Prophecies Concerning Messiahs Birth

Prophecies Concerning Messiahs Birth Immanuel

“ Therefore the Lord Himselfshallgiveyou a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. ” (Isaiah 7:14)

This prophecy speaks of a man born of a woman, but independently of man, a biological impossibility.

But as God created the universe out of nothing and man from the dust of the ground, He could certainly bring about a virgin birth.

Prophecies Concerning Messiahs Birth

Immanuel Fulfilment

Six months after Elizabeth’s conception God sent the angel Gabriel to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin named Mary. Entering her home, Gabriel greeted Mary, telling her to rejoice! She was highly favored, the LORD was with her and she was blessed among women.

Read and Learn More Key Biblical Messianic Prophecies

Mary was shaken by the angel’s visitation and confused by his greeting; but the angelic visitor reassured Mary, saying that he had come with a message from God.

Mary would conceive and give birth to a Son. His name would be JESUS. He would be great and called the Son of God. The LORD God would give Him the throne of His ancestor David and He would rule over Jacobs’s house forever.

Mary believed the message but struggled to comprehend how it could be accomplished. Gabriel explained that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would conceive by the power of God.

Then Gabriel told Mary that her relative Elizabeth had conceived a son and she was now six months pregnant; even though she was old and everyone had thought she was barren.

Mary knew that her reputation would be at stake, but asking no questions, she humbly surrendered to the plan and purpose of God.

Witnesses Elizabeth And John

Soon afterwards, Mary visited Elizabeth her cousin. At the sound of another greeting, the baby jumped for joy in Elizabeth’s womb and she was filled with the Holy Spirit. Before Mary could share her news, Elizabeth already knew that she had been chosen to be the mother of the LORD.

She declared that Mary was blessed among women and the fruit of her womb was blessed. She marveled at the privilege of Marys’s visit and said those things promised to her would come to pass; because she had believed.

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