Hebrews 12:1 NIV – Therefore, since we are surrounded by

Hebrews 12:1 Context

Just before this passage is what’s known as “The Hall of Faith,” leading us through a lightning-fast history of the Old Testament.

The author has spent the first part of Hebrews encouraging believers to “hold fast” to their faith even in the midst of false teaching and persecution (10:23).

The brief profiles in chapter 11 answer the question they include people like Abraham Moses and Rahab, who put their belief in God’s promises into action.

Hebrews 12-1

Hebrews 12:1 Meaning

If you’re like most of us, during times of suffering and struggle, fears whisper in the back of your mind when you’re lying awake at night.

Things like “No one understands,” “I can’t make it through this,” and “I’m completely alone” creep in.

The great comfort of this verse is that God understands, and he lovingly responds by telling you three things: you’re not alone, the weight you’re feeling is real, and the goal is always worth the struggle it takes to get there.

The image of a race is one that stands the test of time. Even back in ancient Greece when these verses were written, races had several key components: there was a crowd watching and cheering, athletes had to persevere through obstacles and weariness, and a finish line met the runners at the end.

Like a race, the Christian life has a “cheering section”—our brothers and sisters in Christ who have dealt with many of the same trials and temptations we do.

Just like marathon runners training for their goal, this life isn’t going to be easy, but when sin and selfishness threaten to distract us.

We can push those things aside and move forward. Victory is already ours in Jesus . . . so let’s keep running!

Hebrews 12:1 Application

Think about the obstacles that might be holding you back from spiritual growth.

Are there any distractions that might “hinder” you from focusing on God? Maybe it’s a bad habit or attitude you find yourself slipping into, like grumbling or gossip, or maybe there’s something other than God you look to for hope and fulfillment.

What sin “easily entangles” you? Is there a Scripture you could use to fight back when temptation comes? Like staying physically fit.

Focusing on running your spiritual race well takes effort, but you can take comfort in knowing that you’ll never have to go through a difficult season alone.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.”

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