Blessing Of God

Blessing Of God

My dear Friends! We have learned so many things up to now. Finally, let us learn how and when God’s blessing will come to us. And how long it will be with us? First of all, let’s see the word ‘Blessing in which situation God used in the word of God.

In the book of Genesis 1:22 written “And God blessed them, saying, He fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth” Dear friends! God blessed everything. He blessed them for men.

God blessed Adam and Eve on the same day when god created them. Let us see the word of God in the book of Genesis 5:12 “This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. On the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female blessed them and called them mankind on the day they were created

The Power of Parental Blessings

Dear friends! The word ‘blessing’ is so precious. It should be the God’s blessing when God blessed Adam and Eve, but they lost God’s blessing, by getting into Satan’s blessing. So all the earth and the entire creature were cursed by God.

There was a change in everything in the animals. From then onwards, all the strong kill the weak to eat. Adam and Eve were the reason for this change and it happened through the discrimination of a man. Man, violet the God’s command with his wickedness.

But, our loving Father is blessing us continuously. There are some kinds of God’s blessing. On the occasion of a festival, all will cook and share their specials with their neighbors.

This seems the love and they will also share even if they may fail unless we share. But, you never tell them whether you ate or not. If they are your children, you will observe whether they ate or not.

Even if you never serve your children; they will take themselves and eat. But your neighbors could not take and eat. They don’t have the light. In the same way, God desires to bless those who are children of God.

So it is the eternal blessing So, the eternal blessing will be given to those who are in God. It is eternal and will be never shared. There is nothing in the world other than God’s blessing. Therefore, they too get God’s blessing.

We should have some qualities before getting the blessing of God. Let us see them in the word of God. In the book of Psalms 128:4 written — “Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord’.

Dear friends! First of all, you must be the Lord to attain God’s blessing. Fear means which the worship the Lord with fear. You never attain God’s blessing unless you fear the Lord.

For instance, Is it possible to pass in first class unless we prepare harder and unless we pay the electricity bill, can we supply the electricity to all our homes? Is it possible to just think for a moment unless we drink water we cannot remove the thirst.

Therefore, we must worship with fear to attain God’s blessing. Then only you could attain the blessing of God. Some people request their pastors to pray for them for the blessing.

Hence, I used to ask them like — ‘are you saved? Are you going to church regularly? Are you giving the tithes? Do you spend much time with God? They somebody will keep quiet.

Just tell me, how they can attain God’s blessing unless they fear the Lord. Unless got married, can we call them that they are the wife and husband? How can they have rights each one another? Never. In the same way, to attain God’s blessing, first of all, we should confess our sins take baptism live in God, and fear the Lord in the worship.

For instance, a man who is doing his duty in the collector’s office will take care to go to the office before coming to the collector. Why because the collector is the superior officer to him. So that, if he will be late, something wrong will be upon him, therefore we must have the fear upon God more than the collector.

The way you should follow, you must attend the church before the coming of the Pastor. This is my suggestion. It will seem the fear the Lord. There were the people who used to come to the church in the middle of the message after the songs were completed.

Have they been feared? Our Jesus Christ is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. So, how much do we have fear? The main reason for the coming lately is they don’t have the fear of the Lord.

Let us see in the word of God what we get when we fear the Lord. In the book of Psalms 25:12, 13 written “Who is the man that fears the Ijord? Him shall he teach in the way He chooses. He himself shall dwell in prosperity…”

Dear friends! Do you have this experience? To attain the blessing of God, you must have fear in the Lord. For them only he teaches us in the way he chooses. The way is the heaven. The way we should be in Jesus.

Let us see the word of God in the book of John 14:6, “Jesus said to him I am the way; the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” You could not possibly enter into heaven unless you have this blessing.

There are people who don’t have this blessing and are searching for different ways. Their trial is all waste. Jesus is the way, the life in the Jesus. There is peace and mercy in Jesus only. Jesus is the peacemaker and he can only save the sinners. There is no other way to go to heaven without the way of Jesus.

Blessing Of God

There are different ways to go to Hyderabad. The way is in Jesus. Let us see more blessings in the book of Psalms 31:19 “Oh, how great is your goodness, which you have laid up for those who fear you.

