The Fourth Blood River

The Fourth Blood River

The Blood River Flowing From Jesus’ Back To Your Back!

The Fourth Blood River The Fact

The soldiers made a whip and strings were attached to the hooks. Glass metals and bones were attached to the strings. Every time they whipped Jesus, they tore the flesh of Jesus! Jesus took 39 such whippings for our sake!! Why?

The Fourth Blood River

The Fourth Blood River Application

First Of All For Our ‘Healing’

1 Peter 2:24 says, “He Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness— by whose stripes you were healed.”
So your healing has taken place 2000 years ago! You are already healed.

Read and Learn More The Power in the Blood

Do you believe that?

In the book of Leviticus, so many sicknesses are mentioned. Jesus took not only that sickness on His body but the modern diseases as well.

That means your diabetes, BP, cholesterol, cancer, tumor, HIV, Aids, thyroid, rheumatism, bone deficiency, and all the problems, pertaining to your skin, teeth, eyes, ear, nose, throat, and all… Think of it! Jesus carried all that and many more on His body!

Even though you go to a doctor, take medicine, and do all sorts of checkups, scanning, x-rays, MRIs, ECG, and all… Yet a child of God should believe in the miracle-working power of Jesus.

It is the sick who need a physician/ Jesus said. Once upon a time, there were good and committed doctors but today it is very difficult to find a few of them. Doctors have become business-minded. Where there is an operation not required, they squeeze the patients of their hard-earned and borrowed money. Poor patients believe doctors as God.

Our only hope is the ‘stripes of Jesus!’ As far as possible I am avoiding doctors and hospitals. Even if I go to doctors because my family and loved ones force me, I come back discouraged and my faith level decreases.

So far no doctor has given me a positive report or good news. They make our condition worse.

Therefore I use my wisdom by following some diets, eating healthy food, doing exercise, getting adequate rest, following discipline and cleanliness, enjoying some travel and holidays…

And above all I enjoy serving the Lord and spending time with Him, reading, meditating, and memorizing God’s word, and walking with Him by having a good relationship. These are the best medicines for your good health and happiness as well. — I don’t believe the report of the doctors.

I believe the report of the Lord…

His report says, “By my stripes you are healed”

Everyone who is reading this portion, join me in prayer. As you pray, I speak healing upon you. Receive your healing and miracle now!

Place your hand on the sick part and pray.

To Give Us Healing Through His Stripes

Jesus my Lord and Healer, thank You so much for taking all my sickness on your body. You underwent much pain for my sake. Right now I ask for healing of my sickness (mention them)… I receive healing through the stripes of Jesus. Amen.

Secondly, The Blood River Is Flowing From Jesus’ Back To Your Back. Why?

In order to give us His broken body to eat and thus live

As I told you earlier, the children of Israel were commanded to eat the flesh of the lamb roasted in fire.

Why? Why did God say so?

It was to give them healing from their handicaps! For the Bible says: ” When the children of Israel came out of Egypt there was none sick or weak among them” (Ps. 105:37).

In the same way, Jesus our Passover Lamb has broken His body for us, the New Israel, saying, “Take, eat; this is My body.”

I read in Pastor Yonggi Cho’s book about a testimony of a throat cancer patient. The doctor had given up hope on this woman. Then she went to pastor Yonggi Cho to be prayed over. The pastor advised her to go to the prayer mountain and pray.

He told the lady to say and write 1000 times: “Jesus, by Your stripes I am healed!” She could not talk due to acute pain in her throat. Yet she obeyed the man of God. She wrote down and said in a very feeble voice… And nothing happened 999 times. Then she gathered all her strength and said desperately: “Jesus… By… Your… Stripes… I… am… healed!”

Immediately, her cancer disappeared! She was set free… She ran to the pastor, told the good news rejoicing and thanking the Lord: ‘Pastor, I am healed; see now I can talk, sing, pray… Hallelujah!” She was excited.

