Blessings Of Satan

Blessing Of Satan

Dear beloved friends! We have discussed the Parent’s blessing in the last chapter and we learned how longer it will be. Now, let us know one more blessing.

Dear friends! Believers should have to vary far away from the satanic events. We should not accept even his shadow. Satan is an enemy of every Christian. We can not be a believer unless we overcome him.

If you want to know more about him, read the book “How to Know the Weaknesses of Satan. How could overcome him?’ which had been written by me with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Satan will try to destroy our faith in any way.

Blessings Of Satan

He waits throughout the day for a chance to tempt us. He is destroying most people for the sake of the blessing. You may think that Satan has the blessing. Yes, he has. There was deception in Satan’s blessing which could lead to hell.

So many people were attracted to his tricks and fallen from Christ. Satan showed their desires to Jesus, and then Jesus threw and commanded him. Let us see in the light of the word of God how Jesus commanded Satan in the book of Matthew 4:8-10

“Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, And he said to Him, ‘all these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me. ’ Then Jesus said to him, Away with you, Satan! For it is written, You shall worship the Ford your God, and Him only you shall serve. “

Dear friends! We should have the same experience that Jesus had. Jesus Christ overcomes the world and all things in the world. How brave Satan has shown the wealth and power of this world? Jesus was never fallen. The entire world was in his creation. What an amazing thing that Satan tempted Jesus Christ.

Hence, let us examine how we are. And perhaps let us test whether we are in Satan’s blessing or in God’s blessing. Basically, Satan shows the desires in his blessing. There are many people who were attacked and tempted by his desires of lust.

There was Achan who was tempted by Satan. Achan stars who came from Egypt. He saw the miracle of Moses. And he was walking with all the people when the Red Sea was divided into two parts. And he has seen the walls of Jericho when those walls fell.

It is experiencing all the miracles of god. But he was tempted by Satan who gave his heart to him. He thinks who never saw me. So, why should I leave these valuable clothes and the gold? And he thought that all the people were mad.

Hence, Thirty-six warriors were killed who went to the city of Ai.

He never cared. Then Joshua who was the great leader tore his clothes and fell to the earth and put dust on their heads. Even in that situation, Achan is never told that he was attacked with Satan’s blessing and doesn’t tell his mistake until to end. Even though, the mistake of Achan had been revealed.

Let us sec in the light of the word of God. What happened to him for his mistake in the book of Joshua 7:25 “And Joshua said, Why have you trouble us? The Lord will trouble you this day. So all of Israel stoned him with stones, and they burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones.

Dear friends Satan’s blessing is with pleasure and with modern. There will be a day for those who followed him and cried out why have done the wicked acts against him. Achan loved to die for Satan’s blessing and gained and he and his family were stoned by the stones. Therefore, far away from Satan’s blessing.

Satan will never leave you until hands over your heart with his tricks and destroys you. So, as Jesus has overcome him, we too overcome him and his any kind of blessing with the power of the word of God in our hearts. If we look at the life of Gehazi, he was a servant of a great prophet named Elisha.

He was so faithful. Hence, a commander Naaman suffering from leprosy came to Elisha for the healing of his leprosy and he was washed in the Jordan seven times and healed by the power of God. So, he desires to give the gifts to Elisha.

Then Elisha rejected it. Then, Gehazi doesn’t accept the attitude of Elisha. He thinks that Elisha’s loss is a great blessing. At that time, Gehazi was attacked by Satan’s blessing. Then he decided to take those gifts in any way and he went to Naaman and asked him to take what his prophet Elisha told to back.

He got Satan’s blessing and came back quietly. Then Elisha commanded — have you my mind with you? And Elisha cursed him like ‘therefore the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and your descendants forever and he went out from his presence leprous, as white as snow*. You can see this entire story from I Kings5:l-27.

Dear friends! Naaman came to God and was healed from his leprosy. On the other hand, Gahazi who was in the presence of God was affected with leprosy. While the sinners knew the power of God and confessed their sins by avoiding Satan’s blessing, some of the men of God, those who are living in and living with God are inviting the blessing of Satan.

For instance, they are creating and expecting in different ways to get support from America by starting the children hostels. It is a horrible thing. But all are not in the same way. Some of them are getting support from America and spending for the work of God only.

But think a moment for about those who are misusing the funds from six out of ten. It is not my intention to mock you that you are getting the funds from America. But, beware that there are people receiving the blessing of Satan by deceiving the Americans and getting funds for social works by collecting and showing fake names as orphan children and as old age people.

