Faith Filled Stories – Michal

You Are Embarrassing Me – Michal’s Story

I recently read an article that basically said if you call yourself a Christian but don’t live according to God’s Word, then you aren’t a Christian. I couldn’t agree more.

Michal’s Story

Michal was the first wife of King David and the daughter of King Saul. This appears to be a farcical situation, as Saul harboured animosity towards David and was perpetually endeavouring to eliminate him. Nevertheless, Michal was fervently in love with David, and Saul gave her to him for matrimony.

You may believe that the following sentence should be “and they lived happily ever after,” but it is not possible. David was not in love with Michal, despite the fact that she adored him. He regarded their union as one that offered political advantages. David presumably believed that he would be able to leave Saul alone once he became his son-in-law. Negative!

Michal remained steadfast in her devotion to her husband, even evading her father’s men by hiding him outside the home so that he could flee. When King Saul ordered his daughter to account for her actions, she fabricated a story, claiming that David had threatened her life if she did not assist him.

David and his men were absent for an extended period of time. Consequently, Saul returned to his hometown and married his daughter to a man whom she had fallen in love with and who reciprocated her affections. Nevertheless, upon his return, David expressed a desire to reunite with his wife, a reason for which remains unknown. Consequently, he dispatched his soldiers to retrieve her, much to the shock of Michal and her husband.

Later, when David’s soldiers returned the Ark of the Covenant to the city, he was so elated that he danced in his pants in the street. Michal was appalled by this and did not hesitate to inform him of his feelings.

David replied that his joy at what God had accomplished for them was his form of worship and that it was more significant to him than what she or others thought.

Israel will exult before the Lord, who appointed me ruler over the Lord’s people, rather than your father or anyone from his family.

You Are Embarrassing Me – Michals Story

This is the last we hear of Michal, but we do know she was childless in both marriages and that her last years must have been unhappy ones since she was in a loveless marriage.

What We Can Learn From Michal

The primary lesson we can learn from Michal isn’t the one you might think it is…

Lesson One:

Don’t be ashamed to let everyone know you are a Christian.

We don’t have any idea whether Michal loved and worshipped God or not. The Bible gives no indication one way or the other EXCEPT to indicate that when her husband worshipped without abandon she was disgusted and ashamed.

This is NOT a recommendation for dancing in the aisles of the church in nothing but your underwear. It is; however, a reminder to never be ashamed of the Gospel and to live your faith every day in every way.

Lesson Two:

And yet another reminder to marry a man who loves the LORD.

Lesson Three:

Love must be a two-way street in order for a marriage to be happy and successful.

Michal loved David, but knowing he didn’t feel the same way should have been enough to keep her from marrying him. She deserved to be loved back. So do you.

To Sum It All Up

Marrying a man who will love and cherish you for the Godly woman you are and continually become is the only reason to marry someone. To do otherwise is to set yourself up for heartache and disappointment. To do so will also stagnate your relationship with God-something you never want to do.

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