Blessing Of Fortune

Blessing Of Fortune

My dear friends! We have seen, about Satan’s blessing and how it was in the last chapters. And we learned to which place it leads us if accept it. Let us learn about one more important thing which is all humankind likes time and chance which is luck.

If anyone has luck, they feel like they have the blessing of God. But, there are people who feel that they have lost, if they have misfortunes. There are people who try to get luck apart from their misfortunes.

Hence, is there any difference between God’s blessing and luck? Yes, there was much difference. The luck belongs to the world and it never leads you to heaven and never gives you peace. Luck can not stand stable.

Blessing Of Fortune

But, many people are confused that luck is god’s blessing. Luck is what could give you much wealth without labor. So, do not call it God’s blessing. The blessing of God always gives you eternal life, gives you cheer to your soul, and leads you to heaven.

But the luck will be going with time in different ways. Let us see in the word of God in the book of Ecclesiastes 9:11,12. “I returned and saw under the sun that — the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favor to men of skill, But time and chance happen to them all.

For man also does not know his time: like fish taken in a cruel net, Like birds caught in a snare, So the sons of men are snared in an evil time when it falls suddenly upon them. ”

Dear friends! These suggestions are very wise. So, do follow carefully. The Bible says “The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. The wise man Solomon said that all this would happen with fortune. It means, that not all the races and the strong cannot be defeated, but all win and the failure will happen with fortune.

There are many cricket players. We may say about them that they could play very well, and any other player will stumble before them. Hence, it may also happen what we expect. But sometimes, they may be failures with other players also even if they have previous experience.

He is unable to stand in the game. So, we can say that it is luck if they played very well. And we can say that it is bad luck when they do not play well. This will happen according to the time and chance. But do not compare that this is the blessing.

Why because the blessing of God never changes and never fails. Whatever I have done in the past saying I have been losing whatever I have done. At present all people in this world say that luck does not occur when we desire it.

If it does occur to you, keep it carefully, it will lead you to heaven. Hence, unfortunately, I was elected as the president of the village.

He gained 30 acres and purchased a bike in the power of 5 years. It has been changing as Gold what he had been touching. The 30 acres of his possession had been raised up to three folds. All people are saying like — luck is with you, no problem for you and you will be rich man always.

But after a few days, he had been entered into a police case and started to sell his possessions to come out of the police case. And he was also attacked with diseases. He had 3 daughters and got married.

But 2 daughters were come back to home due to some problems with their husbands. He was struggling with so many problems and thrown into misfortune as all the people said. Why I am writing situations; the fortune will come and go. Even a man having sufficient qualifications, could not get a job.

But, the unqualified person will get the job. Some people may have bad habits, but they will be developed in their work. But someone cannot succeed in their work even if they don’t have any bad habits.

There are the wise men, but they don’t have the food. But there is sufficient food even if they are ignorant. All these things we are seeing in this world. And Solomon said that these will be done by the fortune. But how long these will be?

So, the bible is saying that these will be no longer. Then, all will be snared like a fish. So, this fortune is for death. Therefore, try to receive the blessing of God.

Dear friends! Luck will occur by the birth of someone, after marriage and it will occur in different ways for somebody. But there will be the misfortunate behind the luck. Let us see the word of God in the book of Job 15:29 “He will not be rich, Nor will his wealth continue.

Let us see one more verse “He will be rich nevermore after some time as he grew,” Someone says to those who talk about their luck today. And the same people suffer in the circle of time. So, don’t be proud that this is the blessing of God when you have the luck.

God sets the circle of time. The Bible says in the book of Genesis 1:14 “Then God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide, the day from the night, and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years”.

Dear friends! Some once could gain wealth, but someone could be lost it throws at the time. But somebody named these situations as fortune and misfortune. If they gain much they will feel that this is luck., if they lose they feel that this was unlucky.

There are the people the poor and the rich in the blessing of God. This rich and poor are the blessing of God said by some men of God. So, fortune is not the symbol of God’s blessing. This will occur in the span of time.

And the misfortune will occur to the fortunate person. But the blessing of god will be in this generation and will be in the forthcoming generations. The robbers may theft your luck and they give you misfortune.

