1 John 1:7-9 Gnt – But If We Live In The Light—Just As

1 John 1:9 GNT Context

The book of 1 John was written to encourage and assure people of the church after some began to drift from God’s truth.

Some leaders became false teachers who tried to convert others to their way of thinking. John wrote his letters to speak the truth about who Jesus is and why he came.

1 John 1:9 GNT Meaning

In this portion of 1 John, John is talking about living in the light.

Notice how he says, “live in the light”; he doesn’t say, “live perfectly.” We tend to believe that it is our responsibility to make ourselves righteous before we can ever approach God.

Unfortunately, there are still many today who teach this message; they use fear as a way to gain followers. This kind of thinking may come from a place of shame, a desire for control, or maybe a misunderstood view of God.

Either way, John corrects this thinking by instructing us to live in fellowship with one another, pursuing righteousness not through works alone, but by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

He is the only one who is righteous, and it is only through him that we are made righteous.

1 John 2-5

1 John 1:9 GNT Application

Walking in God’s forgiveness and knowing that he holds you in his hands is one of the greatest weapons that you have against fear and worry. When we are living in the light, God provides for our every need.

If our every need is already taken care of by our Father, what need is there for fear or worry? I encourage you today, step into the light. Humbly recognize your sin and your need for Jesus.

Confess your doubt and take him at his word. Begin to live a life where you don’t have to spend your days hiding parts of yourself from God.

God wants to forgive you, and he wants to lead you. He wants to shift your focus from fear to faith, and from worry to wonder. Will you trust him today?

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

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