Numerous individuals of this nature exist. However, be cautious, as God will condemn you for cursing Gahazi. You are permitted to travel in the air-conditioned vehicles today. Ask yourself, “What is the purpose for which you have been called by God?” You have been summoned to complete the assignment in the vast harvest field of God.

However, you abandoned this greater calling and sought Satan’s benediction by enhancing your material possessions in this world, unless you distribute them to the impoverished and orphaned. You were filled with pride. Do you possess the genuine blessing?

If it is a boon from God, you will remain in close proximity to Him and will not attempt to accumulate more possessions. The impoverished could be under your charge. You have the capacity to adore your brothers and sisters. This is merely a blessing from God that never separates you from Him.

To my dear companions, I was acquainted with a pastor who lived entirely under the grace of God. Hewvas exerted himself diligently and rescued 200 souls. However, one day, his friend approached him and provided him with the address of an American missionary. He suggested that he compose a letter to the missionary in order to request support and to broaden his ministry.

Consequently, he composed a letter to an American missionary and prayed. They responded to his letter and vowed to visit his ministry in India. They arrived in India, visited his ministry, and donated lakhs of rupees, as they had stated.

Afterward, his existence was transformed into one of wealth. He was fortunate to acquire a vehicle; however, it is not an oversight. However, he has compiled a list of fabricated identities and demonstrated that they receive thousands of rupees on a monthly basis. His outlook has been altered. His church’s beliefs declined from 200 to 50.

Additionally, he was nominated for the election and advocated for the rowdies. However, He is asserting that this is the entirety of God’s bounty. The reason is that I was born into a very impoverished situation. Is it logical? Is this bounty a gift from God? Please inform me.

Is this the bounty that is consumed from the children’s bread? Is this the blessing that is depriving the widow of her food? This is not a blessing from God. This is solely the blessing of Satan. Gahazi also received the same blessing. Bilam is also anxious to receive Satan’s blessing and is cautioned by the donkey. But in the final stage, both are discovered to have the darkest existence.

So, my beloved friends! Even if a man acquires the wealth of this world and the funds from America, he does not forfeit God’s call. These are trivial matters. Among the men of God are those who receive assistance from America and allocate the funds with precision, ensuring that orphans, elderly individuals, and widows are supported without interruption by the organisation.

Regardless of the situation, endeavour to maintain a distance from Satan’s benediction. The president of our village was elected by a man in our congregation. He consistently attended the youth prayers on Wednesdays, the fasting prayer on Saturdays, and the worship service on Sundays, despite the fact that he had neglected his employment.

However, his attendance at all of those services has become highly irregular. He is asserting that God has bestowed upon me an abundance of blessings by granting me this position. In reality, this is not a blessing from God. Satan endeavours to delude through his schemes and confer the partnership in a manner that is unjust. The bounty of God necessitates that we devote a significant amount of time to His presence.

Consequently, it is only logical to assert that this is a boon from God.

To my dear companions, A man stated that I had been blessed by God, as I was able to construct a house worth ten lakhs, despite my early existence in a small hut. My enterprise has been nurtured by God. When I was composing a volume titled “What are the causes of human diseases?” What is the most effective method for delivering? I attended a church service during which a testimony was delivered.

I then inquired about the nature of his enterprise. This was followed by a straightforward response: “God has revealed to me a lending business that is associated with love.” Subsequently, I inquired and requested that he provide any additional information. He responded, “I am not concerned, even if you don’t like my suggestions.”

I then provided him with a selection of verses and recommended that he read them with a sincere heart at your residence. Subsequently, you will be aware of the consequences of this enterprise and the manner in which you are progressing as a result of this boon.

Let us examine the references I have provided to him in the context of the word of God. In the book of Psalms, 15:5 is written as “He who does not put out his money at usury, Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.” The individual who engages in these activities will never be swayed.

To my dear companions, If we lend our money, we will be prohibited from God’s vocation and the peace of God. Satan will then demolish our objective. The interest is more advantageous than the capital money, which is why he employs a deception. Do not assert that this is a blessing from God for those who are in the lending industry.

It suffices to assert that Satan has bestowed us with blessings. Consequently, it is accurate. I am unconcerned with your emotions. I am providing you with the information that God provided to me in accordance with the word of God. In Ezk 18:13, it is stated, “If he has exacted usury or taken increase, shall he then live?”

