The Power of Parental Blessings

Blessing Of Parents

Either in our churches or in the meetings, on the radio, or on Television, we often hear the word ‘Blessing’.

There is no Christian never heard the word blessing. Nobody denies the blessings. Some people undergo fasting and waiting to obtain the blessing. In this worldview, we are not bothered how we pass but we are concerned about pass or not.

We may not see in what way we get the job. But we could see only the importance of getting the job. These are all worldly things. If we see spiritually, there is no importance to getting the blessing, but the importance is how we got the blessing.

We have to know the blessing whether it is the blessing of God or not. There are different kinds of blessings. But, only one blessing could lead us to heaven. That is the eternal blessing. Every Christian should try to get the blessing.

Blessing Of Parents

Suddenly, a man became a millionaire within a short period of time. He said that God blessed me abundantly. Is it the real blessing of God? How could we know? Somebody born rich and saying god blessed us abundantly. So that, god did not show us how the trouble was.

Dear friends! Which is the Blessing of God? Let us know how many blessings are there. When I am studying 10th Class, I have a friend. His father had the 150 Acres in those days. He became an inheritor of the property of his father. His father was the landlord. So, his son was also the landlord.

There are so many of the same categorized people. If the parents are landlords, the children inherit the property of their parents. Is this the real blessing? Think for a moment. A man, who got the property of 150 acres from his father, sold 70 acres within 10 years.

He may lose the remaining land within a few years. The son lost the whole property which was toiled by his parents. Is this a real blessing? He is the cause of the loss of this whole blessing. Is this is real blessing? Could we save this blessing? Think a moment with your heart.

Any parents in this world could not toil for themselves but toil for their children. They desire that their children will be blessed. Only their desire is that their children will be happy without any deficit.

But, is this desire can be settled? Are their children enjoying their whole property? Are their children in the blessing? There are so many children caused to lose the blessing of the whole property of their parents.

Dear friends! If you think that are blessings acquired from the parents which are the blessings, property, and what they have, you could deceit yourself. The blessings acquired by the parents are not real blessings.

Let us see in the light of the word of god, what are the real blessings. Psalms 5:12 says “For You, O Lord, will righteous; with favor, You will surround him as with a shield.

Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You”. The word of God strictly says that God blesses only the righteous people and surrounds tern with his shield. They will be joyful in God by loving God. If you are not in Christ, your blessings which are got from the parents are not the real blessings.

The blessings which get from your parents are worldly blessings. These are the blessings that will be in you until you die. But, these blessings never lead you to heaven. Only real blessings of god could lead you to heaven. Without abiding in God, there is no use even if you have blessings that do not belong to heaven.

Dear friends! The blessings inherited from the parents will be selfish. Somebody will bless you with dislike. For instance, they give the property with dislike. If you can see in the life of Isaac, we can find that Isaac loved his elder son Esau than Jacob.

To give his whole blessings to Esau, Isaac called his loved son and said bring for me savory food such as he loves and eat and bless you. Now Rebekah was listening when Isaac spoke to Esau his son and she did not like that all the blessings went to Esau she called and spoke to Jacob and she was made fraud to take the blessings to her younger son Jacob from his father.

Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him, and I shall bring a curse on myself and not a blessing. But his mother said to him, let your entire curse be on me, my son and she was dressed up Jacob as Esau to deceit her husband.

And she put the skins of the kids of the goats on his Kmds md on the smooth part of his neck. So, Jacob as Esau went to his father got a blessing from his father because his father’s eyes were so dim.

But, let us see in the light of the word of God that those blessings whether true or not. In the book of Genesis 27:28,29 written “Therefore my god give you of the dew of heaven, of the fatness of the earth, and plenty of grain and wine. Tef peoples serve you. And nations bow down to you. Be master over your mother’s sons bow down to you. Cursed be everyone who curses you, and blessed be those who bless you.

Dear friends! He got all those blessings with deception according to his mother. But, all these blessings are worldly blessings. Jacob got the blessing through his father. He left and fled from his father and loved mother.

This blessing does not bring him the courage. There is no cowardice and deception in the blessing of God. He could not keep much time the blessing as a true blessing which he got by deceiving. He only got the temporary blessing. Let us see in the light of the word of God how he got the blessing in true God.

In the book of Genesis 32:24-28 written “Then Jacob was left alone, and a Man (the angel of God) wrestled with him until the breaking of the day. Now when He saw that He did not prevail against him, he touched the socket of his hip; and the socket of Jacob’s hip was out of joint as He wrestled with him.

