Strengthened By Faith

Strengthened By Faith

One day the doctor came in and found me sitting in a chair. He was surprised to learn that with help, I had walked downstairs. He advised that I should get off to the country as soon as I was well enough and stay there to regain health and strength. To begin work too soon would cause the sickness to come again with serious results.

Strengthened By faith

It seemed as if he were directing me to go again to the shipping office to ask about the pay had been unable to draw. I reminded Him that I did not have money to go by public transport and may not be able to get my pay. I asked if this was not just my idea to get some money and not His guidance and teaching. After prayer and more waiting, I was sure that He wanted me to go to the office.

I had to come downstairs and then walk over two miles. Certain of receiving whatever I requested of God, I asked Him for strength to make the long walk. Sending the servant for my hat and stick, I set out for Cheapside expecting God’s help.

Without question, I was strengthened by faith. Yet, I never took as much interest in store windows as I did on that trip. At every second or third step, I was happy to rest a little against the glass and look in. A special effort of faith was needed when I got to Farringdon Street to attempt the hard climb of Snow Hill. There was no Holbom Bridge in those days.

God helped me wonderfully. In time, I reached the office in Cheapside and sat down on the steps leading to the first floor. The businessmen hurried up and down the stairs looking at me with questioning eyes. After rest and more prayer, I climbed the stairs and was happy to find the man who had earlier spoken to me about the money.

Seeing me looking so colorless and weak, he asked about my health, I said that I was to go to the country but first wanted to check on the man who had run off to dig gold. He smiled, advising me that there was a mistake made with another man of the same name.

It appeared that the man was still on the ship and due to return to port within a day or two. He was happy to give me the half-pay to make sure that it would reach the wife safely. He knew of the temptations that attack the men when they arrive home after a long time at sea.

He invited me to come inside to eat part of his lunch. It was truly the Lord helping me and I thankfully accepted his offer. Having eaten and rested, I was given a piece of paper on which to write, advising the wife of the situation. On my way back, I mailed a money order for the amount due to her. After that, I felt that it was not a waste of money to ride a bus home.

Feeling very much better the next morning, I walked to the surgery of the doctor who had attended me. I had decided that it was not right for my uncle to pay my bills now that I had the money.

The kind surgeon refused to charge a medical student for his work. He allowed me to pay for the quinine he had given me. After that, the remaining money was just enough to take me home. It proved to me the work of God in my life.

Knowing that the surgeon claimed not to believe in God, I asked if I could speak to him freely. Advising that through God I owed my life to his kind care, I wished him the same faith in God that I had.

I told him of my reason for being in London, my plans to go to China and my refusal of help from my father and the leaders of the mission. I told him of the way God had taken care of me and how hopeless my position had been the day before when he had advised that I go to the country.

I told him of the battle in my mind and that I had walked from my house to Cheapside. Looking with disbelief, he told me that he had left me more like a spirit than a man. I had to tell him again and again that my faith gave me the strength to make the walk. Advising him of the money now in hand, I explained that just enough was left to go home to Yorkshire and buy food on the way.

My kind friend was completely broken down and told me with tears in his eyes that he would give all the world for a faith like mine. With great joy, I said that it was to be gotten without money. We never met again.

On my return to town, I found that he had suffered a stroke2 and had died. I was able to learn nothing about his spiritual condition on his death, but have always felt thankful that I had the chance to tell him of God.

I can only hope that the Master was speaking to him through me and that we shall meet again in the Better Land. It would be wonderful to be welcomed by him when my work is over.

The next day found me in my parent’s home. My joy in the Lord’s help was so great that I was unable to keep my secret to myself. Before my return to London, my mother knew of what had been happening in my life. After that, I was not allowed to live on the same kind of food as before my sickness. I needed more now and the Lord provided.

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