He shall not survive! If he has committed any of these atrocities, he will undoubtedly perish; his blood will be on him. There was no additional evidence beyond this reference. The word of God is indicating that those who have committed this act are equivalent to those who have committed immoral acts.

Additionally, it proclaims that they will perish. Dear believers, if you are currently engaged in this activity, please cease immediately and make a compromise with God. No, there is nothing; this is unquestionably a benediction from Satan.

Dear friends! You may have a doubt. If we help without interest to those who are in difficulties, they may pay back to me the capital. If we give for interest, they may fear about the interest and pay back to us.

If give the money without interest they may not pay it back but I did not take the money from you. God’s punishment is more terrible than this. Then do one thing, lend your money and take a promissory note, and do not take the interest when he is paying.

This is a Good attitude. So do not give your money as lending. So many pastors also are doing the lending business and he will take the interest Rs.15/- per cent. A pastor giving his money for usury and he is saying that god blessed us.

Is it reasonable? Just think a moment. Is God’s blessing suggesting you take the interest? The Bible is saying that those who give their money for usury will be punished. But they do not bother about this word of God.

And they may think that there is no one who did not die! Hence, you have to know about death which is the second death that leads to hell.

Dear friends! Stop this attitude if you have this type of habit. Just remove this thinking for your goodness. And support those who are in trouble and show mercy upon them. This attitude is the blessing of God. So, leave Satan’s blessing and receive the blessing of God.

God’s blessing will give you peace and a cool mind. There was satisfaction in God’s blessing. There will be no good health in the illegal money and even you can not get the heaven illegally. So, rebuke the Satan’s blessing.

If you want to live and want to get heaven, leave the usury right now. A bribe is another blessing of Satan. Let us see in the light of the word of God what we can get due to this blessing.

In the book of Proverbs 15:27 writes “He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, But he who who who hates bribes will live” Nowadays, if you want any service in the government office, it is necessary to give a bribe. So many say, that God blessed them with bribery.

What a horrible thing it is! Is God’s blessing saying to take the bribe? A bribe is Satan’s blessing. You could inherit the second death if you take the bribe. The children of God should have to hate the bribe.

If you love the bribe, then God’s blessing never is upon you. The children of God also take the bribe and increase their wealth. You could get a wage for your labor. Why are you receiving Satan’s blessing? You could get the hell with Satan’s blessing.

Are you laboring for the hell? And are you naming it as God’s blessing? Those who have God’s blessing, could overcome the second death and hate the bribe. Do you belong to God? Testify yourself.

If you took a bribe, you belong to Satan. Then you could have Satan’s blessing upon you. So, be against bribe. Somebody spoke unto me- O, Pastor how can we live without taking bribes? Then I replied to them like — could you touch the pieces of burning wood into your hands? If anyone asks you to sign on a white paper, will you sign on it? Just say the fact.

You could not take the pieces of burning wood into your hands. So, if anyone asks you to sign on a white paper, you never sign on it due to future problems. So, be far away from Satan’s blessing by fearing the Second Death.

Dear friends a fish can swim in the opposite direction of the water flow when the water flow is flowing very fast. In the same way, a true believer could overcome Satan’s works. In recent days, a believer has come to the news.

When he had no job, he had nothing and had a poor hut which is the only property. After getting the job the salary of Rs.15,000/- per month and getting more money in the form of bribe.

So, as per the government’s value, his house will be valued at 30 laks, his double cot will be valued at 1.5 lakhs and all the furniture with rosewood in the house will be lakhs of rupees.

He is paying fees of about Rs.40,000/- for his 3 children’s education. And the approximate monthly maintenance will be Rs. 15,000/-. He became rich even though his wife didn’t bring any kind of property in the form of a dowry.

What are the main reasons for his richness? He simply gave a testimony- God blessed me abundantly because I am going to church regularly and giving the offerings.

But one day when the income tax officers ride his house. Then the fact was revealed. The officers found opium and home-brewed liquor in the underground of his house. Then he lost his job and was thrown into jail. Let me tell you — is this God’s blessing? There will be the punishment in the hell for the Satan’s blessing.

So, my dear friends! Be far away from the wicked acts. Do not treat the Satan’s blessing as the God’s blessing. There will be no deception in God’s blessing. There will be justice and righteousness in God’s blessing and there will be no fear in God’s blessing.

Therefore, leave the wicket acts right now and compromise with God. Let us see what will be there in the book of Psalms 140:13- “Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name; The upright shall dwell in Your presence.”

Dear friends! If we want to be in the presence of God, we should have righteousness.