I knew a family which is well known for their fortune. They gain much from whatever they have done. One day some robbers came to their home and stole everything and they murdered the owner when he faced them. Then the entire family became helpless.

They have been living for a long time. But is their fortune can save them from the thieves? And is it save the soul of the owner? He never confessed. So, is he lucky? Receiving Jesus Christ as our personal savior is the real fortune.

One who doesn’t have Jesus as their personal Saviour, they are unlucky. What the hell will invite them? Heaven will be found in those who have the blessing of God.

Dear friends! Think a moment about what you are having either fortune or misfortune. If we talk about the life of David, we could find that he had much property, but, no one could estimate his wealth.

He doesn’t feel as if he is lucky. His mind always focused on God’s blessing. Let us see in the word of God what he said about the days of his life in the book of Psalms 39:3-7 “My heart was not within me; while I was musing, the fire burned.

Then I spoke with my tongue: ‘Lord, make me know my end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am. Indeed, you have made my days as handbreadths, And my age is as nothing before You; Certainly, every man at his best state is but vapor.

Surely every man walks about like a shadow; Surely they busy themselves in vain; He heaps up riches, And does not know who will gather them. And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in you” Really these words are so precious which are spoken by a great person David. He was a Kind.

If he just signals, all the servants will pay the attention. These are the measurable words spoken by the great king. He got down himself and prayed that his days are so short but all mankind have breath only.

They can feel that they are lucky until their breath lasts where does the future go when their breath lasts? Just think a moment. Some can say they only have all the luck. That’s why they, became Chief Minster, Prime Minister, or a King.

But will their luck save them to keep with breathing? Are they will roam like us without security? All the fortunes are not eternal which is happening in the time. It will be never no longer. It can not save us from the second death.

Those who have God’s blessing, don’t have the second death. Somebody their luck and showing according to the name and fame. But, if one has the blessing of God, they are never based on luck. They could only be based on God. So, all the circles of time are in the custody of God.

Dear friends! Today we are living with the grace of God. So, do based on Jesus but not, based on your luck in the circle of time. All the sun, earth, and moon do their own duties according to the commandments of God.

In the book of Psalms 148:6 written “He also established the forever and ever; He made a decree which shall not pass away” All nature does its duties according to the commandments of God for this mankind whether they are the fortune or the unfortunate.

But, the blessing of God will bless the children of God only. So, God loved mankind and became a helper. In the book of Psalms 145:9 written “The Lord is good to all\ and His tender mercies are over all His works ” However some are confessing for their prosperity which is their luck. But it will no longer be with them.

The rain will rain upon the righteous and wicked. In the same way, the fortune came for all either for children of God or for the unsaved. But, it will be in this world. But sometimes, it will change into unfortunate. But the God’s blessing had not been changed.

It cannot be stolen by anybody. Even if we die; it will raise us from death in the second of Jesus Christ. Hence, will the luck raise us from the death? There are some kinds of fortune.

Think over it which luck belongs to? Whether it is the luck of Satan or luck of Parents, or the luck of God, which kind of luck do you have? Have you the luck which you destruct you? Or have you the luck which leads you the heaven? Just think a moment. When a man cleanses his buffalos in a fond, he finds a briefcase and found there in full of gold jewelry.

Then he felt that I was lucky, so my life had changed. Then, he felt I am a lucky fellow and I am a millionaire. So he thinks like – I don’t want these buffalos and leave them in the fond and he started to come to his home.

In the middle of the way, the robbers attacked him and tried to see into the briefcase. Then he said there was nothing in the briefcase. Then they hardly try to take it from him. But, he doesn’t like to give the briefcase, even his breath last.

But the robbers cut off his legs and took all the golden Jewelry from him. Now he is handicapped. So, his luck makes him without his two legs.

Dear friends! Do not desire to get other wealth and do not be proud that it is luck. If you are proud, you can fall into the hell. Take care. Do recognize which is the eternal future and unlucky will be in the world in two different circles of time.

But both of these never lead you to the heaven. If you gain with your luck, do not forget God. If you think that the fortune is eternal, it is equal to cut off a branch which you sat on.