No one can give the blessing as God gives us the blessing. It is never equal to wealth or with any other. It is the blessing of salvation. If you want to get this blessing, you must fear the Lord.

Let us see one more verse in the book of Psalms 34:7,9 “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear him and deliver them… there is no want to those who fear Him”

Dear friends! There is no value for worldly blessing than God’s blessing. There is food, shelter, and clothes are in the blessing of this world. So, these are not equal to the God’s blessing.

God will give us the blessing to those who fear the Lord. Is that the Lord is encasing his angel around them? So, we are so blessed. And what shall we do more than God’s blessing? What a wonderful God’s blessing is you can get the encamping the God’s angels with your power within a second.

Can you get them with anybody in this world? So, try to get God’s blessing. Let us see the word of God in the book of Proverbs 22:4 “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life” So, my beloved believers, we can not get the life with worldly blessing.

But it can be gained by those who fear the Lord. One who has this kind of life can arise from the tombs. At the time of the second coming of Jesus Christ, those who have this blessing will live even when he dies.

But those who have this blessing. They are equal to the dead body. Even they are living. So to get this blessing, we must worship Him with fear. So many people used to come to the church for the time pass. Somebody can come for the word of God.

And somebody will go out in the middle of the message from the Church. Beloved believers, do not feel when the pastor urges you to sit in the presence of God. And if you feel that you don’t come to the church, then will be no longer on the earth.

I am humbly requesting you to attend the church I don’t bother water you feel upon me. My intention is your salvation. You should fear the Lord. Do you know the fearing the Lord? You should confess and baptize and attend the church regularly and you should live or behave in this world ho you will be in the church is the salvation.

And you should have love upon your believers. You should obey the men of God. You should not suffer even if they rebuke you to walk in the right path. Then rebuke is the blessing for you.

Let us see the word of God in the book of Psalms 141:5. “Let the righteous strike me; It shall be a kindness. And let him rebuke me; It shall be as excellent Oil; Let my head not refuse it

Dear friends! This is one kind of way in the blessing of God. Do not refuse even a word strikes you in the message. Just examine yourself but refuse. Do not go to other churches. If you go to the other church, it will become that you refuse the blessing of God.

So, the blessing of God is eternal. It will be found for those who fear the Lord those who fear the Lord? And have you the God’s blessing? Their life was a blessing. It is countless.

Do you know what we can get through God’s blessing? Let us see the word of God in the book of Psalms 37:22. For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earthy But those caused by Him shall be cut off Somebody could feel that the earth belongs to this world. There are many living the thousands of acres.

Have they all got God’s blessing? It is not absolutely, blessed are those who inherit the heaven and the earth. The Bible is saying today about the same thing. For the heavenly blessing, so many are resigning their honorable jobs and there are the thieves who are confessing.

If anyone strikes on your chick then show again your other chick to attain the heavenly blessing. So, our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross of Calvary to give us the heavenly inheritance.

So, inherit the earth. Let us see the word of God in the book of Matthew 6:31-33 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘what shall we eat?’ or, what shall we drink?’ Or, what shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek.

For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Dear friends! First of all, seek righteousness and the kingdom of God if you want to get God’s blessing in this world. Then Lord Jesus Christ will take care of our food what we want, what we drink, and what we wear.

So don’t bother to expect lakhs of rupees from our children, we need not think for tomorrow. All their desire by the worldly people those who don’t seek the Lord, and those who loved this world much.

So, are we the worldly people? or are we the children of God? My intention is to give the first priority to God only. Those who think that we don’t need food, clothes, and shelter, are the children of God.

If anyone gives the first priority to the food, shelter, and cloth, are the worldly people. Jesus said to his disciples. Just think about how the flowers of the desert are growing. They never labor to grow. Even then, they never lose their beauty and fragrance. Jesus explained about the flowers of the desert.

Dear friends! One who got God’s blessing never thinks about the food and the clothes for tomorrow. Let us see in the word of God how God’s blessing is. In the book of Hosea 14:5-7 writes “It will be like the dew to Israel; He shall grow like the lily, and lengthen his roots like Lebanon.

