Psalm 55:22 Esv Cast Your Burden On The Lord

Psalm 55:22 ESV Context

David wrote Psalm 55 after he had been betrayed by his son, his counselor, and most of Israel. While he laments his difficult situation, he also calls out to God, knowing he is the Judge and the Father who sustains him fully.

Psalm 55:22 ESV Meaning

Psalm 55-22

David is experiencing a lot of pain after being betrayed by his own son, Absalom. After learning that his counselor Ahithophel has sided with Absalom, David flees Jerusalem for fear of what Absalom may do to him and his servants.

So much of David’s life has been a chase. He’s had to prove himself repeatedly to the people of Israel, and still, David probably feels like he’s coming up short.

It seems like life would be easier if David crossed the Jordan, stayed out of Israel, and just let Absalom take over.

After all, Absalom is next in line right now, so it seems like David could rest easy knowing he didn’t have to be responsible for Israel anymore.

Of course, David doesn’t take this route. He’s devastated, yes. His fear does drive him out of Israel temporarily, but David cries out to God in Psalm 55.

He reminds himself, and us, to cast our burdens on the Lord. God knows who is righteous, and he sustains the righteous.

When God chose David to be king, he knew what lay ahead for him. Being chosen by God doesn’t guarantee simplicity or ease. Throughout the Bible, we are shown that it actually guarantees the opposite.

But the good news is this: You have full access to our savior. When you cast your burdens on him, he will be there to save you. The righteous will not be moved.

Psalm 55:22 ESV Application

Now that you know the context, reread Psalm 55. You probably haven’t been betrayed as deeply as David, yet I’m sure you can relate to his pains.

Commit verse 22 to memory over the next few days. When you feel your anxiety rising, repeat this verse to yourself, and let it bring you stillness.

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

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