Book of Job Chapter 18 Summary & Analysis

Book 18 The Book of Job

Who wrote the book of Job: No one knows for sure, other than the writer being an Israelite with access to the discourses of Job and his friends and between Job and God. This is not unusual in the fact that

God spoke to his people regularly at this point in history; telling them what took place and

Writing of events was commonplace for the purpose of historical documentation.

When was it written: Most likely between 1,000 and 2,000 B.C.— again God used a messenger to record the events in Job’s life.

Why was it written: To show the holiness of God, the power of God, and the fact that God is just. No one is undeserving of anything we encounter due to the fact that we are not God—we are sinful. But God’s infinite love and wisdom can bring us up and out of those times when we allow him to.

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Who Was Job

The first verses of the book of Job tell us that Job was a very wealthy man and a man who was humble and obedient to God in all things. We also read early on that God and Satan had a couple of conversations about Job.

God was expressing his pride and pleasure with Job, while Satan insisted that Job’s faith was blessing-based. Satan said that if Job lost his wealth, health, and loved ones, he wouldn’t be so eager to please God.

God gave Satan permission to take everything Job had except his life. Satan was told he could do whatever he wanted to Job as long as Job didn’t die.

So to many, the short answer to the question, “Who was Job?” is this: Job was the object or prize to be gained in a challenge between God and Satan.

God And Satan’s Relationship

If you remember from the chapter in the book of Genesis, Satan was one of God’s angels prior to being banished from heaven.

Satan and a few other angels under his influence tried to oust God from his place of holy oneness. To punish Satan for his rebellion, God banished him to earth with the promise to punish Satan for all eternity in hell—a place of unfathomable torment. But until that time, Satan has the power to tempt us to sin and wreak havoc in our lives.

All of this took place prior to the creation of the earth as recorded in Genesis, which explains why Satan tempted Adam and Eve. Satan’s goal is to lure anyone and everyone he can away from God.

While these facts explain who Satan is and what he does, it doesn’t explain why God allowed Satan to live. Why didn’t God just do away with the rebellious being?

Job’s Choice Is Our Choice Too

The book of Job answers the question of why God allowed Satan to live and work his evil cunning in our lives. The answers can be found in Job’s circumstances, Job’s attitude and handling of his circumstances, and the end result brought about by God.

The Answers Are:

  • Satan exists to show us the difference between good and evil
  • Satan exists to give us the option to choose God over sin
  • Satan exists to show us just how dark life without the presence of God is
  • Satan exists to show the enormity of Jesus’ power over death and the victory that will be eternity with God in heaven

Job had to choose God over riches. God over self. God over anger. God over self-pity. Job had to choose to trust that God’s ways are always perfect, always good, and always right. Job choices were the same as the ones we had to make.

Job’s Test Of Faith

Satan was allowed to destroy all of Job’s wealth, kill his children and children-in-law, and inflict Job with a severe case of boils.

These calamities came in rapid succession; leaving Job to deal with more grief than most of us can imagine, knowing his fortune and livelihood had been yanked out from under him, and suffering a tremendous amount of physical anguish.

All Job had left was a wife (who was also grieving and trying to deal with everything) and friends who tried to help but didn’t know how.

Job questioned God’s reasoning in all of it. Job cried out in pain and frustration. Job had a bit of a pity party for himself. Job became discouraged and depressed; saying he wished he’d never even been born. But Job never questioned God’s right to take everything from him. Job never thought himself too righteous to be ‘messed with’.

And these attributes of his character are what make Job such a great example of how we should look at life.

The Ultimate Message Of Truth In The Book Of Job

Job’s story is heart-wrenching, to say the least, but more than that, Job’s story is one that should serve to remind us that God is the all-knowing creator and master of the universe.

In reading Job, we should realize that we have no reason to doubt his methods, his timing, and his will because they are always perfect. Even when we don’t understand or agree with them, they are perfect and right.

Key Verses In Job

Every book of the Bible provides us with words of wisdom, instruction, comfort, encouragement, admonishment, warning, promise, and hope. Let’s look at some of what the Book of Job has to offer.

“He replied, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” Job 2:10

“Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty, for he wounds, but he also binds up; he injures, but his hands also heal.” Job 5:17-18

“What is man that you make so much of him, that you give him so much attention, that you examine him every morning and test him every moment?” Job 7:17-18

Key Verses In Job



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