Is there righteousness in the deceivers or in the bribers and lenders? Could they enter into the presence of God? When a man goes to his higher officer, if he steps on the dung of a cattle, will he visit him without washing his feet? And will he visit the house of his friends? If he went, they may hate him.

The usury, bribes, and deception are also more hateful than this situation. Having these wicked acts, can you get the answers to your prayers? You can not get the answer. I can say that all these people are members of Satan who have Satan’s blessing.

Are you thinking that your wealth which came from dishonesty will be longer with you? All the things will be diminished which came with the dishonesty. This is not my consent. Let us see in the light of the word of God in the book of Proverbs 13:11 “Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, But he who gathers by labor will increase.

Dear friends! Are you gathering your wealth by labor? Or are you gathering your wealth with dishonesty? We have to test ourselves. You have to know for what purpose the American funds you are getting are either for you or the orphans. Think for a moment.

If you are gaining it with dishonesty, it may become a thread for your neck to hang you. Whatever it may be, it is Satan’s blessing that you gain with dishonesty. Do not call it God’s blessing to improve your punishment more.

All the people and their ways seem that they are right, those who are the sinners, bribes, injustice, and those who correspond to America to get the funds with dishonesty. Do you know the punishment and how much it will be for the dishonesty? I am not saying that it is dishonesty Let us see in the word of God.

In the book Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. ’’You have to understand that you are walking either the way of dishonesty or the way of illegal, or the way of usury, or the way of bribe, or the way of false writings will lead you to the way of the second death.

Dear friends, we can live 70 or 80 years in this world either we live with dishonesty or with honesty. Even though, all should have to live in this world. But all things that we have done in this world will come into the judgment.

So, if anybody lives in righteousness, and confesses and pleases God they can get heaven as a reward. We can have a seat on the palm of God, and have eternal pleasure and eternal worship in heaven.

The second reward for the blessing of Satan will awarded for the works of dishonesty, for the works of wickedness, and for the works of disobedience. There will be cries forever and there will never die your soul in hell.

There will be great agony in the hell. So, the blessed are they who escape from the hell. So, the hell is very terrible and horrible. But, Satan will try to drag all the people into hell by showing the worldly desires of his blessing. So, try to be in the God’s blessing by avoiding the Satan’s blessing.

Now, you may be able to not know the value of the blessing of God. But, you could know the value of God’s blessing, when you fell in hell. Then, there will be no way to get into God’s blessing from hell.

So, try to get the blessing of god before you die. You can become a righteousness in God. You should clean your sins in the blood of Jesus. You have to reach God with your broken heart. For instance, you should become a prayer warrior.

Dear friends! In my worldview, only Satan’s blessing is expanding day by day. All the crime of robbery and the crime of dishonesty had been developed. We are living in the days of dishonesty. Murderers are murdering even the children for the money.

Those who thefts parts of the human body were raised to theft the kidneys, eyes, and other parts of humankind by killing them. And somewhere, there are the parents who are selling their children to prostitute homes.

But all these are the blessings in their sight which were done by the inspiration of Satan. A woman is in Bombay, committing adultery and gaining the lasks of rupees. She purchased a car and built a luxurious home. She always wears the golden ornaments to her entire body like a goddess.

But, she was confused that this was god’s blessing that she had. At the final stage, she died helplessly and was found in a water out after 20 days. What a sad thing. All the blessings that came from Satan will be like this.

She was a faithful believer at the beginning of her life and she can sing songs too. She was attracted by the words of her friend and started wicked with the inspiration of Satan and died helplessly. She died here, but she laments very hard in the hell.

Today, if we ask the prisoner who is in the Rajahmundry Central Jail about the blessing, they could explain more of their cruel experiences. One prisoner murdered his friend for Rs. 1000/- only. Is this Satan’s blessing?

And another enters a house even during the daytime and he has murdered a woman for money. Is this Satan’s blessing? All the robberies in banks, buses, and vehicles have been done by the inspiration of Satan only.

Dear friends! So many are jailed for accepting Satan’s blessing. Do labor for yourself. But do not do the robbery, because you can be jailed with the blessing of the robber in Satan. It is much better to have a hundred rupees in abiding God than to have one lakh rupees with Satan’s blessing.

I would like to tell a story of righteousness. I knew a man who was the merchant of Ghee. Hence, he used to adulterate in the ghee. Due to his adulteration, some people fell with loose motions to those who ate the ghee from him.

