The Pursuit Of Goodness And Mercy

The Pursuit Of Goodness And Mercy

The Constant Companions

The psalmist David writes “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

These two words, goodness, and mercy, are constant companions in the life of the believer. They are always with us, no matter what we face.

Goodness is God’s giving us what we do not deserve. It is his love and grace, his kindness and compassion.

Mercy is God’s not giving us what we deserve. It is his forgiveness and protection, his patience and understanding.

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When we have goodness and mercy in our lives, we are truly blessed. We are filled with joy and peace, and we know that we are loved and cared for by God.

Embracing God’s Presence: Heavenly Father, we thank You for being our constant companions in life’s journey. Your presence brings us comfort, peace, and assurance. Help us to continually seek and embrace Your nearness.

Prayers for Awareness: Lord, open our eyes to recognize Your presence in our daily lives. May we see Your hand at work, guiding us, protecting us, and showering us with Your goodness and mercy.

Walking in Fellowship: God of Fellowship, deepen our relationship with You. May we not only acknowledge Your presence but also walk in close fellowship with You, sharing our joys and sorrows, hopes and fears.

The Pursuit Of Goodness And Mercy

Prayer Points:

  1. Express gratitude to God for His constant companionship in your life.
  2. Pray for awareness of God’s presence in your daily experiences.
  3. Seek a deeper, more intimate fellowship with God, sharing all aspects of your life with Him.

The Promise Of A Lifetime

The psalmist says that goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives. This is a promise from God, and we can trust that he will keep his word. No matter what challenges we face, no matter how difficult our circumstances.

we can be assured that goodness and mercy will never leave us or forsake us. This is a promise that we can cling to when we are afraid or discouraged. It is a promise that gives us hope and strength to keep going.

Prayers for Faithfulness: Lord, grant us the grace to be faithful to You as You are to us. May we honor our covenant with You and live according to Your will all the days of our lives.

Finding Hope in the Promise: God of Hope, in times of uncertainty, we find hope in Your promises. Remind us that Your plans for us are good, filled with hope and a future. Help us to live with confidence in Your faithfulness.

Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for a deep trust in God’s promises that endure a lifetime and beyond.
  2. Seek God’s grace to be faithful to Him and honor your covenant with Him.
  3. Find hope in God’s promises, especially in times of uncertainty, and live with confidence in His faithfulness.

Dwelling In The House Of The Lord

The psalmist also says that he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. This is a picture of eternal life, a life of peace, joy, and love in the presence of God.

When we have goodness and mercy in our lives, we are already experiencing a taste of eternal life. We know that we are loved and accepted by God, and we know that we have a place in his eternal kingdom.

The pursuit of goodness and mercy is a lifelong journey. But it is a journey that is filled with joy and hope. It is a journey that leads us to eternal life in the presence of God.

Longing for God’s Presence: Heavenly Home, our hearts long to dwell in Your presence. We yearn for the sweetness of communing with You. Draw us nearer to Your house, O Lord.

Prayers for Spiritual Abode: Lord, create a spiritual abode within us where Your Spirit resides. May our hearts be a dwelling place for Your glory, filled with worship and adoration for You.

Eternally Dwelling in God’s Presence: God of Eternity, we look forward to the day when we will dwell in Your house forever. Prepare us for eternal fellowship with You. May our lives be a reflection of Your love and grace.

Prayer Points:

  1. Express your longing for God’s presence and a deeper connection with Him.
  2. Pray for your heart to be a spiritual abode for God’s Spirit, filled with worship and adoration.
  3. Anticipate and prepare for the eternal dwelling in God’s presence, asking for the grace to live a life that reflects His love and grace.

In this chapter, we’ve explored the themes of God as our constant companion, the promise of a lifetime, and the desire to dwell in the house of the Lord. Through prayer, we seek to embrace God’s presence, trust in His promises, and prepare for eternal fellowship with Him.

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