Bible Verses About Forerunner

Prophecies Concerning A Forerunner

The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
“Prepare the way ofthe LORD;
Make straight in the desert
A highway for our God. ” (Isaiah 40:3)

“Behold, IsendMy messenger,
And he will prepare the way before Me.
And the Lord, whom you seek,
Will suddenly come to His temple,
Even the Messenger of the Covenant,
In whom you delight.
Behold, He is coming ”
Says the LORD of hosts. (Malachi 3:1)

Read and Learn More Key Biblical Messianic Prophecies

Prophecies concerning a forerunner, who would precede the coming of Messiah and prepare His way, were well known among Jews. After the time of the prophet Malachi, no other prophets had appeared in Israel and there was a period of silence lasting about 400 years.

Then John the Baptist came as God’s messenger, to prepare the people of Israel for the promised Messiah.

Prophecies Concerning A Forerunner

Prophecies Concerning A Forerunner Fulfillment

From 37 B.C. to 4 B.C. Judea, Samaria, and Galilee were governed by Rome. Herod the Great, half-Idumaean and half-Israelite, was appointed under Roman patronage and ruled as king over Judea.

The Jews deeply resented the Roman occupation and hated the ruthlessly ambitious King Herod. Their only hope for liberation was centered on God’s prophecies of a Messiah; a King who would reign over Israel forever on the throne of David.

During the time that King Herod was ruling in Judea, there was a certain priest named Zechariah, of the division of Abijah. He and his wife were righteous Jews, who loved God and kept the requirements of the Law.

They had no children, as Elizabeth was barren and they were both old. One day, when Zechariah’s division was serving at the temple in Jerusalem, he was chosen by lot to burn incense to the LORD. This was a great honor, something that a priest could only do once in his career.

At the hour that the incense was offered and the people were praying outside the Temple, Zechariah was startled by the sudden appearance of an angel, standing at the right side of the altar of incense.

He would go before Messiah in the spirit and power of Elijah; to turn the people back to God and prepare them for His coming.

But Zechariah, temporarily forgetting God’s supernatural ability to fulfill His promises, looked at his natural circumstances and struggled to believe this incredible announcement.

The angel said that his name was Gabriel and that he had been sent by God. Because Zechariah had doubted his message, he would be mute until the promise was fulfilled.


The people waiting outside wondered why Zechariah was taking so long in the temple. When he came out he could not speak to them and they perceived he had seen a vision.

Witnesses Fulfillment

After Zechariah had completed his days of service at the temple, he returned home. Later his wife Elizabeth conceived and she withdrew for the first five months of her pregnancy.

When it was time for her to give birth, she had a boy and on the eighth day, they came to circumcise him. Everyone expected the baby to be named Zechariah, but Elizabeth said that his name was John.

Her relatives and neighbors were surprised; as it was the custom to name a child after a relative and no one in the family had that name. As Zechariah was deaf and mute they made signs to him, to find out what he would like the baby to be named.

Zechariah asked for a writing tablet and wrote, “His name is John.” Immediately Zechariah was able to talk again and began praising God. Everyone living in the Judea area was filled with awe at these events and wondered what this child would be; because the hand ofthe LORD was with him.

Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, declaring that God’s promise to send a Saviour from the family of David was now being fulfilled.

John would be called the prophet of the Highest because he would go before the LORD to prepare His way; giving knowledge of salvation to His people by the remission of their sins.

The child grew and became strong in spirit. He lived in the desert until he came out to preach to Israel.

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