And He said[ “Let Me go, for the day breaks. ” But he said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” So he said to him, “What is your name?” he said ‘JacobK ” And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

Dear friends! First, Jacob got the blessing from his father. But this blessing does not save him from the trouble that he was faced. Hence, he was stead tears, beseeched, and wrestled with God and he could get the blessing from God.

So, the blessing of the parents is not a true blessing for you and for me. It is only for a few days. But, the full blessing is in God. There is one way to get this blessing but there are no bypass roots. Let us see in the light of the word of God.

In the Gospel of John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, 7 am the way, the truth, and the life one comes to the Father except through Me.” Let us see another verse in John 5:24 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life.

There is a true and eternal blessing in God only. The spirit of God gives life only to those who get this blessing. The blessings which are in the world will be stopped in the middle of our lives.

And the love of the parents of this world will be like these worldly blessings. For instance, Isaac loved Esau. Rebekah loved Jacob. Because of the love of partiality, Isaac and Rebekah lived without anybody in their olden days; even though they had two sons.

Dear friends and believers! Because, of the love of partial love and the blessing, we have to be countable in the judgment of God. You have to face the trouble against the love of partiality if you show it. Let us see in the light of the word of God.

In the book of Job 13:10 written: “He will surely rebuke you if you secretly show partiality.” Dear friends! Some show partiality openly instead of showing in secret. If God shows the partiality upon us, how can we live? Just think a moment.

I knew a family of partiality. Both the mother and father loved their elder son and they were showing partiality to their remaining children.

They admitted their loved son to the English medium school by paying a lot of money and they again showed partiality to their remaining children and admitted them into the government school.

Even in the feeding, they showed much difference upon the remaining children than their loved elder son. They feed the loved one with ghee. At last, they gave the twofold property more to their loved elder son.

If anyone asks them about this partiality, they just simply say, we were acquired. Finally, their loved son got a higher job in America. There were no boundaries for the happiness of his parents. Their son went to America and 4 years passed away.

Day by day, his mother becomes ill because of her son. At that time, his dad makes a phone call to his son who is in America and is shocked by listening to the words of his loved son. His son said like ‘Dad it is very difficult to come to India even though my mother was ill.

Examine my mother with an experienced doctor. If I have to come to India, I have to spend one lakh rupees and my heavy work will be broken. And I forgot to inform you that I got married and having a son.

Even if mum will die, don’t forget to take a video and say don’t forget to send it to me.’ It’s very horrible. Yes, these parents showed partiality and got the same love partiality from their loved son. We can expect that this parent is filled with great sorrow.

So, do not show the love of partiality. You should love all your children. Even if you show love to some of your children and show partiality to the remaining, you can get loss but no gain.

Dear friends! I never say that there is no need the blessing of the parents, but it is not eternal. When you never accept Jesus Christ and don’t have the blessing of God, there is no use for the blessing of your parents.

But, if you are saved in Christ, you could be blessed with blessings coming from your parents in the point of worldview. And you can get the heavenly blessing also. The son of David had more sons and daughters.

All these children had got the worldly blessing. But, we could not find in the bible that even one child among all his children never gets the blessing of God. And David was loved Absalom so much. We could find the blessing of God never came upon Absalom even David offered the hair of Absalom to God every year.

But we could find that he (Absalom) enjoyed the property of his father David. Finally, he fought against his father David, and died horribly. There was Solomon who has got the blessing from God and from his father David.

The only reason how got the blessing and admiration from God is that he offered his heart and pleased God and asked Him the sufficient blessing. Let us see in the light of the word of God in the book of I Kings 3:9,10 written as: “Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart… The speech pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing.”

Dear friends! Solon got blessing from God and was blessed as well as from his father David. So, if you want to get only the blessing of your parents, I can strongly say that you could acquire sorrow and hell.

Because, whatever you acquire the lot of money in this world, you have to leave here when you die. All these worldly blessings will be destroyed and will be passed away.

But, the blessing of God is eternal. You must be changed as a righteous man to get this eternal blessing, hence that the Lord Jesus Christ makes us righteousness. So, you must repent and accept Jesus as your personal Saviour.

Then only, you can get the blessing of God. Hence you can say, that my car, luxurious house, property, gold, and land are all these are symbols of blessing. Your car and whatever you have are a worldly blessing. These are all not the symbols of God’s blessing.

A man had an A.C. car and luxurious home and he was saying that God blessed me abundantly. Is it a true blessing? Because he doesn’t leave the world friends and doesn’t accept Jesus Christ.

Hence, these were not God-given blessings whatever he had. Without accepting God in his heart, all the blessings he had are not true blessings. A curry will contain all tilings such as vegetable pieces, chilly powder, and oil, and the fire to cook.

