John 16:33 – “I Have Told You These Things, So That In Me

John 16:33 Context

Jesus spoke these words to his disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, only hours before he would be betrayed, tried, and condemned to die by crucifixion.

His disciples didn’t know this was coming, and Jesus’ prediction that they would soon be scattered and grieving seemed impossible after the joyful welcome they’d received coming into Jerusalem.

Instead of ending with a warning, though, Jesus spoke words of hope, looking past the cross to his resurrection.

John 16-33

John 16:33 Meaning

It’s a strange way to promise peace—Jesus starts by telling his disciples that they are about to go through a time of sorrow and fear.

How is that peaceful? they might have wondered, especially after Good Friday, when their teacher was killed and it seemed like the world had won.

Still, Jesus’ words, “Take heart!” are a command in the original language, not just an inspirational phrase but something God wanted them—and us—to actively do.

It could be phrased as “Choose hope!” or “Be encouraged!” When life is going well and we have a long list of blessings, that’s easy enough to do.

But in some seasons, taking heart might be among the hardest of God’s commandments to follow. Until we remember the rest of the verse: “I have overcome the world.”

No matter how battle-weary we feel, God fights for us, and he’s already won the war. Sin and Satan, death, and hell were all beaten on the cross.

We can sometimes feel like the disciples huddled together in the dark after Jesus’ death, wondering if all hope is lost—but that’s when Jesus shows up to remind us that nothing can stop his conquering love.

John 16:33 Application

The trouble of this world will take many different forms during our lives: conflict in our families and churches, physical or financial struggles, depression or natural disasters, or brokenness in the headlines and in our hearts.

Whenever you’re tempted to despair, remember Jesus’ words. There isn’t a single area of pain or problem we could ever experience that God has not overcome in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Because of this, we can expect troubles to come, but we can live joyfully in the midst of them.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

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