His branches shall spread; His beauty shall be like an olive tree, And his fragrance like Lebanon, Those who dwell under his shadow shall return; They shall be revived like grain, And grow like a vine. Their scent shall be like the wine of Lebanon.

All these qualities could have to those who are the children of God. What a wonderful it is. God said he will be like the dew for you and he will be like lengthen roots like Lebanon. So how blessed we are? We are blessed so much.

If a tree has the dew, it shall no wither. If a tree has its root lengthened, it never falls for the storm. In the same way, those who have God’s blessing; will be very strong in faith in God. So that they never stumble Job has great faith so he never forsaken and stumbles from the faith even though he faces so many difficulties.

Do you have that kind of strong faith like Job? Just once you examine yourself And there was written as “he will grow like a lily. “Lily will live in the water but not in the mud. But it cannot keep the mud upon it even if it never accepts a drop of water upon it. here the word an a drop of water seems to be this ‘world’ and ‘mud’ seems to be the ‘sin’.

So, we should be far away from worldly things like a lily which does it accepts the drop of water upon it. And we shall have the fragrance like a lily tree. The olive oil can be used for the anointing.

The leaves of the olive tree can be used for good health. And its oil can be used for the beauty of the skin. In the same way, those who have God’s blessing could have beauty they can be a blessing to others, and have a good fragrance those who smell their fragrance, can be changed.

Let us see the word of God in the book of 2 Corinthians 2:14,15- ‘Now thanks to God who always lead us in triumph in Christ, and through us difference the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing?’.

Dear friends! Have these qualities? Do you have the fragrance of God? They are the people who believe in God but have never been baptized. They don’t have the fragrance from them such kind of people.

The smell of dead bodies will come from them. Just think how the people who smell “his bad smell? If you want to get God’s blessing, the dead body smell should not come from you.

The blessed those who will be the fragranced to the children of God and to the perishing. Apostle Paul experiences the same fragrance and he would like to suggest that we should have the fragrance.

Now which kind of smell do you have? How you are those who got God’s blessing? How you are witnessing the perishing? Just think a moment. The perishing mock like – She used to go to the church.

There is no use, because, I know very well. She will pray in church but she will quarrel in the home with her children and with her husband. I am so better than her even though I don’t believe in Jesus Christ.

And they said — he is so innocent in the church but I know everything about him. But he demands that the interest not be given at the due time. Is he a believer? I am so better a thousandfold than this believer.

And only because of this believer, the perishing could not accept Jesus. Therefore, have the fragrance of Jesus Christ. They can save those who smell your fragrance. If they don’t fear God, the perishing cannot be saved.

So, have the fragrance of God and live in God’s blessing. Those who have God’s blessing can grow like a lily. They will be fruitful like a vine. If you do not have this blessing, your life will be wasted.

Why because a rice grain is cultivated in the soil and buried and then grows to give you the food grain. In the same way, you must have Jesus in this world and be buried in him and then you will be born again.

Let us see in the word of God in the book of Col 2:12. “Buried with Him in baptism in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God who raised Him from the dead’ This verse seems to take baptism.

Jesus said, that those who live for God in this world and get God’s blessing and love for him as righteous against the world will be born again even if they die. Let us in the word of God in the book of John 11:25,26.

Jesus said to her ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?’

Dear friends! All these can be found in those who seek the peace and kingdom of God. Therefore, try to get God’s blessing. There was nothing greater than God’s blessing. So many can think that they have a car and, a luxurious house, and their possessions are God’s blessing. It is wrong.

The property of this world is not equal to the blessing of God. For those who have God’s blessing, it is wrong that they could receive the property of this world. Because God will provide them with what they want.

And all those who are in this world could also get the property of this world. But the Apostle Paul said – he left everything that he had and lived daily wise, as he doesn’t have God’s blessing. Lazarus lived in this world with poverty and a lack of food.

But he has the blessing of you. And Paul is proud that he got God’s blessing we can see. The poor Lazarus sat on the right side of Abraham in heaven and was filled with happiness. So, if you have the world’s belongings, do not think that these are the blessings of God.

And if you have the heavenly wealth do not treat that you don’t have. David is a great rich man and Job too and many more in the Bible. But they don’t keep them in their mind on the wealth. So, God provides the wealth of this world, for someone, but not someone.

