Psalm 34:4 I Sought The Lord, And He Answered Me

Psalm 34:4 Context

Psalm 34 is both a wisdom psalm and a praise psalm. This was written in reference to David and his escape from Abimelech, the king of Gath.

It is believed that the king’s personal name was actually Achish, and Abimelech was his throne name. Gath was a Philistine city and, based upon David’s actions to try and escape from it, it was not a safe place for him to be.

David acted like he was mentally insane in order to flee because he could have died at the hands of these people.

At this point in history, David was a fugitive, running from Saul and his army. It was through these years of trials and hardships that David learned to pray and trust in the Lord.

Psalm 34-4

Psalm 34:4 Meaning

Even in the most desperate situations or circumstances, we can choose to not fear because of the presence of the Lord surrounding us.

David’s praise unto the Lord is depicted in this verse, as he proclaims that God delivered him in response to his prayers.

David specifically sought the Lord, Yahweh, and the Lord responded immediately, delivering David from his fears of death and the feelings that accompanied it.

Psalm 34:4 Application

No matter what fears you are facing today, you can confidently cry out to the Lord, trusting that he hears and sees you.

You serve a God who reigns above all, and his deliverance of your fears may look different than you expected. It could look like it did for David, and he learned to pray, praise, and trust the Lord amidst his fears.

“But now, this is what the LORD says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.’”

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