John 6:35 – Then Jesus Declared, “I Am The Bread Of Life

John 6:35 Context

The book of John was written by the apostle John, one of Jesus’ closest friends during his earthly ministry.

It is believed that this was the last of the Gospels to be written. The emphasis of John is on who Jesus is and how we can be saved through him.

John 6-35

John 6:35 Meaning

The sixth chapter of John begins with two of Jesus’ most well-known miracles. The first is the feeding of five thousand, which brought great popularity to Jesus and his ministry.

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The second is his walking on water. Both of these miracles show that Jesus is God’s Son, and he has complete power over all creation.

But while these are important signals of who Jesus is, they are not the reason he came. Jesus came to give eternal life to all who put their faith in him, and the central portion of this chapter is dedicated to that message.

John 6-27

For on him, God the Father has placed his seal of approval”. That’s where verse 35 comes into play. Jesus is the bread of life.

He doesn’t just provide the bread—that bread is him. Without him, there is no life. And how do we get this bread? We come to Jesus in faith.

In fact, this verse equates coming to Jesus with believing in him. We come to him by calling out to him in faith.

Jesus goes on to say, “This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

Jesus knows the sacrifice he will make to give life to us, and yet he doesn’t run from the responsibility. Instead, he invites all to participate in his sacrifice, eating his flesh and drinking his blood.

These are gruesome images (you can imagine how they must have sounded to his listeners). But Christ’s death was gruesome indeed. Sin is no joke.

He welcomes all to come to him to accept this sacrifice on our behalf. And when we do, eternal life is ours.

John 6:35 Application

Come to Jesus. Believe in him. This is the only path to eternal life. But coming to Jesus isn’t a one-time thing for salvation. He is always there, loving us and providing life for us.

He who gave himself for you loves you eternally and wants you to come to him with your needs, your fears, and your desires. You can trust him.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

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