So, the victim complained to the elders of the village. Then he was called the ghee merchant and he adjudges him. He was adjudged to pay either the fine of Rs.1000/- or to drink some liters of ghee or have the glowing hundred glows of the whip.

Hence, the miser merchant was ready to drink the ghee. After he started drinking the ghee, the loose motions have bee started to him. Then he again changed the punishment and was ready for hundreds of glows of the whip, because he was unable to drink the ghee, then they started and he changed the punishment and was ready to pay the Rs.1000/- as a fine due to the inability of the punishment.

Dear friends! He has faced the three punishments that he was given. Nowadays, there are so many facing punishments for their desires due to Satan’s blessing. There is no punishment for those who are in Christ.

If those are not in Christ, they will be punished in this world and in hell. So, leave the Satan’s blessing and try to attain the God’s blessing. Saul was a king and he was very faithful to God and he was in God’s blessing in the beginning.

Hence, after some days, he was lying with the prophet Samuel due to the inspiration of Satan. Let us see in the word of God in the book of I Samuel 15:19 “Why then you not obey the voice of the Lord?

Why did you swoop down on the spoil and do evil in the sight of the Lord?’ Dear friends! Why was the soul eager to get Satan’s blessing? When he got Satan’s blessing, then he became a man of meanness in the sight of the Lord.

The Lord God took back His blessing from Saul. Just think, from which position Saul came? When he was very poor at the beginning of his life, God made a king and blessed him. But he doesn’t keep God’s blessing and falls in the destruction with his pride.

There are many people like Saul in this world who got saved by God, blessed by Him and they forgot their higher position which was given by God, and fallen in Satan’s blessing.

Take care; you too could get the same punishment that Saul got. Either you attend more prayer meetings or whatever you did for God; if you have done the act of Satan, it is that you inherit Satan’s blessing.

Dear friends! You have to obey God is greater than you attend the church meetings and your prayers. It is the God’s blessing. If you obey Satan, then your prayer and fearing the lord could be counted.

Let us see in the book of I Samuel 15:22 — “So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice.”

According to this verse, obeying God is greater than our prayer. For instance, we have to live according to the word of God. We have seen many verses in the word of God. If we usury, we can be destructed and fall into the Second death.

God hates the dishonesty, jealousy, and bribes. Will God accept you if you keep those wicked acts in your heart when you pray and live for God? Are those pleased with God? We are mankind, so we wish our neighbors or our friends even if we have grudges against them in our hearts.

You may wish them that is my goodness for your coming to our home, you praise them like — you have to have a sweet voice, you look like a cinema actor when you are walking, I want to see you more as much I want. These are the words of hypocrites.

But there are so many who feel that these are all true. But the hypocrites were keeping bad in their hearts. This is the behavior of a man. The hypocrite could adore God physically like — O, God I praised you, I adore you, you are my soul, you’re my heart, I will never live without you, you are my God, you are my God even this world excommunicated me.

You could pray like this. But God never believes you. Just think for a moment with your heart. Let us see in the book of Psalms 139:1-3 “0 Lord, You have searched me and known me.

You know my sitting down and my rising up; you know my sitting down and my rising up; you understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways.”

Let us see one more verse in I Samuel 16: r for man looks at the outward appearance, the Lord looks at the heart”…

Dear friends! What do you want more than this evidence? God never looks like a man, but He looks in our hearts. You can not receive the answer to your prayers even pray more unless you leave the blessing of Satan.

So, examine yourself whether you have the Satanic blessing or you have God’s blessing. If you have Satan’s acts in you, it will be an obstacle to God’s blessing. It is never possible to keep God’s blessing and Satan’s blessing in your heart at the same time.

You can not get the God’s blessing unless you remove the Satan’s blessing from your heart. We have to decide which are we need among these two blessings. There was selfishness, jealousy, unjust, injustice, and much more in Satan’s blessing.

God’s blessing never allows any act of Satan into it. You could keep the Salvation of God very carefully. Your behavior, your way of taking is the witness to your mind to hate Satan’s blessing. So, hate Satan’s blessing. Receive the Salvation of God. Then you could get God’s blessing.

Then only you treat Satan’s blessing as the dung of cattle in this word. This is the attitude of a Christian. Paul hates the things of this world that belong to Satan. Whatever it may be, try to make the right decision at the right time.

Avoid all the profits illegally. So do not usury your money. Because it will create a very terrible problem. So, don’t live with dishonesty. If there is any interruption to your prayer life, it tricks and temptation of Satan.

Because God’s blessing never postpones the prayer. And it never stops to hear the word of God. It does not force them to lend and take bribes.