Hence, how it can get a good taste unless having salt. Just think a moment. Whatever we may have a lot of property, unless we have the blessing of God, we are void. You must be born again the real blessing of God. Let us see in the light of the word of God.

In the book of Psalms 133:3, it is written as: “It is like the dew of Hermon, Descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the lord commanded the blessing — life forevermore.”

Dear friends! The blessing of God gives the eternal life. Is the blessing of parents eternal? We can say bullock carts will become ships and ships will become bullock carts. For instance, we can say very great about some people among us who have no food and beg for food and eat in the early stage of their lives, but they have so many houses and cars.

On the other hand, we may see and say about some other people that they are rich but now lost everything and facing difficulty even in getting daily bread. There was a story in our village, about a rich family having a lot of property, 20 laborers, and hundreds of cows who are called very rich in the village.

They give a donation to every marriage in the village. But now, what happened? No rich can be in the same position as the rich always and no poor people can be in the same position as the poor always.

We may acquire property and may lose property. No man can bring richness by birth and no man can carry it with them by death. Just think a moment about what we could get; if we were deceived by all these worldly blessings that are true.

Dear friends! In my worldview, being born rich is a blessing. Most people can be blessed born rich and some can get a job and some more can get married. All these blessings can be used for a living but not the salvation of our soul. A man getting Rs.70,000/- salary per month and saying that this is the blessing of God.

Is it the real blessing of God? He can not sleep without drinking and doing evil things. So, is it right that he has the blessing of God? Think for a moment. This is the blessing of God, but it will not be a long time.

Only a few blessings will come through the parents and the pastors. But, getting the blessing of salvation is the chief responsibility that we have to repent ourselves to save our souls. In the work of God in my life, so many people expressed through telephones that they were blessed with prosperity because of my prayers.

Some of them said that they got the job and redeemed their debts.

And different kinds of phone calls can be received by me every day. But, every time I used to say to them that this blessing didn’t come from my prayer but from their faith and that this is not for long-time blessing.

You can be blessed through my prayers only according to the promise of God which is given to me. You can not flee from hell unless you will be saved. Your blessings never save you. Therefore, repent and you will be saved.

The salvation of your soul is the real blessing of God. The unstable blessing, unchanged blessing, a blessing which is unable to theft, a blessing which will support you forever, a blessing which flees us from hell, and a blessing which leads us to sit on the right hand of God, a blessing which commands the nature and a blessing which will never go away from us are the blessings of God.

You have to know that the love and blessings of our parents will be stopped and cut off in the middle of our lives. The blessing that will be with you and beside you always is the blessing of God.

If you want to get the blessing of God, initially, you have to confess that you are a sinner and repent of your sins. The confessed heart is repentance. If you repent, you must be baptized. All your works must pleased by God. You must be obedient. Then you could get the precious blessing of God.

Dear friends! The blessings that we are seeing are not the real blessings. Those blessings never deliver and save you from trouble. Our hearts were broken by the train accident of Gowthami Express which occurred in the month of August of 2008.

No one knows how the fire was fired in the middle of the train. The fire was fired when all the passengers were in deep sleep. So many of them, ran away to save themselves without caring about their luggage, children, and family members

One of them escaped from the fire accident and ran away and stood and cried about his wife and my son that they were firing. But everyone is unable to save those people from the fire. The approximate number of deaths is more than 50. All people died alive.

All the people in the coaches were fired and died until they became ashes. The officers were unable to find whether the male or female. There are doctors and rich people in the accident. So many were shouted to save them from burning, but no one unable to save them.

Dear friends! There are so many people having the property and having the blessing of their parents, but no one is able to escape and deliver from this terrible train accident. Such types of accidents were happening among us. It is not yours which think that it is mine and it is mine.

Even anyone born in the family of a king is living poor nowadays. King David acquired so much property and his children inherited his property they didn’t get the blessing of God. The blessing of God Is more valuable and precious than 1000 fold and the blessing of this world.

Loving God more than the property of this world and the relations of this world is the only way to get the blessing of God. Then only you can inherit to get the blessing of God. Therefore, let us try to get the blessing of God.

Come out of thinking of the world blessing of the parents. We knew the story of the lost son. He took out the property of his portion from his father and journeyed to a far country from his father and there wasted his possessions which blessing was given by his father with prodigal living.

But when he had spent all, there arose a severe famine in the land and he began to be in want and joined went to field to feed the swine. And he tried to eat the pods that the swine ate but he was unable to fill his stomach with the pods.

Finally, he thinks that there was sufficient food for the servants of my father, but, here I am suffering from hunger. Then, he went to his father to join as a servant with the servants of his fathers. Hence, we can see in Luke 15:11-20 that this loving father kissed him and gave him the same position.

