Genesis 1:27 Niv – So God Created Mankind In His Own

Genesis 1:27 Context

The book of Genesis is believed to have been written by Moses while in the wilderness during Israel’s wandering years between Egypt and the promised land.

If there was one key verse to summarize the book of Genesis as a whole, it would be this one. The fact that we are created in the image of the almighty God should bring about a deep-rooted humility.

As well as an unshakable confidence in the unmerited love of our Father. This is the posture that we should diligently maintain as we navigate life as followers of Christ.

Read and Learn More 100 Bible Verses To Overcome Worry and Anxiety

Genesis 1-27

Genesis 1:27 Meaning

This verse in Genesis sets the stage for all of Scripture with mankind as children of God. We are not subjects, peasants, or slaves. We are God’s children.

And because he is good in nature and perfect in love, he takes care of our every need. However, this means that sometimes he must withhold what we want.

For example, a child wants to be rescued by Dad when a bully threatens to cause harm.

But the good father recognizes that it is only in the face of such a threat that a child can learn to overcome the fear of the situation to exemplify the love and strength that his father has taught him.

Similarly, the faithful child recognizes the object of the lesson and faces the test with humility and confidence, drawing strength from the fact that the father is watching ever so closely and would never leave him.

Genesis 1:27 Application

Worry is a natural byproduct resulting from the uncertainty of life.

But we, as followers of Christ, have something that the rest of the world does not: the knowledge that God is watching us ever so closely and that he will never leave us.

Is there a threat that you have to face? I encourage you to recognize the object of the lesson. Draw strength from the Lord as you work to exemplify him in the face of your opposition.

Approach each day with humility and confidence. Study the character of your Father and work to emulate him. This way, when the opposition looks at you, it sees the image of the almighty God and retreats.

“‘No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,’ declares the LORD.”

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