The Second Blood River

The Second Blood River

The Blood River Flowing From Jesus’ Hands To Your Hands!

The Second Blood River The Fact

Jesus was made to carry a heavy cross all the way to the Calvary. When they reached Golgotha, they stripped His garment and made Him lie on the cross. Then they pierced His hands with sharp nails.

Then the blood gushed out from His left hand and right hand, like a channel of river! Why?

The Second Blood River

The Second Blood River Application

First Of All, To Give Us ‘New’ And ‘Holy’ Hands

Through the blood of Jesus, our hands are made new and holy. Before coming to the Lord, your hands were filthy, doing sinful things which displeased the Lord.

Read and Learn More The Power in the Blood

But now you are washed by the blood of Jesus. So all the ‘old works’ or ‘dead works’ that are unprofitable should be put asunder. Use your new hands to do good work. Use your new hands to wipe away someone’s tears. Use your new hands to give a hug to a hurting person.

Use your new hands to help the needy. Use your new hands to clap and praise Him.

Now look at your beautiful hands and say: “My hands are not ordinary hands. My Savior has empowered them. My God has anointed them to do tremendous work for the glory of God.”

Now stretch out your hands and pray.

To Give Us New And Holy Hands Prayer

Lord Jesus, thank you for the blood flowing from Your hands to my hand. I receive a new anointing and new authority right now. Enable me to do only what is pleasing in your sight.

Take these hands and use them for your glory. Thank you, dear Lord. I ask this in your matchless name. Amen.

Secondly, Jesus’ Hands Were Pierced And Blood Is Flowing From His Hands To Your Hands! Why?

In order to give us clean hands

Psalm 24:3-4 says, “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands  and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully.”

Clean hands do not mean when you wash your hands with soap and water. Of course, that too is essential.

You should certainly keep your hands and your children’s hands clean and tidy so that you can avoid so many diseases caused by bacteria, entering your body. Or else you fall sick.

In the same way, you should get a cleansing of your hands through the precious blood of Jesus in order to prevent filth from entering your soul. Thus it makes you spiritually and mentally ill!

See the agony of Jesus! We read in Psalm 22:16: “Pierced My hands and My feet; I can count all My bones, They look and stare at Me!”
What an agony our Savior went through!

It was to give you clean hands, holy hands, new hands… I use my hands to write for Him, to clap and praise Him, to lift and thank Him, to stretch and glorify Him, and to do all in my power for the extension of His Kingdom.

How are you using your hands?…

What are you doing for God?…

Decide today that you will use your hands for God’s purpose.

Stretch out your hands open and pray.

To Give Us Clean Hands Prayer

Jesus, my loving Savior, thank you for piercing your innocent hands instead of my hand. I receive the blood flowing from Your hands to my hands. Give me clean and holy hands. May I use my hands to bring glory to Your name? In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Thirdly, Jesus’ Hands Were Pierced And Blood Was Flowing Like A Channel Of River From His Hands To Your Hands! Why?

In order to give us the power to ‘cast out demons’

Are you afraid of the devil?

Many Christians are afraid of the devil.

The devil is only a ‘duplicate’ lion (IPet. 5:8).

He threatens those who are weak and timid. The original lion is in you: ” Greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world” (l jn. 4:4).

Who is in the world?


Who is residing in you?

Jesus, of course!

The devil, your adversary is roaming about like a roaring lion.

The Original lion is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! He is in you. So don’t be afraid.

When you know that you have power over demons, they will submit to you.

In my meetings, I have seen demons flee from the people, slaying them down. I use the authority Jesus has given me. I point out my index finger and command the devil to flee in Jesus’ name. The devil has to obey! Jesus said in Mark 16:17,

“In My name, you will cast out demons.”

Yes, He has given you power.

Notice this verse: ” Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all, and to cure diseases” (Lk. 9:1).

You and I are His disciples today.

In Luke 10:17, we read, Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”

And Jesus replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Lk. 10:18).

Dear brothers and sisters, your hands are empowered through the blood of Jesus!

Now stretch out your hands and pray.

