Psalm 31:19 Niv – How Abundant Are The Good Things That

Psalm 31:19 Context

The psalms—the Bible’s collection of prayers and hymns—are each inspired by God, but they were also individually written by people experiencing.

The trials and emotions that all humans face, therefore serve to help us understand and heal our emotions.

Psalm 31 was written by David for “the director of music.” That means it was intended to be sung publicly.

Psalm 31:19 Meaning

Psalm 31 is a prayer to God in the midst of trouble. Verse after verse, David asks for rescue, talks about the traps laid out for him, and admits his anguish and loneliness.

We don’t know what particular difficulty David was facing when he wrote this psalm (he faced a lot of anguish in his life), but it is clear that this was no minor frustration.

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Psalm 31-19

He is in despair, his life is in danger, and it seems like no one is on his side.

But the Lord is with him. David always comes back to the one who will never leave him or forsake him. He experienced God’s faithfulness again and again, and he knows he can rely on it in this present crisis.

Psalm 31 is quoted in many other passages of Scripture, the most well-known being when Christ yielded up his life on the cross with the words.

“Into your hands, I commit my spirit.” Jesus used this hymn of submission and trust when he was going through the very worst of his own trial.

And so can we. All of Scripture, and the Psalms in particular, reveal a God who wants our faith but also our honesty.

This publicly sung hymn does not shy away from revealing hardship and distress. But it also doesn’t leave us there.

Thus, we get to verse 19, where the tone of the psalm changes. No longer does David dwell on all that is wrong, but instead he joyfully immerses himself in the goodness of God.

How abundant are the blessings he’s stored up for us! The future is in his hands, and it is good! He will bless us publicly, “in the sight of all,” if we take refuge in him. What a promise. What hope do we have in the God who loves us?

Psalm 31:19 Application

Cry out to God today, letting him know the depths of your troubles. He can handle it. But don’t leave things there.

Move from that low place to the elevated state of proclaiming his goodness! It may be hard at first, but it will lead to healing.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

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