Closing Remarks – God’s Word

Closing Remarks – God’s Word

When asked to name key figures from the Bible, first and foremost on our minds should be (and hopefully is) God/Jesus. Secondly, nearly everyone will start naming people like Moses, David, Paul, Peter, John the Baptist, Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, and Noah (in no particular order of importance); all of which are men.

It’s true that the majority of Bible heroes and ‘characters’ are men. The culture and the fact that God has placed men over women would dictate that.

Closing Remarks - Gods Word

Hey, without women, there would be no men, so that in itself is of utmost importance.

In reading this book we’ve seen how the role of women got off to a rough start with Eve, but that women like Ruth, Esther, Rahab, Mary, and many others took faith and obedience to a higher level than many of us can even imagine.

These women risked their lives, endured ridicule and prejudice, and emptied themselves out so that God’s purpose and plan could be fulfilled through them.

The question to you as we end our time together is this: Will you do the same? Will you…

  • Share the Good News of salvation with others
  • Use your talents and abilities to bring glory to God
  • Live a lifestyle that reflects Jesus
  • Be obedient to the Word in every way
  • Allow Jesus to be the LORD of your life
  • Ignore the pull of Satan to have a worldly mindset and lifestyle
  • Put your faith in God to see you through the difficult and painful times in your life
  • Give credit and thanks to God for all you have
  • Raise your children to know who Jesus is and what it means to have a personal relationship with him
  • Look forward to spending eternity with the Father and the Son in heaven

To be a woman of God is a tremendous blessing and privilege. We are his children, the sheep of his pasture, his precious creation, and heirs of the Kingdom. We have the honor and responsibility of bringing new life into existence and raising our children with the same unconditional love he extends to us.

Embrace being a woman of God and let your light shine before men (and other women) so that they can see your good works and glorify the Father in heaven.

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