Dear friends! Once upon a time, there was a believer, who was very faithful to God. He never stole the time of God at any cost. He was a great prayer warrior. He never did any wickedness against God. His wife was also taken baptism.

His entire family used to attend the prayer meetings regularly. One day, a close relative came to him with a satanic mind and mocked them that they didn’t have even a T.V. and chairs. Then this believer simply showed his faith that they have the blessing of God.

So, we shall not want. We are very happy with what God has given us. And they said that Jesus is our provider. Then his relative mocked God and he encouraged them to lead them to town with him. Then he suggested if you come with me to the town, your life can be changed within 2 years.

His tricks to force them to take with him to the town by playing tricks like — your children’s future will be settled just listen to my words. You have two buffalos which gives you milk. These only can feed you. Your wife will take care of them. You can take care of my cell phone shop. You can get good profit every month in the business.

It will never be the obstacle of your prayer life. You can attend the church on every Sunday. Then he was attracted by the words of his friend. He went to his pastor and told him everything. Then the pastor replied — you don’t have loss and debit here.

So, think how you will be changed, if you go to the town. Listen to my words, don’t go to the town. Here you have your own house, and you can not pay the rent in the town. I am suggesting you for goodness only. The decision is yours. Then again this great believer came to his friend and told every suggestion of the pastor.

Then his friend convinced him like — your pastor told him that he could lose the profit from you in the form of offerings. You may come here to your village after two years with a prosperous life and amaze your pastor.

As per the words and tricks of his relative, he made the decision to go to town. Then they went to town with the entire family including buffalos even his wife disagreed.

After a few days in the town, they got fold the profits from the milk of their buffalos and they felt that this was very blessing and fruitful by our Lord God. Then they desired to make much profit from the milk and they started to mix the water in the milk.

Actually, they never mixed the water while they were in their village. Gradually they gained gain prosperous life. One day they purchased the T.V. and the Bike. Even though their lives have been changed, they are attending church regularly.

While they growing financially, they think like — if obey our pastor in our village, we may not attain this much of a blessing. We have gained much bank balance and we have settled very well. They support themselves.

And after few days later, they purchased his friend’s shop. As they are growing financially, they are used to proud. One day, he was shocked that his wife went out with another man. Then he suffered that his prestige had been lost.

And another day later, the policemen raided his shop found some stolen mobile phones, and ceased his shop. Then his life became critical. Then we came to his village by leaving the town and confessed in the presence of the Lord at the pastor and told everything to the pastor and prayed much like — I made done great mistake in the presence of Jesus Christ.

Finally, due to his prayers and the church prayers, his wife came back to him and confessed by realizing her mistake as we have fallen into trouble because of our mistakes. They felt that this was the right punishment for our mistake. Then they finally started life faithfully in God by avoiding Satan’s blessing.

Dear friends! If you follow Satan, you can find this type of punishment will become to you. So, recognize the blessing of God and the blessing of Satan. If we far away from the presence of God is a symbol of Satan’s blessing and acts against the word of God is the symbol of Satan’s blessing and the higher position in the society which you got illegally is Satan’s blessing.

We don’t do the works against God is the symbol of God’s blessing. They will never reduce the time to God even the laksh of rupees will be given. Know your blessing which it is through the word of God. Satan shows his entire wrath upon us by showing worldly desires as early as possible.

He makes us confused about Satan’s blessing whether the blessing of God or it is Satan’s blessing. Even the men of God also fall in the confusion of Satan and them proud that God has been developed abundantly.

Some more pastors backslidden from the presence of God and they were confused that their richness was the blessing of God and destructed themselves. One of the believers conducts and participates in the church service at his home against his pastor.

Hence, he reduced the prayer service at his home day by day. Then his position had been changed into rich. He got great profit from his crop and purchased the luxurious furniture and items in his home. Then he said that I have been changed into a rich life, and everything will be changed into the God which I am touching.

He mocked his pastor I became rich even though this pastor hated me. Now only I am having the real kind of blessing. It is a very sad thing. Will they get the blessing of God even if they leave the presence of God? Satan is confusing mankind.

O, my dear friends! Think a moment, someone could fit the bait to a fish hook when luring a fish, show the grits before hunting the birds, and feed a goat before killing a hen to become fat to kill it for food.

