The Power Of Prayer

The Power Of Prayer

This is the story of some of the happenings which led to the beginning ofthe China Inland Mission. The story first appeared in the pages of China’s Millions, the monthly magazine of C.I.M. which has been published since 1875.

Many readers asked that it be made into a separate book. Miss Guinness included it in the Story of the China Inland Mission, outlining the story of God’s goodness to C.I.M. until the beginning of 1894.

Because friends still wanted it in a separate small book, this new book has been published. Much of the material was taken from messages given in China during a meeting of our missionaries.

It is always helpful to us to fix our thinking on the spiritual side of Christian work and to understand that the work of God does not mean so much work for God, as God’s work through man.

In our special place of being workers together with Him, we see all the help and blessings given to a sinful world through the message of the Gospel. Yet, we should never lose sight of the higher part of our work – that of obeying God and bringing honor to His name.

In so doing, we make the heart of our God and Father happy by living and serving as His children. Many things to do with my own early life and service showed this part of our work clearly to me.

The Power of Prayer

As I recall some ofthe good people I have met, I think of how much is owed to those who never have been able to see the mission field. Many are not able to give large amounts of their material things. Yet they will be greatly surprised in the Great Day to see how much work has been done by their love, their sympathy, and their prayers.

For me and for the work that I have been permitted to do for God, I am very thankful to my mother and father whom I love and honor. They have passed away and entered into rest, but the influence of their lives will remain.

In about 1830, my father had read several books and was deeply troubled about the spiritual condition of China. He was especially moved by the travels of Captain Basil Hall. My father was a serious and effective evangelist at home but his situation did not allow him ever to go to China. However, he was led to pray that if God should give him a son, he would be called and honored to labor in that large needy nation that was then so close to the Gospel.

I did not learn of this prayer until my return to England, more than seven years after I had sailed for China. It was very interesting to find out how this early prayer had been answered. As I grew, I found myself to be in poor health.

For many years, my mother and father had lost all hope of my becoming a missionary in China. When the time came, God gave me good health and protected my life. I was given strength for much hard service both in the mission field and at home. This helped me overcome where many stronger men and women have failed.

I had many chances in my early years to learn the true value both of prayer and the Word of God. It gave great happiness to my parents to teach me that if there truly was a God, it was important for us to trust Him, obey Him, and be fully given to His service.

Yet, even with my spiritual background, my heart was still unchanged. Often, I had tried to make myself a Christian but failed in my efforts. I began to think that for some reason, I could not be saved. The best I could do was to enjoy the things of this world now, as there was no hope of heaven for me after I died.

I met some people who said they did not believe in God or the Bible and I accepted their ideas. I was very thankful for some hope of escape from the ruin that was waiting for those who would not repent of their sins.

It may seem unusual to say this, but I have often felt thankful for the experience of this time with unbelievers. These friends used to criticize people who claimed both to be Christians and to believe their Bibles, yet did not live by their Christian faith.

I often expressed the idea that if I claimed to believe the Bible, I would try at any cost to put it to a fair test. If it failed to prove true and faithful, I would throw it out completely. I held these thoughts when the Lord was pleased to bring me to Himself.

I can truthfully say that since then, I have put God’s Word to the test. Certainly, it has never failed me. I have never had reason to be sorry for the trust I have placed in its promises nor for following the directions I have found in the Bible.

My mother and beloved sister prayed for my salvation. Let me tell you how God answered their prayers. I was about fifteen years of age. On a day which I shall never forget, my mother was away from home, giving me the chance to have a holiday.

In the afternoon, I looked through my father’s collection of books to find something to read in my free hours. Nothing looked interesting so I turned over a box of small books, and chose a Gospel story that looked interesting, saying to myself, “There will be a story at the beginning, and a Gospel message at the close. I will take the first and leave the last for those who like it.”

I sat down to read the little book, completely careless about the Gospel message. I believed that if there were salvation it was not for me. I planned to put away the story as soon as it became uninteresting.

I should say that it was common in those days to call being born again “becoming serious.” By looking at the faces of some who said they were born again, it appeared to be a very serious thing.

It would be well if the people of God always had “newborn” faces, giving evidence ofthe blessings and happiness of salvation. If they looked saved, the unsaved people would have to call their condition “becoming happy” instead of “becoming serious.”

Little did I know at the time what was going on in the heart of my mother, one hundred kilometers away. She got up from eating dinner that afternoon with a strong hope for the salvation of her boy. Being away from home and having free time, she had a special chance to pray for me.

Going to her room and locking the door, she decided to stay there until her prayers were answered. After an hour, my mother prayed for me until at last she could pray no longer. All she could do was to praise God for showing, through His Spirit what had already been done – the salvation of her only son.

At that same time, I had taken up this little storybook. I was hit with this one sentence, ‘The finished work of Christ.” I wondered about why the writer had used the word. Why did he not talk of the atoning work of Christ? Immediately the words “It is finished” came to my mind.

What was finished? I quickly answered, “A full and perfect atonement for sin, that which I owed was paid by Jesus who took my punishment. Christ died for my sins and not for mine only, but also for the sins of the whole world,”

Then came this thought, “The whole work was finished and all that was owed was paid, what is there left for me to do?” With this, began the happy conviction, as light from the Holy Spirit shone into my soul, that there was nothing in the world to do but to fall on my knees and accept this Saviour and His salvation, praising Him forever.

So, while my mother was praising God on her knees in her room, I was praising Him in the old storehouse to which I had gone to read the little book alone.

Several days passed before I told my sister of this newfound happiness. Even then, it was only after she had promised not to tell anyone of my soul secret. When our mother came home two weeks later, I was the first to meet her at the door and tell her I had such good news to give.

I can almost feel my mother’s arms around my neck, as she held me and said, “I know, my boy; I have been praising the Lord for two weeks because of the good news you have to tell me.” I asked in surprise, “Why, has Amelia broken her promise? She said she would tell no one.” My mother told me that it was not from any human that she had learned the news and went on to tell me of her experience.

You will agree with me that it would be very unusual if I were not a believer in the power of prayer. That was not all. A short time later, I found a diary exactly like my own. I opened the pages to find that it belonged to my sister.

At the place it opened, she had written that she would give herself daily to prayer until God answered with the salvation of her brother. One month later, the Lord was pleased to turn me from darkness to light.

I grew up and was saved in a circle of loving family and friends. From the beginning of my Christian life, I was led to feel that God’s promises were very real.

I was made to understand that prayer was a very serious matter of doing business with God, for one’s self, or for others for whom we pray.

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