Let us see in the word of God in the book of Ecclesiastes 12:1-2 “Remember now your creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, and the years drew near when you say, I have no pleasure in them While the sun and the light, the moon and the stars, are not darkened, And the clouds do not return after the rain” You could have the good and bad days in your life. You could feel that you have luck.

If you gain much, but when you lose you could feel that is unlucky. The heaven and the hell set before. Decide which is you want. So accept Jesus s your personal saviour before the lost days.

If you do not accept Him as your personal savior, you could be thrown into hell. Then your luck can not save you from the hell. So, leave the words of luck and unlucky. And receive the blessing of Salvation and peace.

Otherwise, this chance will never come back to you. Just think over it. Let us see the word of God in the book of Luke 19:42, 43 “Saying, ‘If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that more for your peace! But no they are hidden from your eyes.

For days will come upon you when your enemies will be built on embankment around you, surround you, and close you in on every side. Dear friends! Are you proud that you are lucky? That is not a blessing.

The blessing of God is to receive Salvation and to live for Jesus Christ according to the word of God. So if luck leaves your hand, what is your position? There was a rich man. All adore him as a lucky man and say whatever you have done.

You can gain much. Hence, one day a cyclone attacked the Orissa. At that time, this rich man was in his rice mill. Unfortunately, his rice mill was surrounded by a flood. There was no chance to come out from there and there was no chance to go there.

He was in the rice mill for a week. In that situation, how can he fill his stomach with rice without cooking? Every day, he tried to eat the food with ten kinds of curries. Now he understands your position and crying louder with hunger.

They are unable to help him, even though there are people with him in the rice mill. So his lucky can not give him the food. After a few days, some food packets were thrown from the helicopter, then he was eager and got a food packet and ate it.

If he died there due to the hungry, did evil get him into heaven? One who believe in Christ and took Baptism can be saved. Those who do not save will go to hell, even if they are lucky. So, the God does speak to us through the Apostle Paul.

Let us see the word of God in the book of Ephesians 5:15 “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” Let us see one more verse in the book of Job 7:1 “Is there not a time of hard service for man on earth?”.

So try to look unto Jesus only to get the blessing of God unless you think about the lucky or unlucky in times of difficulty. There was no time and chance for the Children of God. All days will be good for us.

Hence, all the worldly people look unto the day whether good day or bad day there are people who say in different ways like if we do it today we could have the unlucky or if we do it on a good day, we can have the lucky.

The children of God were also following the same worldly habits. Hence, what the word of God saying to them, let us see in the book of Galatians 4:10,11 “You observe days and months and seasons and years, I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain” Paul saying these words with great agony.

Because all people believed in God and again at the same time they were following the wicked things which they followed in the beginning. That’s why I am afraid for you lest I have labored for you in

My dear friends! Having God in our hearts should not see months and days for good or for evil. We should never see unto the lucky. Those who see or follow this world’s attitudes are not the children of God. So, let us see unto Jesus Christ only. We need not want those who are the children of God.

We have the power to command nature to come the earthquake, rain rain and change the unlucky into the lucky. The power we have is given by God through the power the prayer.

So, remove the mask of confusion which we confuse with Satan’s blessing is lucky, and accept Jesus and having Jesus is the real lucky. So, try to get God’s blessing. Jesus is the life, Jesus the support, Jesus is our soul and Jesus is the savior of our soul.

So, remove the word lucky with your finger. You should have a feeling in your heart that Jesus is the only blessing. There are the people having a cycle and someone is going on a cycle at the beginning of their days, but now they are maintaining a luxurious car.

They have the lucky and unlucky. So, we don’t need this cycle of time and with time and chance. Let us accept the blessing of Jesus which will be never changed forever. Worldly lucky is not God’s blessing.

Receiving Jesus is the only blessing of God. There is no need for luck for those who have God’s blessing. All they have which they got by God. It will be forever. But one who has what is gained by luck will be never no longer.

Your children took whatever you have after your life. But no one can not take or share the blessing of God from you, no one can steal from you. So inherit the heaven unless inheriting the luck. Become you are rejoice all thing which given to you. God will richly bless you!



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