In the same way, Satan will bless the backsliders in the beginning, but he waits for an opportunity to throw them into the great deep. There can be no chance even if you cry. Just think for a moment

Dear friends! Judas was inspired by Satan came with the chief priests, to hand over Jesus to get the blessing of Satan. Due to this sad thing, Judas tears the tears later. So, we can see that he was corrupted-minded and hanged to a tree.

So, the Satan’s blessing is dishonesty. The sorrow will be given to you for the blessing of Satan. So, leave the Satan’s blessing. Don’t allow it into your mind too. The little blessings will lead you to hell.

So think and examine the blessings that we have now whether they are God’s blessing or Satan’s blessing. There are people eager to get Satan’s blessing even if they the God’s blessing.

The book of Revelation 2:4,5 is saying about this kind of people. “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repentDear friends! We are saved so that we must have the first love.

In the days of our salvation, we used to go to every meeting wherever it was conducted even if we had urgent work. We filled with Jesus and prayed to him as much as possible. But we gradually reduced our time rearing the Lord.

Where shall it go the first fearing of God? Just think a moment. Satan tries to tempt the believers in any way. Beware of him. Do not fall for his tricks.

If you feel in Satan’s blessing, there will be no use for whatever you have. Whether it is gain it doesn’t matter. The blessing of God doesn’t keep our mind in the wealth. It never encourages us for wicked things.

It tells us that there is nothing other than prayer. It leads us to live with Jesus as our soul. This is the real blessing of God. Whereas, the blessing of Satan was always tried to do against to wait for an opportunity to throw them into the great deep. There can be no chance even if you cry. Just think a moment.

Dear friends! Judas inspired by Satan came with the chief priests, to hand over Jesus to get the blessing of Satan. Due to this sad thing, Judas tears the tears later. So, we can see that he was corrupted-minded and hanged to a tree. So, the Satan’s blessing is dishonesty.

The sorrow will be given to you for the blessing of Satan. So, leave the Satan’s blessing. Don’t allow it into your mind too. The little blessings will lead you to the hell. So think and examine the blessings that we have now whether they are God’s blessing or Satan’s blessing. There are people eager to get Satan’s blessing even if they the God’s blessing.

The book of Revelation 2:4,5 is saying about this kind of people.

“Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place- unless you repent.”

Dear friends! We are saved so that we must have the first love.

In the days of our salvation, we used to go to every meeting wherever it was conducted even if we had urgent work. We filled with Jesus and prayed to him as much as possible. But we gradually reduced our time rearing the Lord.

Where shall it go the first fearing of God? Just think a moment. Satan tries to tempt the believers in any way. Beware of him. Do not fall for his tricks. If you feel in Satan’s blessing, there will be no use for whatever you have.

Whether it is gain it doesn’t matter. The blessing of God doesn’t keep our mind in the wealth. It never encourages us for wicked things. It tells us that there is nothing more than prayer. It leads us to live with Jesus as our soul.

This is the real blessing of God. Whereas, the blessing of Satan always tries to go against the blessing of God. Satan always tries to convince us as follows to commit sin.

It always makes us fear like if we pray today what will happen tomorrow unless you work? Is your prayer life will give you the daily bread and shelter for you? God told you that have to do all six days in a week and worship him on the seventh day only.

It says no problem even if you have done anything in all the remaining six days a week. How can you live with dishonesty? We are all humankind. It is quite natural to deceive others. God does not care about all things you do.

See that the pastor, acquired a number of acres of property and deposited the fixed deposit for your son. He also forces us to make the mistakes. No problem for us. We too start the mistake.

First of all, we have to take care of our family and our work. Then only we have to do the work of God. See the thief on the cross of Calvary. He has made so many mistakes and murders when he confessed his sins, she got saved.

So, no problem the mistakes to earn much more for you by lending, dishonesty, and getting a much profit from those works. But Satan tells you if you pray continuously without ceasing, you could get the heaven even if you have done sinful acts.

The blessing of Satan confused all the humankind like this, he destroyed everything. All there are the tricks of Satan. But it will lead to hell if you follow him or if you accept the blessing of Satan. Dear friends! It is not my intention to mock you.

The acts can be done which are against God are all done by Satan. When a doctor diagnoses a patient and gives him the description to take the medicine daily. And he suggests we have to take care of food.

And he says if you do not follow the prescription, your disease can not be cured. And you may die also. Then we feared for our souls took care of food and followed the suggestions strictly as per prescription.

When I was a doctor, a man came to me and diagnosed me. After he had coughed continuously and fell the blood from his mouth. Then I asked him do you smoke? Then he simply replied I started to smoke when from my 12 years old. Then I told him — if you smoke even a single beedi or cigarette, you can be attacked with cancer.