Dear friends! We have seen how long the blessing of the parents stands. The property given by the parents was acquired by hard work, and the children wasted the whole property before their parents.

Is it a real blessing? Is this blessing save your children from the hell? Just think a moment. You could desire that children will be live with peach and happy if you love your children with your whole heart.

Just say it is right or not. Even a thief would desire his son to be positioned in society. A farmer would desire to acquire more than he acquired the property to his son without selling his old property.

A teacher would desire that their children would be in a higher position than their position. Hence, what should desire that the Christian parents? And what kind of blessing they should give to their children? There are the elating and the diminished property in Christ in heaven.

The eternal life is in heaven. Hence, think a moment about what are acquiring for your children. There are so many people proud of their children.

For instance, some say that my son got a job, some others say that my son got a very rich match, some say that my son acquired a lack of rupees and most people say that my son got a seat in the U.S.A only because of the blessing of God. And there was such kind of people who said the same things.

But, I used to ask them if their children believed in God. Are they praying daily? Are they attending the every Sunday church services regularly? Are they baptized? Then they simply answer me like, pastor please pray for our children. There are so many such kinds of people.

It is very sad. Let us see in the light of the word of God that really their children what they have to do. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from if’ Let us see one more verse.

In Lamentations 2:19 is written “Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches; Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him for the life of your young children,…..”

Dear friends! If you really teach the word of God to your children in their childhood, they never give importance to the world’s things. They will give importance only to the precious things which are the prayer and the blessing of God.

The parents who really loved their children could have the heavenly idea from the childhood of their children. They hunger much for their children in prayer and they could have the desire for the salvation of the souls of their children. If you really love your, children, can you bear in your heart that your children are burning and calling you as a mum…. mum… and dad… dad?

Just think a moment for your children! If you share the world’s blessings instead of sharing the blessing of God with loved children, they go to doom of the hell. Just think a moment about how your children will be if they are crying in burning hell.

It is not my intention that you share your property with your children. So, are you preparing your children to get the un-decreasing property with your worldly property? The children could live with the peace of the heavenly blessing of God but not with the blessings of this world.

They could be happy and healthy. They could be sharing happiness even in the troubles. So, will you try to get a worldly blessing or a heavenly blessing? Just think a moment. The parents who really love their children must have a great desire for the salvation of their children.

Dear friends! One of the parents said that they don’t have grief about their children and they all got jobs and got married and settled in higher positions. They think that this is a blessing and are happily proud of it. And another parent said like, we are so happy even our children don’t have the job.

All our children are saved in Christ. We are full of blessings whether they get a job or not. So, we don’t bother about our children. We share with them the property of God’s blessing even don’t share any property of this world. You just answer me, among them who really loved their children?

Dear friends! I am always proud of my parents because they never bothered me even when I didn’t have the daily bread, but they never left me even one day unless I prayed in the presence of God. My mother used to guide me to read the book of Proverb.

My mother used to lay her hands on my head and kneel down always in prayer-at head my side when I was sleeping. The happiness of my mother when I was filled with the Holy Spirit is at my sight even today.

Really, I never felt this much of happy even when I was in the profession of Doctor. When I was in the profession of Doctor, I felt the same happiness. That is there was no boundary to my mother, when I was saying that I want Jesus, I will do the work of God by leaving the profession of Doctor.

I can not express my feelings in words about the happiness of my mother and my wife when I sold our gold and bike and spent it in the work of God in the beginning days of my ministry.

In the beginning days, I saw the tears in the eyes of my mother when I read the book “What are the Reasons for Human Diseases? How can he redeemed?’ which was written by me by the inspiration of God.

Those tears came with rejoicing.

Dear friends! My parents have given me a precious blessing. I can strongly say that I was led in the way of salvation was the blessing of my parents.

So, what you are giving to children? Are you giving them worldly property? or are you giving them a more precious blessing than the world’s blessing? You never accept them even for one day whether they don’t do the homework or they were dirty dresses.

You could provide them the very valuable dresses and motorbikes for all the children even don’t have sufficient money. But, why don’t you? Do you worry if you don’t give the precious blessings? Why don’t you keep them in your precious prayers?

Is it love that you have upon your children? What kind of blessing have your parents given to you? How long its stand? Are you giving the same blessing to your children? Let us see in the light of the word of God what Prophet Joshua said in Joshua 24:15.

But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Let us see another family in the New Testament. The book of Acts, 10:2 said: “a devout man and one who feared God with all his household who gave alms generously to the people and prayed to God always

Dear friends! Have you had the same experience that Joshua has? Are you praying daily with your family? All the people could get the blessing of God and the blessing of parents who have the same experience. This is entirely different from all other worldly blessings.

