Bible Verses About Suicide – Find Hope and Healing


Suicide is death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. When someone is depressed or has a feeling of anxiety or fear or when someone is weighed down by a feeling of guilt or shame.

Because of his past or present deeds, actions, or words, or when the feeling of rejection, dejection, and loneliness arises, then there is every possibility, if not checked that suicide may happen.

The feeling of ending it all is most likely to overshadow good reasoning. When the feeling of suicide comes up, a good escape route is turning to the almighty God in prayers.

Read and Learn More Finding Strength In Prayer During Hardships

May these scriptures help you to know that God cannot abandon you. Yes, you are not alone. Yes, your life matters a lot.

Yes, you must be alive to proclaim God’s goodness in your life, in the land of the living, through Jesus Christ, amen. May the Holy Spirit accompany you in this journey of faith.

May you not lose your life when your prosperity, healing, peace, and happiness are almost at your doorstep, in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.

The following bible verses will help you to overcome this evil emotion and embrace joy, all-round peace, and the eagerness to be alive against all odds.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit

No matter the level of affliction you are passing through right now, God will bring respite to you. Please don’t give up. Pray with this bible verse and it will be well with you.

Casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you

God has given you the authority to carry all your worries and anxieties to him through Jesus Christ. You only need to pray with faith and drop all your worries at his feet. God truly cares for you.

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles

Forsaking your sins and accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal savior will make you a new creation.

God hears the cry of a righteous person and delivers him out of all his problems. No condition, sickness, challenge circumstance, or any type of trouble was exempted.

God is omnipotent. Embrace God today and that evil feeling of suicide will never come to your mind again. May grace speak for you today in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows

Our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary carried our grief and sorrows away Don’t allow the sorrow that Jesus Christ has already taken away from you to return to you. You are dearly loved by God. Your life is unique.

Even though I walk through the valley of death

God’s protection is always assured for those of us who love God. He has assigned the holy spirit to be with us in both happy and sad times to ensure we overcome
the world.

Cancel the thought of suicide and embrace new life in Jesus Christ.

Cast your burden on the lord and he will sustain you

Depend entirely on God in all your challenges. He will never fail you. The heart of man is in his hands. He is able to turn things around for your good. Just believe and start living.

The following bible verses will help you to overcome this challenge:

God is awesome, caring, and able to do all things, keeps giving us victory over life’s storms.

Circumstances of life may sometimes seem insurmountable, but the knowledge that our God is awesome, caring, and able to do all things, keeps giving us victory over life’s storms.

May almighty God see you through these storms and give you reasons to be alive and to always trust him. God’s grace is sufficient for you. Make use of the word of God and escape from this evil called suicide, in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.

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