And I suggest taking the relevant medicine and saying take care of your food and use the pot herb. Your soul is in your hand. Take a decision at the right time follow the prescription and give some more instructions, to care for food.

Then his wife told me about her husband and that he never be like an ordinary man unless you smoked a cigarette per hour. If he doesn’t smoke, he will be as madman. And she said will stop smoking? But from that time when I warned him about his soul, he feared and stopped smoking.

Now, 13 years passed away that he has stopped smoking. He never smokes even one cigarette or beedi. He is now very healthy. Because he liked soul so much to live longer.

Dear friends, do you act against the word of God if you want to live longer? Just think a moment. If you recognize that you are far away from God and ear to Satan, can you be far away from God? What shall you do against God? You can be far away from God against God if you are interested in getting Satan’s blessing.

For instance, you will do what God commanded you not to do is the blessing of Satan. So, how can you know in which blessing you are in? let us see in the word of God in the book of I John 2:3,4 “Now by this we know Him that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.

He who says, ‘I know him, ’ and does not keep His Commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” You never be attacked by Satan if you follow according to the commandments of God. If you don’t have the word of God in you, Satan will tempt you.

And you backbit; I have the blessing of God. So, live according to the word of God. It makes us live and give us peace. You have to examine yourself and how you are living. Then only you can easily recognize the differences between God’s blessing and Satan’s blessing.

Dear friends! Our God will provide what we want if we abide in him. Do not keep your mind in the property which given by God but follow and live in Him. One who believed and saved in Jesus does not expect to do anything to get wealth and profit in the wrong way.

If you desire like to be rich, you can be snared. Let us see the word of God in the book of I Timothy 6:9,10 “But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and predication.

For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. ”

Dear friends! Greediness is one of the weapons in the blessing of Satan. One surrounded by it, then you can pierce themselves means they can be felled in hell. Why because they desire the blessing of Satan. Dear friends! We all need the money.

But, is it will be always? Or is it will come to us illegally? We have to know that we should keep our hearts in God and be saved and live according to the word of God even if we have loss or difficulty, then Jesus will provide us whatever we need at any time.

Let us see in the word of God in I Timothy 6:17-19 “Command those who are rich in their present age not to haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

Let them do Good, that they are rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

Dar friends! All these suggestions are so valuable to walk in the way of light to attain the wealth of God’s blessing which is the honest act. The wealth of this world belongs to this world. Nothing will be eternal.

Your relatives never came with you. They can find hell for those who think that the wealth of this world is a blessing. So, one who attains the salvation of God’s blessing can save their soul. They never kept their mind and hearts on gold and wealth.

So, they always kept their mind on God but not on the property. So, this wealth cannot be changing them. And they will be merciful on the poor and they loved them. So, look unto Jesus only. But if you don’t keep your mind unto Jesus and far away from Him, then the entire God’s blessing will be far away from you.

Then, Satan’s can become upon you. Then so many people confuse it that it is God’s blessing. They don’t have their mind on God and on the word of God. They think that their way is right. So, my dear friends let us walk in the way of God.

But a certain man named Ananias with Sapphira his wife had an idea to sell their possession to attain heaven and they thought then we could have much happy and pleasure and there would be golden streets in heaven.

So that is why we need our possession. Let us sell this land and keep it at the feet of aposdes and we will be with them and attain the heaven. They sold their passion as per their commitment, but they had the desire of lust when they saw the money to keep back part of the price of the land themselves.

To keep part of the price for themselves is an attitude is belongs to Satan’s blessing. Let us see in the word of God in the book of Acts 5:3-6 “But Veter said’ Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and -ep back part of the price of the land for yourself? You have not lied to men but to God.

Then Ananias, hearing their words, fell down and breathed his last. So great fear came upon all those who heard these things. And the young arose and wrapped him up, carried him out, and buried him. ”

Dear friends! The Ananias and Sapphira the wife and husbands take a decision as per the blessing of God in the blessing. But Satan filled their hearts to lie to the Holy Spirit. Then they lied as per their desires of Satan’s blessing and died on the same day.

Satan can only deceive but he cannot keep us in his blessing. In the beginning, Satan deceived Eve but he could not give the clothes. Hence, God has given them the clothes with mercy. There is the mercy and peace in the blessing of God.

But there will be no peace in Satan’s blessing and fall into hell. Hence, the blessing of God leads you to heaven. So decide now, which kind of blessing you want.




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