Only knew those who had experienced it. The daily family prayers are decreasing day by day There is no time to spare the time for family prayer because of a busy time schedule. Every day, after coming from the office, goes to bed due to tiredness. And on the other hand, children go and come back there and then.

So, the parents will think about how we can call them for family prayer by spoiling the time of their studies. Just think a moment; they never could pass in their studies. If their children fail and waste one year, the parents could suffer for them.

Those studies could not give them life and could not stop the death to live. Education is not necessary for everybody. But the salvation is necessary for our soul. The bible is saying that the living sinners are equal to the dead bodies.

If you have salvation you can reach heaven even if you fail in anything. If you don’t have salvation, the hell will invite you even if you passed in all things. The worldly blessings could not save you from hell even if you have them.

They never give you the peace or the contentment. So, are you thinking that you are happy with the worldly blessing of your parents? The earth, sky, and ocean are no longer. All these will be annihilated. So, what will happen to the worldly property? Even you will be no more.

So, think about the worldly property of your parents. The salvation of God is the eternal. All things that you think are eternal will never come with you. Only the blessing of salvation could save you.

Dear friends! Recently, I got a phone call. I was wondered by the conversation. He said unto me on the phone ‘Brother, I am a terrible accomplished robber. The profession of my parents is robbery. So, I have done the same profession. I used to go long camp of one week to Bhilai in Madhya Pradesh.

I used to rob on the way. I often cut off the nose and ears for the gold ornaments with festinate without caring even if they have been crying. I am a very terrible robber. I and even my entire family used to drink alcohol. We were in great sin in those days.

One day, one of my relatives came to me and gave me two books and suggested I read them and said This will be time pass for you. And he said unto me in the phone books How the World is destroying?’ and ‘How to deliver from the bondages?’ which were written by you, One day, I kept these two books in my bag and used to go to rob. I started to read these books when I was bored.

I completed the reading to the end of my journey. I was broken by the circumstances which were mentioned in those books. A voice was coming from those words while I was going through those books that if you die today, you will be burned in hell and your property never saved you.

And have you ever shown love to people? Have you ever been loved by someone? Then all of my nerves were stricken and I felt that my heart was falling down.

At the same time, I felt that I was burning in fire and looking around me so that anyone could pour the water upon me. But all are watching me like a movie. Nobody came forward and took me. My mind was blank as to what I had to do in the situation.

I was feeling and crying and crying that was burning. At that time, I started to confess to Jesus Christ O… Jesus…. save me then I never and ever committed those terrible sins. And I cried and asked Jesus: Jesus….. give me a chance to live for you and serve you until I die.

Then I was delivered from the situation. Then, I went to a church that was nearby me and I confessed my sins with great agony which I never and ever agonized like a child in my life and went to my home and explained the whole situation that I faced to my wife and my children.

Then they wondered and didn’t believe me. I tried so much to convince them. Then, I started fasting for their salvation before them without having little water and food. Then my wife and the children cried and beseeched me to take food.

Then I convinced them and said like: just kindly listen to my words at this moment and accept my decision. Let us accept Jesus as our personal savior. Jesus is the real God and said until you all come with me and take the Baptism, I never take the food and water.

Then they all started praying and realized the power of Jesus Christ confessed to their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. On the same day, we all took the baptism for our salvation. Even my younger son who was 12 years took baptism.

Finally, he concluded the phone conversation, with a prayer request to get the blessings of god forever and said to me only the words of your books were changed our lives. And he was expressed his feeling with happiness that your books sent to us by God.

Dear friends! This is the only real blessing God. The worldly blessing never gives you the satisfaction to your soul. The robber who was very terrible towards the people became a sheep. So, don’t lose the precious Kingdom of God by desiring for the desires of this world.

The blessing of your parents gives you the daily bread but it will no longer be with you. But if our parents were righteous and they showed the same righteousness in us, then we could get the blessing of our parents.

But all the people ran away for little things by losing their precious things. Some of the parents convince their children to admit them to difficult (higher) studies even if they don’t like them.

But they are showing the negligence to lead their children to the presence of God for salvation. If you really love your children and desire their good future, first of all, you must desire their salvation. Will you serve the food with chilly powder to your children even if you have prepared chicken biriyani you have cooked? Just think for a moment! You have carried your child for 9 or 10 months and gave them the birth.

In view of the good future of your children for their future after 20, or 25 years, you will draw a plan to give them a good future. With this only reason, you will admit them in a well-educated school by investing a lot of money and effort in them for a good future.

Some parents got good results for their children as per their plan, what they have planned before. Some of the parents do not get the good results that they planned before and place their children in different jobs than they expected.

