John 10-11 NIV – The Good Shepherd and His Sheep

John 10:11 Context

The book of John was written by the apostle John, one of Jesus’ closest friends during his earthly ministry. It is believed that this was the last of the Gospels to be written.

In chapter 20, John states that the book was written: “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

John 10:11 Meaning

To understand the meaning of John chapter 10, we have to back up to the previous chapter. In John 9, Jesus has just healed a man who was blind from birth.

This was quite the scandal, supposedly because Jesus healed him on the Sabbath day, but more likely because the Pharisees were jealous of Jesus’ power and authority.

Chapter 9 ends with Jesus in a dispute with some Pharisees because Jesus accuses them of being guilty of sin.

From there, chapter 10 focuses on Jesus as the Good Shepherd. This is in contrast to the spiritual and political leaders of his time, whom Jesus is equating to thieves and robbers.

Why? Because they don’t really care for the sheep. They just want to use them for their own ends.

John 10-11

Jesus, on the other hand, sacrifices all for his sheep. Verse 11 couldn’t be more clear: Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is willing to give his life for his sheep.

And this was no idle promise—he was predicting his own terrible death for our sakes.

As it says in Isaiah chapter 53, we are all like sheep who have strayed from the right path, and God laid on Jesus our sins. He, the Good Shepherd, fulfilled his own prophecy on the cross.

The passage goes on from there to distinguish between hired hands, who would just run away if a wolf came to take a sheep.

and the good shepherd, who would lay down his own life to save them. From there he talks about his sheep knowing his voice.

John 10:11 Application

We fret and worry because we believe it’s our responsibility to look out for ourselves. If we don’t, who will? Jesus, of course.

Our Good Shepherd laid down his very life for his sheep, proving a love that is deeper than we can understand. He is calling you to lay down your burdens and trust in him.

Trust in Jesus as your Good Shepherd—not only for your salvation but for the daily struggles in your life. Even as a Christian, it is easy to start following robbers and hired hands.

Listen carefully for the voice of your shepherd and go where he leads. There you will always be safe.

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

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