Dear friends, whenever you eat the broken body of Christ (bread) and drink the blood of Christ (wine), during the holy communion, remember and believe the sacrifice. Remember that Jesus broke His body for our healing and shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins.

In Luke 22:19, He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.”

Shall we pray? Place your hand on your chest and pray.

To Give Us His Broken Body To Eat And Thus Live Prayer

Jesus, thank You for taking 39 whippings for my sake in order to give me healing. You broke Your body saying “I am the bread of life; He who eats of Me will neither hunger nor thirst.” Thank You, Lord, for offering your broken body to me so that I can eat and live forever. In your precious name, I pray. Amen.

Thirdly, The Blood River Is Flowing From Jesus’ Back To Your Back! Why?

To renew our ‘strength like the eagles’

Read Isaiah 40:29-31.

  • It says He gives power to the weak.
  • And those who have no strength He increases might.
  • Even the youth shall faint and be weary.
  • But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
  • They shall mount up with wings like eagles.
  • They shall run and not be weary.
  • They shall walk and not faint.

As I grew older I started liking this verse and many other promises of God, assuring me that He will take care of me. I preach this to ladies who have crossed 40 years. They think that after 50 years their life is over. After 60 years they think they are too old to do any work. That is the retirement age they think. And they wait for their death.

Such people read Psalm 92:12-16. This is God’s promise for you. Now listen to all of you: There is no such thing as ‘Retirement’ in the kingdom of God. The Lord wants to use you till your last breath. So keep bearing fruit and start glorifying our Father in Heaven (Jn. 15:8).

I tell you God is renewing my strength day by day. I believe He is reversing my age. I never confess that I am old weak or sick. Such confession is against God’s word. For life and death is in the word you speak with your mouth.

Why did Jesus shed blood?

To give you abundant life, abundant health, abundant joy, peace, victory, and all.

Psalms 103:5 says, “He satisfies your mouth with good things So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

Yet it is God’s grace that we can eat and enjoy food. He kept taste buds to satisfy our mouths with good, tasty food so that our youth is renewed like the eagle.

In Ecclesiastes 2:24; 3:13; and 5:19 Solomon repeatedly says, “There is nothing better for a man than he should eat and enjoy food. It is a gift from God.”

So many wealthy people are not able to eat food though they can afford to buy anything and everything. It is because of various diseases.

But God is satisfying you and me with good things. Praise God!

However, remember one thing.

We do not live to eat; We eat in order to live!

So take care of your health. The Lord has promised us that He would satisfy us with a long life (Ps. 91:16).

Say this every day:

I live long; I live strong And do the work of the Lord!

Let’s pray for new strength… Place your hand on your chest while you pray.

To Renew Our Strength Like The Eagles Prayer

Loving Father, thank You for the shed blood of Your Son, Jesus. Thank You for the wonderful promises on behalf of us, Your children. Thank You for the good health You have given us.

Thank You for satisfying our mouth with good things so that our youth is renewed daily like the eagles.’Help us to wait on You and receive new strength to fly like eagles and soar higher and higher till we reach heaven’s shore. I thank You and praise You through Your son, Jesus. Amen.

Fourthly, The Blood River Is Flowing From Jesus’ Back To Your Back! Why?

To give us ‘double joy’

Jesus says, “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”

This world cannot give us joy. We wake up in the morning to hear and read about all the sad and shocking news in the newspapers, T.V. news, WhatsApp messages, etc… Watching movies or serials one after the other will not give us joy.

Going to the bar and having a few pegs will not be an answer to your problems. Having illicit affairs or living in adultery will not give you joy. It will only add sorrow to your life. Because all the sinful thoughts and deeds are from the devil. The devil’s work is to steal, kill, and destroy. Don’t allow Satan to steal your joy, peace, and harmony.

All these sinful acts are for temporary pleasures. If so, where does the real joy lie? In Jesus alone!

It is my own experience. You all will benefit from all my books because I live, practice, and experience all that I write.

