Bible Verses for Depression

Depression Or Sadness

In the simplest terms, depression means a condition or group of conditions associated with the elevation or lowering of a person’s mood. It involves loss of interest in activities and impairment in daily life.

It leads to persistent feelings of sadness, changes in appetite, sleep, concentration, and low self-esteem. Depression can lead to suicide.

Most depressed people do not know that they have the condition. However, when you notice these symptoms mentioned above in yourself or in another person, then there is an urgency.

Read and Learn More Finding Strength In Prayer During Hardships

Need to take action because depression may have set in. Whenever you are suffering from depression, as you manage it medically, ensure that you also take spiritual steps to overcome it.

Run to almighty God and harvest the strength to conquer and overcome through his words in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The following are the recommended bible verses:

The Lord Is Near To The Brokenhearted And Saves The Crushed In Spirit

In your circumstances and challenges, you are not alone. God’s strength will take away your weakness. As you meditate on this bible verse, may there be healing for your brokenness and respite for your pain, in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.


Fear Not For I Am Your God

This is a firm promise from Almighty God. The challenge may appear huge and insurmountable to you, however, focus on God whose might and greatness surpass every challenge.

Allow God to take your hands and walk you through this challenge. As you meditate on this reassuring bible verse, may every iota of fear, brokenness, and worry leave you and never return, in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

God Who Loves You So Much Is Inviting You With So Much Love

Depression comes with the loss of interest in almost everything including life itself. Almighty God who loves you so much is inviting you with so much love. He has seen your plight and he is willing and ready to help you.

Please accept this invitation. You will testify of God’s goodness in your life. May the Holy Spirit, the best teacher, minister to you.

As you meditate on this bible verse, may you be moved to accept God’s invitation into your life and condition so that being free, you will testify of God’s mercy, love, and goodness in your life in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Finally Brothers And Sisters Whatever Is True

As you meditate on this bible verse, expunge from your mind all negative thoughts about yourself or on any issue whatsoever. Concentrate and think about your positive sides and issues.

You are beautifully and wonderfully made. Everything about you is pleasant and beautiful. Don’t let anyone or any circumstance suggest or tell you otherwise. Meditate on this and it will be well with you, in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you

When you feel depressed tell yourself that you are not alone in this journey of life. Banish all forms of fear from your mind.

Meditate on this bible verse and reassure yourself that even before you were born the Almighty God knows your name and he clearly wrote it on his palms, just like he knew Prophet Jeremiah’s name before he was born.

God is always one step ahead of you at all times. Be courageous. You will pull through this phase of your life. You are a victor and not a victim. May almighty God be with you always and strengthen you in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them

As you meditate on this bible verse remember that God answers prayers. It takes only faith to call upon almighty God for help in times of need. God answers prayers. Yes, he does.

In your situation call on the almighty God for help and as you do so, may you find help beyond your imagination. Try this and testify of God’s goodness in your life, in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

But you oh lord are a shield around me

Meditate on this bible verse. Hold on to God’s words as he directed us to do. You will not be disappointed. Be of good courage. Taste and see that the Lord is good. May almighty God answer your prayers and give you divine protection in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

The Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him

As you meditate on this bible verse please denounce all wickedness and unforgiveness in you. Trust God for his care and provisions and he will save you.

May Almighty God soak you with abundant love and grace to overcome your challenges in Jesus Christ’s name Amen.

God for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God

When depression sets in, one feels downcast, rejected, and dejected. Don’t allow it to take over your life. Call on Jesus Christ, your savior to help you.

He will surely turn your condition around for good. Brighten up because your hope is in the risen Christ, Amen.

Cast all your anxiety him because he cares for you

You cannot be moving about all the time with anxiety and expect to be normal. You don’t have to do that because almighty God is our burden bearer.

Please harvest this great privilege and live a life that is not burdened by avoidable anxiety. As you meditate on this bible verse, decide to lay your burdens and your anxiety at the Lord’s feet through Jesus Christ.

Everything that revolves around our life, that burdens us, must be handed over to the Lord to take care of. Ask God for the grace to do those things you should do and the wisdom to allow him to do those things you won’t be able to do.

Forcing yourself beyond human limits is a sure route to depression or even suicide. May the Holy Spirit be your constant companion and comforter in this journey and strengthen you to overcome your challenges and never succumb to them, Amen.

Other bible verses for further studies and meditation are:

Lord will touch you in a very special way that will make you testify about the godness

I pray for you this day, that as you go through these

Bible verses, the Lord will touch you in a very special way that will make you testify about the goodness of God in your life and the miraculous transformation that has happened to you, to the glory of the Almighty God in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

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