Bible Verses on Anxiety Or Fear

Anxiety Or Fear

This is a condition that creates a feeling of nervousness, worry, or dread. Difficult experiences which may include physical or emotional abuse in children, adolescence, or adulthood usually trigger anxiety problems.

This is a very serious condition that needs prompt and proper attention. Some of the symptoms of anxiety are feeling irritable, tense or restless, heart palpitation insomnia, etc.

You can manage the condition by adhering to various medical techniques, and exercises and building self-esteem.

Read and Learn More Finding Strength In Prayer During Hardships

As you take your medication and adhere to various techniques for combating anxiety, it is also important to back up this treatment with prayers.

The following bible verses will be of immense help to anyone undergoing this challenge This makes the journey easy for you because you are not alone.

The master is by your side. Therefore, your recovery is a done deal, Hallelujah.

The following bible verses will be of immense help and comfort to you.

Sufficient for the day is its own trouble

This bible verse is self-explanatory. Why worry about tomorrow when you don’t even know what will happen the next second? Concentrate on the present moment and your worries will be less.

May the Holy Spirit give you knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and discerning spirit to digest this deep verse and harvest the full benefits in it in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

For god has not given us the spirit of fear

Fear is not part of the spirit God gave us therefore anxiety shouldn’t have a place in our life. Let the spirit of power, love, and sound mind God gave us, swallow every fear and anxiety in us, in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

Fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god

This verse is a clear reaffirmation of God’s promise of our safety always amid danger. We are kept safe by God’s mighty right hand.

Oh Lord help us to remove every fear and anxiety from our mind and solely depend on you in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

Have i not commanded you be strong and of good courage

Removing fear from our daily life is God’s command and it must be obeyed for our own good.

When that feeling of anxiety rears its ugly head, remind yourself about this command given by God. Brace up and reject the feeling and you won’t see it again. Help us oh Lord to obey your command always in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

Trust in the lord with all your heart and learn not own understanding

If we can trust our therapist who is human, and we trust our support groups who are also humans, why shall we find it difficult to trust the almighty God who made heaven and earth and everything in it.

As you meditate on this bible verse may God give you the grace to trust the Lord wholeheartedly always in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

Be Anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication

This bible verse gives the guide on what to do whenever anxiety sets in. It tells us that it is futile and counterproductive to be anxious.

We should rather through prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving present our request to God and this will attract peace of mind us. When we have peace of mind anxiety disappears.

Peace i leave with you my peace i give tou not as the world gives do i give to you

Whoever has peace of mind cannot suffer from anxiety. Always pray for the peace of the Lord to locate you.

Meditate on this bible verse as often as you can. As you do so, may the peace of the Lord locate you through Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

To everything, there is a reason, a time for every purpose under heaven

You may be passing through rough times right now, be consoled by the fact that it’s for a while. Afterward, a season of joy will come.

God won’t allow you to be defeated in this season. He will see you through in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

For we walk by faith not by sight

All these bible verses are meant to build your faith in God and in what he is able to do. Believe and you will be saved.

I have heard your prayers, i have seen your tears, surely i will heal you

This is an affirmation that God answers prayers, with your heart, shouts AMEN, and receives your healing in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

Other bible verses to assist you in your healing process are:

The main focus of this prayer book

In conclusion, as you undergo therapy and medication, do not forget the spiritual aspect of your healing process, which is of course the main focus of this prayer book.

Our god is able to do all things through our lord jesus christ amen

“Therefore I say to you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink nor about your body, what you will put on, is not life more than the food.

And the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into the barns, yet your heavenly father feeds them.

Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add a cubit to his stature?

God bless you.

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