Therefore, let us try to get the heavenly blessing. Let us leave all these worldly blessings. Hence, the salvation of God’s precious blessing will come along with us and if we have the salvation of God’s blessing, then God blesses us and provides us with everything we want in the world.

So, let us inherit God’s blessing and get the heaven and then we will be blessed. Let us learn about one more blessing of God in the word of God. In the book of Psalms 21:6 written “For you have made him most blessed forever;

You have made him exceedingly glad with your presence” and in Psalms 21:3 “Foryou meet him with the blessing of goodness; you set a crown of pure gold upon his head.

Dear friends! Have you these blessings? All the belongings are not forever. The heavenly blessing is the eternal happiness in the heavenly blessing. This job is not only for this world. You can be rejoicing in heaven too.

There will be no hunger and thirst. Will they get those blessings for those who are not saved, baptized never got to church and live in the world, and never the tithe? Think of a moment when you can gain much from your crop. But is it will be longer with you? You have to vacate the rented home on any day even if you decorate yourself.

Therefore, whatever you have worldly blessings, you have to leave all these worldly blessings when you breathe last. But if you have the salvation of God’s blessing, then it can lead you to heaven.

No one could not steal this blessing. But, Satan can steal the Salvation of God’s blessing. So, do not yield to his tricks, and keep your salvation carefully. All these worldly blessings are not safe. It will never no longer so that God does not give. So, we should have God’s blessing, and live in Him. And keep your salvation and faith very carefully.

So many beloved friends! Let us see about one more blessing in the word of God in the book of Proverbs 10:22 “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich….” Here, we can see two kinds of blessings. One is we can see and the second one is we can hear.

Much of the percentage, we can see the blessing of God with our eyes. Let us see in the word of God in the book of Proverbs 13:7 “There is one who makes himself rich. Yet has nothing, And our who makes himself poor, yet has great riches” The rich man lived in richness and died and led to hell with poverty.

But the poor Lazarus lived in poverty in this world and died and entered into heaven with the property. So, how we are? Let us see in the word of God in the book of I Pet 2:9 “But are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation; His own special people that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Dear friends! We may live with poverty in this world even if we have God’s blessing, but we are the royal priesthood a holy nation, and his own special people. So, Ho we will be? But if we see spiritually, all the worldly rich people have poverty in their hearts but they don’t have the property of Salvation.

They don’t have satisfaction, peace, and a cool mind. They fear for every moment about their soul and about their wealth that some theft it But all these qualities having those doesn’t have Christ in their hearts.

Hence, the children of God who have Christ in their hearts have the full of bravery in their hearts even if they don’t have wealth in this world. They could feel that we have Jesus. He provides us with everything Whether I live for Christ or die it’s most precious to me.

Why because we could enter into heaven by leaving this sinful world. That’s why, Paul said it’s very precious if I die. So, Paul said- I and you should follow this fact. One who has the salvation of Jesus only can say this word.

One who has the worldly blessing will mock the Lord like the Israelites when they mock Moses for the food and fear of their soul. If any going much profit from their crop, they may praise God.

If their children pass in the first rank, they adore the Lord about their blessing and they gain much in their business, they can say – O Jesus you’re the real God. But, if you don’t have troubles, someone can say I shall not want I have Jesus on my side.

When they face troubles, they will say —O Jesus are you real God? If you are real God, it will never been done like this. I accept you by expecting to gain much, but I lost everything that I had. Then finally they decide to learn Him and start living in the world. My beloved believer, have you the same life? If yes, what the hell is inviting you?

Dear friends! Jesus came to this world and crucified himself to shed his blood for us to give us salvation which is the precious God’s blessing. So, how you are? Are you ready to receive God’s blessing? But others will be something, the difficulties losses, troubles, and sorrows in God’s blessing.

And there will be peace, happiness, love, and satisfaction too. So come into the God’s blessing. Be inherit the heaven. Let us the word of God in the book of I Pet 3:9 “… You were called to this that you inherit a blessing” We should grow in God’s love if want to inherit in God.

Sometimes, a father rebukes his son for his future to lead him on the right path. Due to his rebuke, if the son left the home, how his son’s life be? He could get food having the tears cloth and his position will be very critical when in the rainy season. Nobody ever comes to him and helps him. But here the father becomes sorrowful.

