The Story of Leah: Unveiling Her Biblical Significance

You Are Worth More than Second Best – Leah’s Story

Leah was the third member of Jacob and Rachel’s love triangle. And not unlike her sister, she wasn’t entirely at fault.

Leah’s Story

Leah was Rachel’s older sister and according to the Bible was rather homely and not likely to find a husband on her own. So Daddy Laban took matters into his own hands and switched the two sisters on what was to be Rachel’s long-awaited wedding day.

You Are Worth More than Second Best - Leahs Story

This fact, as you read in the previous chapter, led to years and years of backstabbing, deceit, and a highly dysfunctional home.

What We Can Learn From Leah

I know Leah was not completely innocent in this whole mess, but I cannot help but feel sorry for her. She was a pawn. She was seen as second-best…at best.

Lesson One:

You are worth more than second-best and don’t let anyone ever convince you otherwise.

Lesson Two:

Inner beauty is true beauty. Ask anyone (male or female) a kind, gentle, and sincere person always looks better than someone dressed in the latest and finest.

Lesson Three:

You are created in God’s image and God doesn’t make mistakes.

To Sum It All Up

Leah never had the chance to be the land of wife and woman she wanted to be. Don’t let this happen to you. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and be confident in the woman God created you to be



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