Do You Hate the Proverbs 31 Woman Too?

I Get Tired Just Thinking About It – The Proverbs 31 Woman’s Story

Some women balk at the idea of being a homemaker, but if you are a woman of God, balking is the last thing that should be on your agenda. While it is true that the husband is the head of the household, it is equally true that the wife is the heart of the household.

The Proverbs 31 Woman’s Story

This diligent woman is a source of inspiration for many of us, particularly in her ability to transform yarn into fabric in order to create apparel for her family. Do not be disheartened. God is unconcerned if we opt to purchase at the mall or our preferred discount store rather than creating clothing for our family.

However, God does intend for women who identify as members of his family to be diligent and prioritise our household. They are to be good stewards, thrifty, honourable, faithful spouses, dedicated mothers, and ensure that their husbands and children are healthy, well-nourished, safe, clean, and loved unconditionally.

Read the passage below, in which God instructed Solomon to characterise the woman to whom we should aspire. Subsequently, dedicate some time to prayer, requesting that God transform your life and demonstrate to you how you can embody the qualities of a Proverbs 31 woman for your family.

Who can locate a wife of noble character? She is considerably more valuable than rubies. Her spouse has every confidence in her and she lacks nothing of value. All of her life, she brings him good, not damage. She works with enthusiastic hands and selects flax and wool. She is akin to the merchant ships, which transport her food from abroad.

She rises in the middle of the night to prepare food for her family and portions for her female servants. She purchases a field and plant a vineyard with the proceeds. She proceeds with vigour; her arms are capable of handling her responsibilities.

She observes that her trading is profitable, and her lamp remains illuminated throughout the night. She grasps the spindle with her fingertips and holds the distaff in her hand. She extends her hands to the needy and exposes her arms to the impoverished. She is unconcerned about the safety of her household during snowfall, as they are all dressed in scarlet.

She is attired in purple and exquisite linen, and she creates bedclothes. Her spouse is held in high regard at the city gate, where he occupies a position among the land’s elders. She manufactures and distributes linen garments, as well as provides merchants with sashes.

She is adorned with dignity and fortitude; she can chuckle at the days ahead. Her tongue is adorned with faithful instruction, and she speaks with considerable wisdom. She supervises the affairs of her household and refrains from consuming the sustenance of idleness.

Her children greet her with blessings, and her spouse concurs, stating, “You surpass all the noble deeds of many women.” A woman who fears the Lord is to be commended, as charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting.

I Get Tired Just Thinking About It - The Proverbs 31 Womans Story


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