So this boy will walk in the wrong path and may be punished greatly. Among the boys and girls who ran from their homes, so many would become thieves, prostitutes, murderers, rowdies, and beggars.

Therefore, Satan will never stop playing his tricks upon those who are far away from the presence of God. He never stops his trials until drags them into hell.

Dear friends! Receive God’s blessing even if it is harder. Because God’s blessing will provide you the peace. It provides you the good health. The blessing of Jesus will take you from sin and lead you to God.

And it will change as rich and the blessing of Jesus will give you shelter and blessing of salvation inherit the heaven to delivers you from the curse, to gives you the wealth, give the power to overcome Satan; So, eager to receive the God’s blessing.

Try to be as a real Christian and receive the spiritual blessing by leaving the physical blessing. I would like to set the word before you what God has spoken to me. I praised God even though you mock me due to this verse. Let us see in the word of God in the book of Ephesians 2:1 “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins ”

Dear friends! Jesus delivered us from the bondage of our sins to eat sufficiently, lay in AC rooms, wear valuable ornaments, gain much wealth, and roam as an Ox. Was Jesus Saved us to show our color to and face to others? Was Jesus save us proud as cinema actors? We were made alive by Jesus when as died in trespasses and sins.

Has God delivered us from the dead to all these wicked things? Think with your heart.

It is not my intention to mock you. We have to realize how we are with our busy work. After stopping the rain in the time of Noah sent a raven to find the land, but it didn’t come back and it became busy eating the dead bodies.

It had forgotten its purpose, for what purpose it was sent? Nowadays, so many are following the same attitude. They forgot their honorable call of God and forgotten their precious salvation and fell into a busy schedule. But what they could get finally? To know about much about busy people, please read my book which was written by the aspiration of God “Busy

Busy — Busy what you are gaining?”

Dear friends? God has delivered us and saved us to be in God’s blessing. Let us see in the word of God about these blessings. In the book of Ephesians 1:3 writes “Blessed be the God and Father of our Ford Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in ChristJesus died on the cross of Calvary and resurrected to provide us the spiritual blessing and lead us to the heaven.

God doesn’t like to give us physical blessings except the spiritual blessing. Those who have a spiritual mind will try to receive the spiritual blessing. The worldly people will keep their mind in the physical things. Let us see the word of God in the book of Romans 8:5,6.

“For those who live according to the flesh get their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”

Dear friends! The physical mind desires only for the physical blessing. But the physical mind will give you death which is the second death. And the second death is hell. Whereas the spiritual mind desires only spiritual needs.

On the spiritual blessing, the salvation of the soul is first of all, if anyone gets the salvation of their soul and cleansing of their heart, they can attain life and peace. For instance, they don’t have a second death.

So, what kind of mind do you have? Either the physical mind or the spiritual mind you have? Examine yourself. Those who got God’s blessing, God will provide some more blessings. For instance, we have a fixed salary in the company where we work, sometimes, we may get some more remuneration as a bonus due to our sincere work.

Let us see the word of God what God provides us is another bonus including the blessing. If we read Deuteronomy Chapter 28 and verses 1 to 14, we could have all the blessings which were mentioned in this verse. All these blessings are only for this world. And the spiritual blessing is lead to the heaven.

So, eager to receive God’s blessing. Try to be as a real Christian and receive the spiritual blessing by leaving the physical blessing. I would like to set the word before you what God has spoken to me.

I praised God even though you mock me due to this verse. Let us see in the word of God in the book of Ephesians 2:1 “And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins”

Dear friends! Jesus delivered us from the bondage of our sins to eat sufficiently, lay in AC rooms, wear valuable ornaments, gain much wealth, and roam as an Ox. Was Jesus Saved us to show our color to and face to others?

Was Jesus save us proud as cinema actors? We were made alive by Jesus when as died in trespasses and sins. Has God delivered us from the dead to all these wicked things? Think with your heart.

It is not my intention to mock you. We have to realize how we are with our busy work. After stopping the rain in the time of Noah sent a raven to find the land, but it didn’t come back and it became busy eating the dead bodies. It had forgotten its purpose, for what purpose it was sent? Nowadays, so many are following the same attitude.