Some of the parents paid the L.I.C policies in view of their children. All these are good. But why don’t they keep precious things in their minds? Let us see in the light of the word of God what the precious thing is in the book of Mark 8:36, 37 “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and losses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul.”

Dear friends! Everyone asks themselves the same question what are we trying” for? Even if we have the TV, DVD, refrigerator, fans, iron box, and whatever we have in our home, there is no use unless we have an electricity connection.

In the same way, even if you have the blessings of this world, if you don’t have a living soul, what is the use of the worldly blessing? A man can speak in any language and can see and be in a higher position if he has the soul only. All of his name and fame after he died. The dead body is never kept at home.

Hence, we gave the importance to the soul but not to the body. The dried tree is greater than the body which doesn’t have the soul. So, there is so much of value for the soul than all things in the world. There is nothing more than the world.

There was the Alexander having the desire to defeat the entire world. But he lost his soul with a little fever. After the death, all are equal whether they were kings or the poor. But the blessed are those who saved this valuable soul. You and I have to face death.

But the second death will take place by those who are not in Christ. All are blessed with those who are in Christ. They only inherit heaven. There was a limit for this world only to the blessing of parents.

Whatever you got the property from your parents, you too share your property with your children. There will be no chance to disagree unless you share. Let us see in the light of the word of God what kind of fact said in Ecclesiastes 2:18 “Then I hated all my labor in which I had toiled under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who will come after me”

Dear friends! David kept his property to his son Solomon, and Solomon kept to his son Rehoboam. If we think about one by one, no one took with them when they die. Everything is vanity what we have done for our children.

Only one could be ever more which belongs to God. That’s why, the wise man Solomon states in the book of Ecclesiastes 3:14 “I know that whatever God does, It shall be forever…”

But we are thinking? Are thinking that you are doing well for our children? Are you thinking that you are doing the eternal things for your children? I think that there is no one having more wealth than Solomon in this world.

But what you are thinking about? Whatever you have done in this world is not eternal and it will be no longer. God’s works are only eternal in this world. So, are you trying to acquire the eternal blessings for your children?

Or will you try for them the useless things? Think a moment about what you are trying for. If you want to know more about it thoroughly, read the book “Busy Busy… Busy What you are gaining?

Dear friends! We should acquire eternal life and blessings and you should share the same thing with your children. One of the pastors I knew, serving the Lord had four children. All his children were in higher studies.

He said that all of my children were in higher positions and got good jobs. He kept the great desire upon his children to send anyone some of them to America for the purpose of a job. All these are the worldly blessings.

But his children don’t have the God’s blessing. All his four children were fallen in the world. He doesn’t have pain upon his children even if they fall into worldly habits, they don’t attend church. He expressed that – I have done the work of god and faced crucial problems with lack of food and shelter.

So my children should not face the same problems and troubles that I have faced before. And the troubles and problems should pass away with me but not with my children. What a sad thing it is. What a terrible love it is.

So many suggests to send your children to the work of God. But they desire their children to do good jobs and they desire to send them to America. Just think for a moment about whether it is reasonable are not. If we believe in god and have God’s love, we should try to share the blessings even when we face troubles. So, the blessings of this world were never equal to the god’s blessings.

Oh, my dear friends! O my dear young men! Do not delight in the blessing of your parents and for your education that it is God’s blessing. Do not deceive yourself that your job is the god’s blessing.

These will not be evermore. You have to know that all the parts of our body; eating and our body have been done by God only. These are all the blessings of god, but not eternal. It is not sufficient for your salvation if you are satisfied with these blessings.

Some animals can be grown in the rich man’s home and some can be roaming in the streets. These animals are not precious even these animals were grown in the rich men’s homes.

Therefore, even if we are born into noble families, could we be blessed? Is this the god’s blessing? Absolutely not the god’s blessing. “The salvation of our soul and living in god is the real blessing of god.

All these blessings which are in this world are in the physical body only. There is no use for the soul with the worldly blessing. The soul should have the god’s blessing. The souls should have the salvation. If we have god’s blessing abundantly, we can be purified completely.

Let us see in the light of the word of God what will happen for us if we have the worldly blessing. In the book of Ecclesiastes 1:18 written “For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increase sorrow” Let us see one more verse in Ecclesiastes 5:12 “….But the abundance of the rich will not permit him to sleep”.

Dear friends! Solomon who was a man of God was experienced and said that all things of this world all vanity. And he said – God’s blessing is not vanity which fears in the presence of god and following the commandments. He has revealed the words from his heart to all the human beings of this world. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

Yes, we could not receive peace and satisfaction with the world’s things even those very great and we could be lost. We will be happy if we have the salvation of God including the blessing of our parents.