To Give Us the Power To Cast Out Demons Prayer

Dear Jesus, now I know that my hands are empowered through Your blood. Help me to remember this truth always and thus use my God-given authority. Hereafter I will not be afraid of the devil; on the contrary, the devil should be afraid of me.

Now I take authority in Your name and cast out every demonic oppression, depression, fear, discouragement, sickness, and all, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Fourthly, Jesus’ Hands Were Pierced And Blood Is Flowing From His Hands To Your Hands! Why?

In order to give us ‘authority’

In Matthew 28:18, the Lord says: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”

So I give that authority to you.

For what purpose?

  • Authority to lay hand on the sick (Mk. 16:17).
  • Authority to cast out demons (Mk. 16:17).
  • Authority to bind and to lose (Mtt. 18:18).
  • Authority to do the same thing Jesus did and even greater things (Jn. 14:12).
  • Authority to fight war against the enemy (Ps. 144:1).

David prays: “Blessed be the Lord Rock, who trains my hands for war. And my fingers for battle” (Ps. 144:1).

Yes. God has trained our hands and fingers to fight a battle not with family or church but with Satan. And victory is sure.

Read Ephesians 6:10-18. Apostle Paul exhorts all believers to put on the whole armor of God. For what?

He says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:12-13).

We have to cover fully from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet in order to win over the enemy. In our ‘left hand’ we should take the shield of faith and in our ‘right hand’ the sword of the spirit!

Thus our loving Father has equipped us with everything- All through the Blood of Jesus!

  • We are redeemed through the Blood!
  • We are protected through the Blood!
  •  We are delivered through the Blood!
  •  We are empowered through the Blood!
  •  We are sanctified through the Blood!
  • We are victorious through the Blood!

Shall we thank God for that?

Stretch out your hands to God and say this prayer.

To Give Us Authority Prayer

Our Father in heaven, Thank You for empowering my hands through the blood of Jesus, Your Son. Thank You for training my hands for war and fingers for battle. Now I take the shield off faith and the sword of the spirit in my hands.

Thank You, O God for the victory You have given me through the blood. I praise You; I thank You; I love You, Daddy. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

You can give a mighty clap to God with the powerful hands He has given you. Now receive the blood flowing from Jesus’ hands to your hands.

Fifthly, The Blood River Is Flowing From Jesus’ Hands To Your Hands. Why?

In order to anoint your hands for ‘good works’

” Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (Acts. 10:38).

Remember Jesus’ hands were pierced instead of your hands in order that you do good works and not bad deeds. Jesus is an example. Imitate Him. Jesus of Nazareth went about everywhere doing good. Now put your name in the place of Jesus.

I say: “Teresa of Hyderabad goes about everywhere doing good works, healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel, helping the needy, comforting the lonely, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the prisoners, caring for the widows and orphans….”

For our master said, “Assuredly, I say to you, whenever you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me” (Mtt. 25:40).

Eph. 2:10 says, “We are the workmanship of God, created to do good works”

Eccl. 9:10 says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.

In Jn 9:4, Jesus says, “Work while it is day; when night comes no one can do any work.”

God will not bless the lazy people. Hardworking people always have a good reward. All those great people of today came up in life through their hard work.

Read Ecclesiastes 12:1-13. Remember your Creator when you are young and healthy and then love Him, serve Him, live for Him before your hands tremble, before your whole body becomes weak. Do everything with excellence and great zeal.

Whatever talents are given to you, do not bury them but double them. Read Matthew 25:14-30.

Whatever God tells you to do, do it in obedience and commitment. Be faithful to Him. Do not listen to people; listen to God. People may pull you back from going forward. Do not look at your circumstances.

It is written “When Jesus of Nazareth was filled with Holy Spirit, He went about doing good.” (Acts 10:38).

Therefore, beloveds receive The power of the Holy Spirit and keep doing ‘GOOD’ in all the days of your life.

Let’s ask God to help us.

Stretch out your hands and pray.

To Anoint Your Hands For Good Works Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, I receive the precious and holy blood flowing from Your hands to my hands. As You went about everywhere doing good, help me also to do good works. Take my hands and use them for Your glory, Lord.

I surrender my life to You. May I be in the center of Your will always. I ask this in Your most precious name. Amen.


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