When I received Jesus into my life, joy started bubbling! And when I started living for Him and serving Him, I found immense joy and fulfillment in my life!

Nehemiah writes, “The joy of the Lord is my strength” (Neh.8:10).

Joy comes from the Holy Spirit. There is joy hidden in the Word of God.

Jesus speaks parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son. Whenever we lose and find a thing, we feel immense joy. Therefore Jesus concluded when a sinner repents and turns to the Lord, there is much joy and celebration in heaven!

So here is the key. Here lies the secret.

When you proclaim the gospel and when lives are changed, not only there is joy in heaven, but you also experience unspeakable joy!

“Rejoice in the Lord always;

Again I say rejoice,” writes Paul in Philippians 4:4.

Do you know in what situation he has written this? Not when everything was so fine and comfortable.

He wrote this from prison when he was flogged, wounded, and insulted for Christ’s sake.

So, dear child of God, you have every reason to rejoice. In Matthews’s gospel 5:11-12, Jesus says, “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Yes. There is a reward kept for you in heaven if you do not complain about your sufferings. I love this verse in Rom. 8:28. So I repeat this – You too should read, repeat, and rejoice!
When you rejoice even in your sufferings, Satan becomes mad.

Jesus will be very proud of you and He will say, “Yes, it is worth shedding My blood for this child of Mine.”

Shall we pray for grace? Place your hand on your chest and pray. Forget about your surroundings.

For there is immense joy in prayer, speaking to our God.

To Give Us Double Joy Prayer

Jesus my loving Savior, thank You for the blood flowing from Your back to my back. I receive healing; I receive new strength; I receive immense joy through that blood. Help me to rejoice always in every adverse situation, Lord.

May I be Your instrument in spreading joy and cheer to everyone whom I come across? May I be in the center of Your will, O Lord? In Your matchless name, I pray. Amen.

Fifthly, The Blood River Is Flowing From Jesus’ Back To Your Back. Why?

To give us a ‘supernatural life’

John. 10:10. The devil doesn’t let you enjoy a supernatural life for which Jesus shed blood. Satan wants to make you sick, worried, anxious, miserable, and finally wants to steal your life. He is roaming to and fro to devour some weak people.

But he cannot do anything to those who are rooted in Christ and in His word.

Life is a precious gift from God. No one has the right to take away His own life by suicide or consuming poison. All such evil thoughts are from the devil. Beware of this Satan.
Our life is very short. It is compared to a breath or bubble, grass, vapor, flower… That’s all.

But in this short life you should live to the maximum best and in a fruitful way.

Jesus came to give us abundant life (Jn.10:10). He did it literally by laying down His own life (Jn. 15:13). Hence we can find a new life in Him (Rom. 6:4). Jesus is the living bread. When we eat of His flesh we get eternal life (Jn. 6:32-38).

  • Jesus is the bread of life (Jn. 6:35).
  • Jesus is the light of life (Jn. 8:12).
  • Jesus is the Resurrection and Life (Jn. 11:25).
  • His Word has life!
  • His Spirit has life!
  • His Blood-has life!
  • So enjoy an abundant life.

Jesus shed His blood for you so that you can live a supernatural life and not a mediocre one.

The Lord wants to give us a hundredfold life on this earth and an everlasting life in heaven.

So dear saints, keep on singing:

My life is in You, Lord.
My strength is in You, Lord.
My hope is in You, Lord.

And I praise You with all of my heart, with all of my life, with all of my strength; All of my hope is in You!

Aren’t you grateful for the blood He shed for you?

If so, place your hand on your chest and speak to the Lord.

To Give Us A Supernatural Life Prayer

Abba Father, I am ever grateful for redeeming my life from destruction and crowning me with loving kindness and tender mercies. Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the blood flowing from Your back to my back.

I receive a supernatural and hundredfold life in this world and an eternal life when I reach heaven. You made all these possible through the shedding of Your precious blood. I thank You, praise You, and love You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


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