Psalms 23:4 – Even Though I Walk Through The Darkest Valley

Psalm 23:4 Context

“The Lord is my shepherd!” How many times in your life have you heard those words? Psalm 23 offers a unique perspective because David, the author, served as a shepherd in his youth before becoming king.

He knew firsthand what it meant to be the shepherd of sheep, and then later in life a shepherd of people.

Shepherds live with their flock and are intimately involved in daily life. Like David to his sheep and his people, Jesus is our shepherd and walks through each moment alongside us.

Psalm 23-4

Psalm 23:4 Meaning

This psalm is peaceful, but it covers the spectrum: green meadows, peaceful streams, right paths, and darkest valleys. We have all heard this psalm used as a comfort for those facing trials.

It addresses the calm and turbulent moments in life as well as God’s provision. All of us will likely encounter “dark valleys” in our lives.

These dark valleys can appear as death, illness, anxiety, depression, fear, or worry. Our promise is this: We will not be afraid. Our shepherd’s rod and staff will comfort us.

Dark valleys don’t stay dark. The beauty of a valley is that it dips down but then rises back up. Valleys aren’t endless stretches of defeat but stretches that we walk through and rise from.

What a beautiful promise. We are not alone in our valleys. Even as we “walk through,” we don’t need to sprint through in a panic.

We will walk through our valleys with Jesus by our side and emerge safely, made stronger by the experience.

Psalm 23:4 Application

Trials or dark valleys are intimidating. However, we can move through them without fear because Jesus will shepherd us along and protect us from harm.

Memorize Psalm 23 and recite it the next time you face something unsettling. Life isn’t only full of valleys. Hills and mountains wait on the other side.

Not only will Jesus walk with you, but he will also provide you with rest in green meadows, lead you beside peaceful streams, and guide you along the right paths.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

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