The Job man of god was the wise man who had the great blessings of this world. But he had never fallen in the world. God was in his full of mind. He never backslidden and never strumbled even he lost everything including his children what he had.

That is the mystery in the god’s blessing. If don’t have god’s blessing, our minds can stumble and fear and can be backslidden. St.Paul was in a great honourable position and he was an educated man. But his wisdom does not make him a complete man.

His wisdom doesn’t with purity. Only love and salvation make him an honorable man. So, my dear young man and woman! Do not be proud of your job that you are in a higher position. You can not be satisfied with them.

Have the noble salvation of God with them too. Dedicate your heart to the Lord. A day will come when you are left behind by your education, job, parents, and your friends. Only the Lord Jesus Christ loves you and saves you in His hands. It is possible for you when you get saved in Christ.

Dear friends! This entire world belongs to Satan. You have to live apart from this world. Don’t be proud of the things you have in this world. We used to see many things among them that there are the people who roam on the roads mad due to the much wisdom and much grief.

And some more people have been looking for peace of mind and their searching for peace due to the abundance of the rich. But there are the people who have the blessing of salvation and fear in the presence of god and will be living full of peace.

But there never be backslidden. And there will be the peach of mind in the gods’ blessing than all things in this world. So, my dear friends do not believe and don’t deceive you that the physical blessings are real blessings.

Your parents had given their property to you and it may be lost in the middle of your life or you have to give it to your children. We how naked from our mother’s womb without anything and came back again with nothing. We should leave all these deceptive and worldly blessings. But, only god’s blessing which is the blessing of salvation will come with us.

Only those who have this blessing of salvation can inherit the heaven. Those who are expecting the worldly blessing; could have the gift of hell for those who are apart from God’s salvation.

Once who fell into hell, then only they could know how the hell would be. Then they realize like — what great mistake I made? I confused all these worldly blessings as god’s blessings are the whole property, the job, the higher position, and the parent’s blessing. All these worldly blessings are deceivable. And they think I could not get the real blessing of God.

And I think about the people who got the blessing of god and think about them that they are mad. Now I was really realizing which is right from where I was burning in the hell. Somebody says, that we are a waste unless we don’t enjoy this world.

They may be proud to have luxurious homes and have golden rings on all the fingers of their hands. But a day will come for them which is the time to understand what will happen for his soul.

If we read the book of Luke 16:19-30, we can be understood” completely. There was a rich man and a poor beggar named Lazarus full of sores. We can see that the rich man lived happily. He believed blindly that the property of this world was a blessing.

Finally, he had fallen into hell due to his death. Then, he realized his great mistake what he was done in the burning hell and he felt that I was deceived myself. That this world is eternal and I thing over Lazarus that he was mad.

Lazarus was in heaven rejoicing among Lazarus and the rich man. And the rich man crying in the hell like — I came to this place of hell by believing blindly that the worldly things are eternal. And we can also see in the bible that this rich man prayed to god about them. I brother’s salvation.

Dear friends! This story will be a great lesson for us. Think before in this world about your life. Decide yourself to avoid the burning hell of your life after you die. There were more martyrs who died for god. They are full of wealth, name, and fame.

They realized the power of God and they decided to die for god. There was a crucial punishment in those days for the martyrs. The people went far away for thousands of miles to the deserts to listen to the word of god in those days.

But now we have the churches everywhere around us. Even though we have the freedom for the word of God, we are neglecting and saying if god gives us a job, provides a car, blesses us with much wealth, and gains much from our crop, then we will accept Jesus as our personal savior.

There were so many such types of people. To get eternal life for our souls, we should accept Jesus but not for worldly things. You need not accept Him if you accepting worldly things. If you worship anyone in this world, you could get worldly things.

But your soul could not be saved. If you accept Jesus you could not get the heavenly blessings unless you could get the worldly blessing. All the worldly things were no longer more. All should have to leave in this world. God’s blessing and salvation are always with us in the world and in heaven.

Dear friends! There was another thing to be deceived. A woman spoke to his son – O my son just finish your degree and then we could get much dowry with your degree. Even then, god changes your fate. Due to your degree, you can be blessed with god. Just take a moment.

It is not the god’s blessing in view of getting the property of others. The dowry has become a business nowadays. In the villages, the marriages will be stopped due to the fewer amounts of Rs.2000/- to the said dowry. What a horrible. In recent days, a mother spoke with me over the phone and talked about her son who is a doctor, and found a match for him with much dowry.

And again he requested the matches for her two daughters without the dowry. What a horrible thing. She is expecting the dowry for her son. But she doesn’t like to give the dowry to her two daughters. Just think a moment.

