The Church Is For Women, Too – Pricilla’s Story

The Church Is For Women, Too – Pricilla’s Story

The most disrespectful, horrible, hurtful thing a person can do with God’s Word is to take it out of context and twist it to justify their thoughts and actions. One of the most common reasons people do this is in regard to a woman’s role in the church.

Pricilla’s Story

Pricilla is written about in the books of Acts, Romans, 1st Corinthians, and 2nd Timothy. She is the wife of Aquila and works with him as a tentmaker and as a key figure in the early Church.

Members of the early church met in Pricilla and Aquila’s home. Priscilla and Aquila took a new convert named Apollos into their home for the purpose of providing intense teaching due to the fact that he (Apollos) was eager to spread the message of salvation through Jesus.

Priscilla and Aquila welcomed Paul into their home when he was in Corinth; working with them as tentmakers to support himself.

Priscilla loved the LORD and wasn’t afraid to let others know and to minister to them the best she could.

What We Can Learn From Priscilla

As you can see below, scripture is clear on the fact that women should not be over men in the home or in the church.

I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.

We Can Learn From Priscilla

So was Priscilla out of line? No. She opened her home to many. She wasn’t even out of line when she and Aquila poured themselves into Apollos. Yes, Apollos was a man, but she was witnessing and teaching a new believer-not teaching those who were in Christ.

Lesson One:

Women should not be in authority over men in the church.

The Bible gives several other references to this besides the one we’ve already given that support this fact:

Bible gives several other references to this besides

Don’t look at this as demeaning, archaic, or chauvinistic. It’s not. God made us and he knows the specifics of what he designed us for. Besides, this isn’t saying a woman cannot or should not have an active role in the church.

Teaching children and other women is our job…and an important one, at that. We can also minister alongside all our brothers and sisters in Christ and should never pass up an opportunity to share the hope of salvation with anyone regardless of sex, color, etc..

Lesson Two:

Live the Great Commission.

Here it is again for anyone who doesn’t know or remember what the Great Commission is… given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything.

Pricillas Story

Lesson Three:

Being a Christian isn’t something you do…it’s who you are.

It didn’t matter whether Priscilla was making a tent, hosting a church service, or buying food in the local market, her love for Jesus and the Church was evident all the time.

This should go ditto for you.

To Sum It All Up

Priscilla did what she did best to serve God, and the Church, and to teach others about Jesus and the hope of salvation.

The Church Is For Women – Pricillas Story

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