They forgot their honorable call of God and forgotten their precious salvation and fell into a busy schedule. But what they could get finally? To know about much about busy people, please read my book which was written by the aspiration of God “Busy BusyBusy what you are gaining?”

Dear friends? God has delivered us and saved us to be in God’s blessing. Let us see in the word of God about these blessings. In the book of Ephesians 1:3 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Ford Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.”

Jesus died on the cross of Calvary and was resurrected to provide us the spiritual blessing and lead us to heaven. God doesn’t like to give us the physical blessing except the spiritual blessings.

Those who have a spiritual mind will try to receive the spiritual blessing. The worldly people will keep their mind in the physical things. Let us see the word of God in the book of Romans 8:5,6.

“For those who live according to the flesh get their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace ”

Dear friends! The physical mind desires only for the physical blessing. But the physical mind will give you death which is the second death. And the second death is hell. Whereas the spiritual mind desires only spiritual needs.

On the spiritual blessing, the salvation of the soul is first of all, if anyone gets the salvation of their soul and cleansing of their heart, they can attain life and peace. For instance, they don’t have a second death. So, which kind of mind do you have? Either the physical mind or the spiritual mind you have? Examine yourself.

Those who got God’s blessing, God will provide some more blessings. For instance, we have a fixed salary in the company where we work, sometimes, we may get some more remuneration as a bonus due to our sincere work.

Let us see the word of God what God provides us is another bonus including the blessing. If we read Deuteronomy Chapter 28 and verses 1 to 14, we could have all the blessings that were mentioned in this verse.

All these blessings are only for this world. And the spiritual blessing is lead to the heaven. So, examine yourself what kind of blessing do you have? One day, when Jesus preaching to the crowd, all the people came to him from very far away and became hungry.

Then Jesus commanded his disciples to feed them all. But they replied that they don’t have. And then Jesus, asked them whatever you have, bring to me. Then they replied that we have five loaves and two little fishes, Then Jesus commanded them to sit and the grass in the group of hundred fifty in a group to eat.

Dear friends! Dear friends! If you want the physical needs, we should have the discipline. Nowadays, we don’t have discipline There are the five thousand men in the parable but did not count the women and children.

But they have only five loaves and two fishes. Is it possible? Nowadays, we may get five thousand per month, but we need seven thousand for our needs. And someone’s salary is 20 thousand per month but they need 30 thousand.

So if you are insufficient, you must ask Jesus that we are receiving an insufficient salary. We may ask this type of need in the prayer, but we have to give our tithe to God to be blessed. Here, in the parable, there are the people of five thousand, but Jesus prayed and blessed.

The five loaves and two fishes had been blessed. Then there was a miracle. Let us see the word in the book of Luke 6:42, 43 “So they all ate and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the

Dear friends! The only reason is for this parable, they gave the loaves and fish to Jesus. Therefore, when we give our hearts to the hand of Jesus, then we can be blessed. Here, they have little but the need survived and food was balanced.

But nowadays there are people who are getting a salary in thousands of rupees. But they are insufficient and looking for the salary from the 20th day. So, if they have God’s blessing, they may be blessed and keep something in the banks.

So, God’s blessing is more precious than the physical blessing. God is the only blessing. So he knew my every need and what I wanted. He will take care of everything. I used to pray every time, O Jesus, I am sufficient if I have you and if you are in me.

I don’t want anything unless you and my Jesus, I don’t want my soul unless you are within me. It is sufficient for me if you will come to me. I like even the total ocean raised upon me. If you are with me, it is equal that I have the blessing.

The blessing that I got without Jesus, will be like as in the beggar’s hand. So, let us have the blessing of God and have authority in this world and be blessed. In the book of Psalms 144:15 written -’ Happy are the people who are in such State; Happy are the people whose God is the Lord!”.

Dear friends! Have you ever been blessed by this blessing? All could not be blessed. If you confess, baptized, and live in God, then you can be blessed. God will richly bless those who receive this blessing.

Let us see in the word of God in the book of Psalms 147:13,14 “For he has strengthened the bars of jour gates; he has blessed jour children within. He makes peace in jour borders and fills you with the finest wheat.

