Mighty To Save

Mighty To Save

With the return of my health, I went back to London to start my schooling again. My busy study life was continued, often eased by happy Sundays with Christian friends. I found chances for service in every place. There was one case that gave me great faith in seeking the salvation of another.

Mighty To Save

Truly, this is the purpose for which He has given us everlasting life, as our Saviour Himself says, in John 17:3 “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. ”

I was now to prove the willingness of God to answer prayer for a spiritual blessing under the most unpromising situation. Because of this, I gained a greater understanding of the prayer¬ answering God as One “mighty to save. ’’ (Zephaniah 3:17) A short time before leaving for China, it became my daily duty to change the bandage of a man suffering from a poisoned foot.

The disease started, as usual, its deadliness was not easy to see. The man had little idea that he must die within a short time. I was not the first to attend to him, but when the case was given to me, I became very concerned about his soul.

His family was Christian, but he was not hostile to any talk of God. Without asking him, they had asked a Scripture reader to visit.

In great anger, the man had ordered him to leave. The local pastor had also called, hoping to help him. But the man had spat in his face. His anger was very fierce, making help seem very hopeless.

I prayed much about my planned visits to him. For two or three days, I said nothing about his soul. By special care, I was able to greatly ease his sufferings and he began to be thankful for my help.

One day, with a fearful heart, I took the chance to tell him of what guided my life and the need for God’s mercy through Christ. Only by the power of his self-control did he keep his mouth closed. He turned over in bed with his back to me and did not speak.

I could not get the poor man out of my mind. Each day, I called on God to save the man before he died.

When changing the bandage to ease his pain, I never failed to say a few words which I hoped the Lord would bless. The man always turned his back to me, looking angry, but never answering a word.

After some time, my heart sank. It seemed that I was doing no good and was even hardening his heart and making him more guilty. One day, after caring for him, I stopped at the door and thought, “Ephraim is joined to his idols; let him alone. ” (Hosea 4:1 7) I looked at the man and saw his surprise, as it was the first time that I had left without going to his bedside to say a few words for my Master.

I could wait no longer. Breaking into tears, I walked over to him saying, “My friend, you may or may not listen to me. Yet, I must tell you what is in my heart.” I went on to speak very seriously to him, telling him how much I wished that he would let me pray with him.

To my great joy, he answered, “If it will be a help to you, do it.” I fell on my knees and poured out my whole soul to God for him. At that point, I believe the Lord made a change in his soul.

After this, he was always willing to be spoken to and prayed with. Within a few days, he accepted Christ as his Saviour. What a joy it was for me to see that man full of praise and happiness in the hope of the glory of God!

He told me that for forty years, he had never gone through the door of a church. He had only entered a place of worship to be married. Later, he would not even go inside for the funeral of his wife.

Thank God, I believe that his sin-marked soul was now washed and completely given to God, through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. During my early work in China, many situations have given me a deep sense of hopelessness.

I have thought of this man’s salvation and been strengthened to continue speaking the Word if men listened or not. The happy sufferer lived for some time and was never tired of giving witness to the grace of God.

Though his condition was very sad, this change in his life made my labor one of joy. I have often thought ofthe words, “He who goes out weeping,0 carrying seed to sow,0 will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves0 with him.”

We should all have that extreme hunger for souls that leads to tears. Then, we should more often see the victory we desire.

Sometimes we may speak unhappily ofthe hardness ofthe hearts of those we seek to see saved. The true cause ofour failure may be the hardness ofour own hearts and our weak understanding of the serious truth of heaven and hell.

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