Is it reasonable? Is the blessing of God that some Christians torture their daughter-in-law due to the insufficient dowry. If you walk in the ways of your heart and in the sight of your eyes but know that for these entire acts, god will bring you into judgment.

Jesus is seeing your wicked works even if all the people do not see you around you. You named the dowry as god’s blessing. You have to know that the salvation is the real blessing of God. Nobody could not deliver you from the hell even you the much property without salvation.

On that day when you are in hell, you can cry and cry unable to endure the burnings of hell and you would expect there that anyone could give a drop of water on your tongue. I think that this world is eternal. If I got a chance from Jesus, I could decide to accept Jesus without accepting worldly things.

Even though, you can not be saved and delivered from hell. We should accept Jesus as our personal savior when our breath lasts in this world. Then you could get god’s blessing as well as your parent’s blessing and you can be blessed with the wealth of your mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Then you can be in Jesus Christ even if you have much wealth unless keep your mind on worldly wealth. So, take care of your salvation. Try to find the real blessing and follow with it. Then you can have a good result.

And then you could try to make your parents happy. This act is also one of the parts in the god’s blessing. To get the wealth of your parents is not only a blessing, but adoring, loving, and pleasing them is the real blessing of God.

If they never were saved, please pray for their salvation. Why because they were given birth in this world. If you had been saved and entered into heaven, your parents would have suffered in hell unless they were saved. Just think a moment about the situation.

Dear friends! If you compare all the properties of this world to the salvation of Jesus Christ, there is much, value for the salvation of Jesus Christ only. It is the uncountable. So, try to get the blessing of salvation take the baptism, and live like Jesus.

Just believe that the parent’s blessing will be no longer. Only be proud that you have the blessing of salvation for your life. Believe with your whole heart that the blessing of salvation is for your life. Believe with your whole heart that the blessings of salvation are given to you by Jesus Christ.

But, do not worry that you are not born into a noble family; you don’t have a job and don’t have the daily bread. Look unto Jesus, then God will bless you richly that no one blesses you. Will god feed us who is feeding the birds of the sky? We are more precious than these birds.

So, let us inherit the property of Jesus and become children of God unless we expect the property of our parents. Let us see in the light of the word of God when we inherit the blessing of Jesus Christ in the book of John 17:10 – “An all mine is yours? And yours are mine, and I am glorified in them”.

If you abide by Jesus, He will be in you. Then I and you could inherit the property of Jesus Christ. All the wealth of this world is in Jesus. Then God will provide you wherever and whatever you need.

So, first of all, accept Jesus as your personal savior. Then the blessings of your parents can be transformed to you as the blessing of God. Without you being saved in Jesus, you can be rejoicing in this world with your parent’s blessing for a short period of time. But, you cannot be saved from hell.

If your parents had been saved, you can feel that you are a Christian, but it can not give you this salvation to you. For instance, your mother prepared a tasteful chicken biriyani which you felt a good smell to eat when you are at home.

They can be satisfied with the beriyani of those who ate it. Your parents ate and kept a plate of biriyani before you. Then what shall you do? Then will you keep quiet by smelling it and be happy? If you eat it you can be satisfied too.

In the same way, if you want salvation, you have to accept Jesus as your personal savior, as well as your parents, who got saved. Or, will you be satisfied without confessing by saying that Jesus Christ is great, we are Christian, we are giving tithes, we are donating the new clothes, and we used to go to the church regularly?

What does it mean? It seems to smell the fragrance of salvation but not accept salvation. It is not so great. It is not salvation that you say Jesus is great. Why because even the devils could also give the testimonies and fears that Jesus is the savior.

Are you still smelling, the fragrance of salvation? Are you living in the same imagination? Beware yourself; there will be a terrible day for you before you. Then, nobody will save you on the day. Even your parents can not save you.

They will be in heaven due to their salvation. So, where you will be? When your parents travel with tickets, can you travel with them without a ticket? In this world, you cannot travel by bus or by train instead your parents with their tickets.

But it is not possible without salvation to go to heaven. And you could not get to heaven with the salvation of your parents. It means confessing yourself. So many are smell without eating the food. It means so many are dying without salvation.

My dear friends, even if you are going to church and smelling the fragrance means seeing the miracles of god, if you still cannot be saved and called as children of God, I humbly request you to confess your sins.

Because we never know, what will happen at any time. Unless you the salvation, you cannot enter into heaven those who smell the fragrance of salvation. You can be saved by confessing and baptizing in Jesus’ name and living like Jesus. Then you will be saved.

Do not stop there in this world with the blessing of your parents; just go ahead with the salvation in Jesus. Then inherit the blessing of salvation including with your parent’s blessing. The mercy of God is with you always!



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