the Lord I lived in a rented house with no furniture even. When I knew the truth of God’s word and His promises I started claiming them. Today God has blessed me with lands, buildings, vehicles, and everything lavishly. All because I am the daughter of a King! Glory!

God says: “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession” (Ps. 2:8). The problem with you is that you do not ask. You have a ‘grasshopper’ mentality just like the ten spies who brought bad, negative reports to Moses (Numbers 13).

Be like Caleb and Joshua with a positive attitude and positive words.

Let us ask God now.

Place your hands over your feet.

To Give Us Feet To Possess The Land Prayer

Our loving Father in heaven, thank You for unfolding the hidden truths. Thank You for making us Your beloved children and therefore heirs to all Your inheritance.

Dear Lord Jesus, you died on the cross and shed blood for us so that we may enjoy an abundant life. We pray for God’s people who are struggling for their livelihood. Provide their needs, Lord.

Those who have no house or land or money provide the Lord. Now I receive the blood flowing from your feet to my feet. Enable my feet to possess the land. In Jesus’ name, I pray Amen.

Fifthly, The Bllod River Is Flowing From Jesus’ Feet To Your Feet. Why?

In order to give us the ‘feet of authority’

Jesus says in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
Ps. 91:13 says, “You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young Hon and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.”

Yes. God has given you feet of authority! Authority over sickness, over debts, over demons, and all powers of the Enemy.

The authority lost by Adam was restored by our beloved Savior, through His shed blood. Sadly, very few Christians realize it and that is the reason for all their misery in life.

Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me” (Mtt. 28:18). Jesus has not withheld anything from the church. He has passed on all authority and power to us, His body.

  • Now, therefore, we are sons and not slaves (Jn. 8:35-36).
  • We are kings and priests to God (Rev. 1:6).
  • We are heirs to God’s inheritance (Rom. 8:17).
  • Jesus has given authority to our feet (Lk. 10:19).
  • Jesus has given us the power to do the same work He did and even greater works if we believe (Jn. 14:12).
  • Jesus has given us the authority to bind and to lose (Mtt. 18:18).
  • God has anointed our head with oil (Ps. 23:5).
  • The Lord has put His powerful word in our mouths (Isa. 51:16; Jer. 1:9).
  • He has given us a two-edged sword in our hands (Heb. 4:12).
  • He has put life and death in our mouths (Prov. 18:21).
  • He has trained our hands for war and fingers for battle (Ps. 144:1).
  • He has made our body His temple, His dwelling place (ICor. 3:16; 6:19; Jn. 14:23).

Do you realize your authority, power, and anointing? You are a Tower Station’ and a ‘mobile church!!’

All through the powerful blood of Jesus!

Let us thank the Lord. Place your hands over your feet and pray.

To Give Us Feet To Possess The Land Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for all this power, authority, and anointing You have graciously given me through Your Son’s blood. Thank You for Your constant presence, protection, and provision over my life. Now I receive the blood flowing from Jesus’ feet to my feet. Thank you, my Lord and my God. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen


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