So, what kind of blessing do you have? Are you only looking to receive the physical blessing? That is the right quality of God and it is not the quality of righteousness.

But, have you ever got even any kind of blessing, if so, read this verse of Haggai 2: 19 “Is the seed still in the barn? As jet the vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate, and the olive tree have not yielded fruit. But from this day I will bless you”

Dear friends! The word ‘beginning’ is so precious. So many rejoice due to getting a promise card in the New Year meeting. But it is not a blessing. The word ‘beginning’ means, even from now you confess, leave the worldly things, go to church regularly, have mournful prayer, and clean your heart doesn’t love the things then God, if you open your grief I will bless you.

So, that is not go to several churches to have the blessing. You can not get it. First of all, change your mind. Do keep Jesus in your mind and in your heart. Then you can be satisfied and rejoice even if you don’t have worldly sins.

Then you never have the murmuring. If you don’t have Jesus, you will be murmured at times. Some of the Israelites fell like the leaves due to murmuring. But so many of them got God’s blessing. One time in their life, they ate the Angel’s food.

They came across the Red see and they were at the time of falling Jericho wall whatever they needed, God provided them with water and meat. But we can see in the bible that the two people only reached the Canaan from those who came from Egypt.

We can also see that the people throw rocks at those who ate the food from the five loaves and two fish. So, thin a moment, if you could not get the heaven even if you received so many blessings from God.

God has given us today a sufficient and luxurious home. Let us see the word of God in the book of Ecclesiastes 5:19 “As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor — this is the gift of God. ”

Dear friends! It is the blessing of God, even having sufficient food. We don’t know, what to do if we have a blood clot. If we don’t have the rains at the right time, we can not get the food grains.

If the sun doesn’t do its duty, we can be in trouble with natural calamities. So, let us be in god even if we are in the job or in the sorrow. These will naturally happen. But the eternal things are eternal God’s blessing and eternal life.

One who got these blessings is the righteous. And the memory of the righteous is also a blessing. The word of God says in Proverbs 10:7 “The memory of the righteous is blessed…

”So many use this verse at the time of death occasion. There are people who say about dead people that they are righteous even if they are alcoholics, prostitutes, one who attempted suicide. It is absolutely wrong.

The word ‘righteous’ is so precious. It is priceless. They are using this precious word for the wicked people. We can be changed as righteous, through the blood of Jesus only. We can be countable as the righteous only if we confess and receive Jesus and are baptized.

But, we never countable we believe or give the offerings. We have to memory of righteous to work in their path which is the right path. It means we have to live in righteousness. Let us see the blessing of God’s children in the book of Proverbs 19:23.

“The fear of the Lord leads to life. And he who has it will abide in satisfaction. He will not be visited with evil. Those who how God’s blessing, they never be visited with evil.” For instance, they don’t face the second death.

And he can be satisfied. This satisfaction never be is those who don’t get the God’s blessing. Therefore, let us receive God’s blessing. The Parent’s blessing never be no longer. Satan falls us in trouble and it leads to hell.

They never come out to those who fell in the hell. It is possible by God. Because there is satisfaction and peace in God’s blessing. And it leads to heaven. It is much greater than worldly things.

Therefore, leave all the wicked things and please God and try to receive the precious heaven and the precious blessing of heaven. So many were martyrs for this precious heavenly blessing. They were thrown into the burning wonder, they were burned like a lighted wisp, and they tread by the elephants.

They peel the skin like a sheep, they break their heads like a water Milan, they thrown to the simmer oil. They died by cutting off their legs and hands. But they endured for the precious heavenly blessing. They do not have the religious freedom that we have.

They endured everything for the Lord. Do they are wise? Are we wise? Have you the name in the home and another name in the school for this reason? Are you thinking that you are wise by doing and getting little gains? Keep all these things in mind for the day which is to come a day. Which is to come a day and then you can fall into the hell.

Then you can realize that all you believed was that this wealth, children’s jobs, houses, and this world is eternal. But you could realize that the heaven is eternal. So, decide for yourself when you realize this fact. All I have written for someone particularly. Let us inherit the heaven and let us inherit our families to the heaven.

God will richly bless you and provide you with a heavenly blessing.

Amen… Amen… Amen…

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