Matthew 6:26-30 NLT – Look at the birds. They don’t plant

Matthew 6:26 NLT Context

In this passage, Jesus was seated on a mountainside with his disciples around him.

The crowds were large, and the people came from all over: Galilee, the Ten Towns, Jerusalem, all over Judea, and from the east of the Jordan River.

Jesus taught them about many topics, which later collectively became known as the Sermon on the Mount.

Matthew 6:26 NLT Meaning

It’s important to recognize that Jesus wasn’t just talking to one people group, all of whom knew one another and had the same problems and experiences.

The people in the crowds were from different towns and walks of life. We can only assume they were also from different social standings and levels of faith.

Yet Jesus did not make exceptions as he taught. What he taught was, and still is, true for each individual person, regardless of gender, race, income level, or marital status. That means that his words are also true for us today.

Matthew 6-26

The wonderful truth here is that God sees every little bird, including the one you see outside your window. And even more wonderful is that you are far more important to him than they are.

Jesus explained to the crowd that no problem is too small for God. Jesus even asked the bold question, “Why worry at all?” Compared to the trials of human life, the needs of a bird are trivial.

Jesus invites us to trust that our heavenly Father knows, sees, and is capable of providing for us.

Matthew 6:26 NLT Application

Focus today on God’s love for you and his miraculous provision. Dare to believe that he cares for you that deeply—and not only for your physical needs but for your emotional and relational needs as well.

So take your eyes off your circumstances and place them on God. Remember that he wants you to depend on him. He delights in taking care of your every need. While we can come up with a thousand reasons to worry, Jesus dares us to believe.

“Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”

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